Chapter:14 Hunting

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It was the next morning being at Ericsons and you remembered that Marlon wanted to see you in his office that morning. Probably to put you guys to work, you assumed. So you, Clementine, and AJ started making your way to the admin building where Marlons office resided.

Y/N's POV:
The three of you had just walked through the doors to the admin building to go talk to Marlon. You then start making your way up the steps to the second floor.
"He's gonna let us stay right?" AJ asked Clementine.
"I guess we're gonna find out. Let's find his office." Clementine replied.
"I'm sure he will. It'd be really beneficial to have someone like you and Clem on there side. Not to mention a super soldier. He'd be crazy to make us leave." You said to AJ.
"Yeah. We're too cool to not stay." AJ said with a determined look. You look at Clem and she just rolls her eyes with a smile.
"Dork." She said to you jokingly.
"Anyways. I know where Marlons office is. I'll show you." AJ said to you and Clem before running up the stairs.
"Up here!" AJ shouted to the both of you.
"Come on this way." AJ said as he started running.
"AJ, wait up!" Clementine shouted to AJ.
You both then walk into a room where AJ is waiting for you. You walk in to see Tenn playing with some toys.
"Tenn's here." AJ said while sitting down with Tenn.
"Hey Clem, hey Y/N. Thanks for the pencils. I missed having colors." Tenn said to you and Clem.
"No problem, Tenn." You replied to him.
"Yeah, sure thing." Clem says with a smile.
"Who are these guys?" AJ asks, picking up a toy.
"They're firefighters." Tenn explains. AJ then picks up another toy.
"That ones a policeman. She's gonna save the day." Tenn said while playing with the toys.
"But what are they?" AJ asks with a confused tone.
"They...these were the people who protected us." Tenn explained.
"Where are they?" AJ asked Clem. Clementine was about to answer, but you butted in.
"Well AJ, some of them are actually still around today. But they're probably not the same people as they once were." You explained to AJ.
"What do you mean?" AJ asked you with a raised eyebrow.
"I mean, this whole apocalypse has changed people. Some in a good way, some in a bad way. Meaning they probably don't continue to do the job they once were meant to do." You said to AJ, crossing your arms.
"What was their job?" He asked.
"Well. To protect and serve." You replied.
"So, what you do now?" AJ asked.
"Exactly." You answered him with a smile.
"Were you a policeman, Y/N?" AJ asked you.
"No kiddo. I was a soldier. And I like to think I still am. But a soldiers job isn't that far off from a policeman's. Protect and serve the people. That's what we sign up for." You explained to AJ with a slightly more serious tone.
"Huh. I-I think I want to be a soldier. When I'm older of course." AJ said to you. This shocked you seeing as you haven't known the kid for too long and he's already aspiring to be like you. You look over to Clem who is shocked from his answer but also proud of him.
"That's a good thing to want to be AJ. You'll be helping a lot of people. Even if you don't realize it." Clementine explained to AJ. She then looks up at you with a bright smile. Butterflies are sent through your stomach as she looks at you. You then turn your head away to try and hide your blushing.
"Now give it back to me and..." Is all Tenn was able to say, trying to grab his toy back from AJ.
"No. He's mine now." AJ said, moving the toy away from Tenn. You are shocked to see this behavior from AJ seeing as his been pretty good up until this point. Then again, he is only 6.
"Hey give it back..." Tenn demanded.
"No." AJ replied.
"You don't even know what they are." Tenn said.
"Okay, okay. That's enough, you two." Clementine said to them while taking the toy form AJ.
"It's not yours anymore." AJ said to Tenn. Tenn responded by sticking his tongue out at AJ. Clementine then gives the toy back to Tenn.
"It's, mine!" AJ says to Clem.
"No it's not." She replied.
"Ugh, fine." AJ said, crossing his arms in defeat.
"How would you like it if someone took something from you AJ?" You asked him while kneeling down to him.
"I-I wouldn't like it." AJ replied while bowing his head in shame.
"That's what I thought." You said to AJ in a fatherly tone. Clem then looks at you and gives you that same head tilted smile you love so much.

~The Will to Survive~ (Super soldier) Male reader x Clementine.Where stories live. Discover now