Chapter: 20 The Raiders

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It was now the next morning. Clementine ended up going back to bed after you comforted her last night. You stayed in the watch tower, continuing to keep watch. You looked up at the sky and based on where the sun was positioned, you guessed that it was about half passed 6. You weren't the least bit tired. But, grabbing a bite to eat wouldn't hurt. You then decided to leave the watch tower and go over to the big tent where the food was. Once you get there, you open up one of the duffel bags and pull out an MRE. You then start prepared it while keeping an eye on Clem and AJ's tent. After hearing about Clementines dream last night, you weren't gonna let anything happen to them. And if you did, you would make it your life's goal to make up for it. Once you finished your meal, you decided you would get some training in. You went over to the most open part of the camp and began to take your armor off. You then took your boots and socks off, following that was your shirt. You were now left with just your jeans on. You found it best to train with as little clothing on as possible, so that it wouldn't get in the way.
You then began stretching your limbs. Then you started dynamic stretches. You kicked your leg as high as you could, causing your left leg to be completely vertical with your right leg.

Clementines POV:
You had just woken up and sat up in your cot. You didn't know the exact time. But judging by the feel in the air, you guessed it was pretty early. You looked over to AJ who was still sleeping. You then smiled, seeing how peaceful he looked whilst in a deep slumber. You decided you'd let him sleep in. So, you got up and left the tent to go check on Y/N. Once you got outside, Y/N was not up in the watch tower anymore. You started looking around for him. But, he was nowhere to be seen. Panic started to fill your mind, until you heard someone in the distance, grunting. You slowly walked over to the area where the noise was coming from. When you got there, you were shocked to see Y/N "in just his jeans" throwing a bunch of kicks and punches, seemingly at lightning speed. You were completely mesmerized by the speed and agility that Y/N was showing. You decided to walk closer and talk to him.

Y/N's POV:
You continued practicing. You threw your right leg straight up and launched it back down, performing an ax kick into the ground, causing a crater to form where your heel hit.
"Nice moves." You heard from behind you. You turned your head around to see Clementine just standing there with one hand on her hip, smiling at you.
"Finally awake huh?" You said to her with a cocky grin.
"Hey, it's still pretty damn early. AJ, is still asleep though. Thought it'd be nice for him to sleep in." Clementine said to you.
"That's good. That boy needs as much rest as he can get." You replied.
"True enough." Clementine agreed.
You then noticed her staring at all of your scars, seemingly mesmerized by them.
"Clem? You alright?" You asked her.
"Huh? O-oh, yeah I'm fine. It's just... I've never seen so many scars. You've been through so much." Clementine said while walking closer.
"We all have. Just some more than others." You explained.
She was inches away from you. She then placed her fingers on your chest, feeling your scars.

"His chest is so hard. It feels like I'm touching a brick wall. And his scars, I bet each one has a story." Clem thought.

You noticed that Clementine was in some sort of trance, as she was feeling your chest.
"Uhh, Clem?" You said to her.
"Hm?" She replied.
"You gonna just keep feeling my chest, or did you need something?" You asked her.
"Oh! Um no. Nothing in particular." She replied, quickly taking her hand off of your chest.
"Okay? Well, I actually wanted to ask you something." You said to her.
"Oh, okay. Well, go ahead." She replied.
"So, a few nights ago, when I explained how I felt around you. How come you seemed a little saddened from what I said?" You asked her.
She seemed to take a little bit of time to process the question and remember what you were talking about. Her head then shot up and her face seemed saddened again.
"Well?" You said, getting a little impatient.
"You said that you haven't been as happy as you are now, being around someone, for a while. Does that mean, I make you as happy as Sadie did?" Clementine asked you while stepping a bit closer.
You were shocked to hear this question as well as a little puzzled. You then started feeling sad thinking about Sadie.
"Oh god, Y/N. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked that. Just forget about it." Clementine said in a panic while starting to walk away.
But you didn't let her. You grabbed her hand before she could even take a step.
"Clem?" You said softly.
You then turned her around so she was facing you. You then placed your hands on her shoulders. She then looked up at you with puppy dog eyes.
"You make me very happy. Maybe even just as much as Sadie did. But, I loved Sadie, so much. It's been over 4 years since she died. But, I still feel as if I haven't completely let her go yet. And regarding my feeling towards you, I just don't entirely know yet." You explained to her.
"So, are you saying that you haven't completely moved on yet?" Clem asked you.
"I think what I'm saying is that, I have moved on from being with her. But, I haven't opened my heart to another yet." You explained to her while rubbing her shoulders.
Clementine then looked down with sadness.
"So, you don't want a relationship yet?" Clementine asked.
This shocked you at first. You weren't expecting a question like that so early.
"I-I didn't know you felt that way, Clem." You said to her.
"Well of course I do, Y/N. I know we haven't known each other for too long. But, I just feel something between us. I'm not entirely sure yet. But it's something. You're strong, smart, funny, cute, and selfless. I love all of those qualities about you Y/N." She explained to you, while wrapping her arms around your neck.
"Clem?" You softly said.
"I understand if you don't feel the same way. But, I really just had to put out my feelings for you." Clementine said to you while staring into your eyes.
"I appreciate it, Clem. I do feel something too. Not exactly sure either. But who knows, we might find out someday." You said with a wink.
"Oh yeah?." She asked with a smile, while blushing.
You returned the smile and gave her a hug. She returned the hug then released from it.
"Hopefully." You responded.
"We should probably wake AJ up." Clementine said.
"Yeah, we've got some work to do today if we want to make this place more livable." You explained while putting clothes and armor back on.
"Right. I'll go wake him up." Clementine said while walking over to the tent AJ was in.
You thought to yourself for a moment about your past, specifically with Sadie.

~The Will to Survive~ (Super soldier) Male reader x Clementine.Where stories live. Discover now