Chapter: 7 Alone again

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It was 7:55 at night. All that could be heard was shouting and the sound of the dead. You were 15 now. You woke up in your quarters, hearing the horrible sounds going on outside. Your door then flies open, revealing a soldier with blood all over him.
"Sir we're in a lot of trouble, some of our soldiers have plotted mutiny and are now tearing our base apa-." He then gets cut off from a bullet to the side of his head. You immediately let your instincts take over and roll out of your bed and grab your colt off of your desk. You then take cover behind the door waiting for someone to come in. You then see an armored soldier holding an M-16 walk into your room scanning the area, presumably looking for you. You don't give him any time to react. You launch at him from behind and snap his neck. His body falls limp to the floor. You then kneel down next to him to try and confirm who he is. It was second class private James as you read from his dog tags.
"What's going on here?" You asked yourself with a confused tone. You then decide to take his M-16 and loot his body for any remaining ammo. Then you go over to the armor stand with your Reaper armor and put it on. Then you start equipping all the gear to it and then your weapons. You holstered your colt, duel M1911s, your grappling hook to your side, your great grandfathers knife in its sheath, and then you put your helmet and mask on. Then you take your new military duffel bag you got not to long ago, then sling it over your shoulder. You then take your M16 and hold it at the ready. Then you start to make your way outside, ready to fire upon any threat. Once you get outside, what you see is mind blowing and awful. There was fire and the undead everywhere, most of the tents have been brought to flames and the undead roaming around were that of your former comrade soldiers. The base had been completely compromised. You then start running around, trying to find any survivors, killing any of the undead that got near you. You didn't see any survivors, but you also didn't see too many of the dead.
"Well, this is good. I think that means probably most of the others were able to evacuate in time." You say reassuringly. Then you hear someone yell about 50 yards away. You sprint over in the direction of where the cry can be heard.
"I'm trapped under here! Anyone there!" You hear the voice scream from under a tarp. You then take out your knife and cut the tarp open, revealing the person to be General Reed. He seemed to be pretty banged up and half of his face was burnt to shit.
"Oh god, sir what happened here? What happened to you?" You asked him in a panicked tone.
"D-don't worry about me son. All of this was an inside job. Some of our soldiers stole from the weapons depot and started lighting everything on fire and throwing grenades everywhere. We couldn't do anything at the time because we weren't expecting it. We ended up killing most of them but I think one of them is still around, keep an eye out." He said to you whilst gasping for air. You couldn't believe what he was saying. You have been with The Battle Hardened for 2 years now and have gotten to know almost everyone pretty well. You couldn't imagine why someone would want to betray all of you.
"Who all got out?" You asked him.
"Most of our men were able to escape, don't worry that goes for first Lieutenant Kirk and Corporal Scott as well." He explained. You felt a little bit of relief knowing that two of your best friends have gotten out alive and safe.
"The same is gonna be said for you as well. You need to get out of here, this place is done for." He said to you whilst putting his hand on your shoulder.
"What, no don't be ridiculous sir. You're coming with me." You stated to him. He then looked at you with sad eyes and replied.
"Son, I can't feel my legs. There's no way in hell I'm getting up out of here. You need to go on your own now survive, live by the motto we set for ourselves and this place." He said to you, cracking a smile.
"No no no, sir I can't just leave you here, not after all you've done for me." You replied back to him, tears starting to build up in your eyes.
"Dammit, Reaper. Get you ass in gear. Take your stuff, leave me, and get the hell outta here!" He barked at you, ordering for you to do so. You looked at him in shock. You then realized that what he said, was sound. He wasn't getting out of this place whether he wanted it or not. This place was done for and everyone has left, except for you and him. You needed to go and leave this place behind, just like you've done multiple times before. You then pull yourself together, stop the tears from forming, then look back to General Reed, who is still waiting for a reply.
"Y-yes sir." You stuttered back to him. He then looked at you with a smile of a relief knowing that you would go and live on.
"You were the best of all of us, Y/N. Everyone held you in such high regard and you returned the favor. You were everyone's hero, you're my hero. Now go and continue being that hero. Protect and serve. Sadie would be so proud of you." He said to you with a proud and reassuring tone. After what he said about Sadie, you then remembered back during the battle at Virginia Beach against the old world military. You remember how Sadie practically sacrificed herself to save her fellow soldiers. Not to mention you in the end. You were not gonna let that sacrifice be in vein. Before she died, she wanted you to live on and survive, just like how your parents wanted and just like how Mary wanted. And now General Reed wants that for you as well.
"Also son, one more thing." He said to you his voice was getting quieter. You looked at him, awaiting what he was gonna say next.
"I want you to find whoever caused this before you leave, and I want you to end him. Understood?" He said to you with a serious tone. You then take off your helmet and mask and give him a confident look.
"You can count on me, sir." You proudly replied.
"Good! Make them pay. I'm so proud of you son, now go and heal this broken world." He replied back. You simply nodded your head in compliance then put your helmet and mask back on then started to walk away. You got your M-16 ready and started searching for the bastard that caused all of this madness.
You then heard a gun shot behind you. You didn't bother turning around because you knew that the general had killed himself, not wanting to turn. You searched many tents that weren't up in flames and you looked all over the training yard, but you couldn't find a single person. That was until a bullet hit the side of your head, bouncing off your helmet. You flung your body into the nearest cover you could find, doing a barrel roll then sitting upright behind a barbed tire wall.
"Nice try you motherfucker, but you're not getting through this damn helmet!" You shouted out the the sniper.
"That's fine by me, I'll just shoot you somewhere that isn't armored!" Somebody shouted back. You then started slowly poking your head out from cover, trying to find out where the voice is coming from. You then hear another gunshot, but your reflexes allow you to move your head out of the way just in time before the bullet hits you.
"Dammit!" The sniper griped in anger. Just from that last gunshot, you were able to pinpoint the exact location of the sniper. You then vaulted over the cover you were taking and started sprinting in the direction of where the sniper was, dodging any bullets that were coming your way. You then lunge at the person with a flying knee to their gut. This sends the person into a nearby wall, severely hurting them. You don't waste any time, before the person can get back up, you dash toward them, grab them by the throat, and slam them into the wall by their throat.
"Ahh, you son of a bitch!" The person yells at you. As you look closer at the person, you can tell who it is and you also see their dog tags around their neck. It was First lieutenant Dale whom you got to know pretty well since you two had plenty of shifts together.
"Dale, what the fuck are you doing? Why? Why would you do this?!" You bark at him, trying to get an answer.
"Hahaha, why not, Y/N? The world isn't worth saving anymore and the people aren't worth protecting anymore as well. This whole protect and serve ideal is the cause of some delusional man and his stupid soldiers that followed him." He replied to you in a snarky tone. At this point you had become infuriated with him and have tightened your grip around his neck a significant amount. He was now gasping for air.
"You goddamn wast of human life! That doesn't justify what you have done here. You could've just left if you didn't agree with our ways, but no you had to set fire to everything that we have built here and kill the men who worked hard to build it." You shouted to him choking him even harder now.
"Grrggggh y-you are a fool Y/N. You let them fill you head with bullshit and now look where that has gotten you. Haha you're all alone now, again, and you can't do anything about it." He said to you with a cocky grin.
"Yeah no thanks to you, but it wasn't all in vain. Most of the men managed to escape, my friends included. I will see them again and this place will rise again in due time. And at that point, your efforts will have been in vain." You proudly say to him not releasing your grip on his neck in the slightest.
"You're a monster Dale, you murdered the lives of many innocent people here and you caused the death of General Reed. Also, before I left his side, he asked me to make one promise to him. And that promise was to find the fucker who caused all this and end their life. So Dale, any last words?" You asked him with an angered expression.
"G-go to hell!" He shouted to you, his voice full of rage. You then crack a snarky grin then replied.
"I'm already in it." You say to him before completely crushing his throat with your left hand. This causes all of the oxygen going to his brain to be cut off in turn causing his body to fall limp to the ground now dead. You then pull your Colt out of its holster and aim it at his head. You stand there for a minute, contemplating whether or not you should shoot him or let him turn. You ultimately decide to holster your gun.
"Nah, you're not worth the bullet." You say to the now dead Dale with a look of disgust. With the deed done, you feel like you did General Reed proud, and now it's time to head out. Before you head out, you run to the weapons depot to look for any extra supplies or ammunition you can grab. After that, you run to the storage bay to grab any food or water that you can fit in your duffel bag. After you are supplied, you then run to the vehicle garage to get on your motorcycle and leave this place behind. You find your motorcycle, saddle up everything, then you hop on. You then started up the motorcycle and ride off to the exit of the base. Once you reach the exit of the base, you take one last look back at everything that you had grown to know and love over the past two years. Your heart is filled with sadness and depression, knowing that you are going to be alone again after everything that you've accomplished here. You then remember your promises to all the people that you have made in the past. Survive, live on, stay strong, and now a new goal. Protect and serve. You then ride down the dirt path leading to the main road and you set off to wherever your journey will take you next, leaving everything behind, except for the will of your friends and fallen comrades. As your ride down the country road, you hear nothing but the thundering sound of your motorcycle. You start thinking to yourself about what new things you'll find out here what new people you'll meet. Then your mind drifts to thoughts about the war, about Sadie. You start feeling tears coming it fight then back knowing that Sadie wouldn't want you to continue grieving for her. You then look down to the golden dog tags Sadie got you a year ago and then you hold them in your hand, remember all the good times you had with her and your friends. You're expression then changes to one of happiness and hope. You were so grateful to have met them all. They made you stronger, not to mention a better person. You then let go of your tags and look on down the road.
"So Y/N, where to next?" You asked yourself in the 3rd person. You could go to any other of The Battle Hardened military installations, you could just roam around the state and search for some new people to call friends a new place to call home. Or you could just travel alone and survive for the rest of your life. The last option sounded awful to you and you weren't exactly eager to go to another outpost, so you ultimately decided on the second option.
"Alright next stop, wherever the fuck." You said to yourself jokingly.

A/N: Alright chapter 7 done. Y/N is alone again after 2 years. And it will remain that way for the next 4 years until he meets a certain someone and her little kid. I am just gonna just straight into Y\N meeting Clem and AJ in the next chapter. I don't feel like adding anything about his 4 year journey alone as that would take up even more time. I'll probably add bits and pieces of it during his time with Clem but other than that it'll remain a mystery until then. Thanks for reading!

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