Chapter: 17 Murderer

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It has only been moments after AJ shot Marlon in the head. Everyone, including you and Clementine, stood there staring at AJ in shock at what he had just done.
"No!" Louis said in shock.
"Oh my god!" Omar shouted.
"Shit!" Violet cursed.
"AJ. What've you done?" You asked AJ with wide eyes.
"We could get medicine. From the nurses office." Ruby said while walking up to Marlon.
"Medicine!?" You said looking at Ruby dumbfounded.
"Fuck the medicine. He's dead. The kid blew his brains out!" Mitch said with a shaky voice.
"Y-you shot him. He's dead. You're a murderer." Louis said to AJ with fearful eyes.
"You got Marlon to give up. You saw how broken he was. What the fuck did you teach this kid?!" Louis shouted to Clementine.
Everyone then directed their eyes towards Clementine. You took notice of this and decided to stand in front of her. You did this because you didn't want to take the chance of one of the others attacking her or AJ. You then brought her over to AJ and stood in front of both of them with a serious expression. You saw Mitch looking at Clementine with rage, balling up his fist. He then looked towards you and saw your expression, causing him to look at you with fear.
"Back off. All of you!" Violet said while running over and standing next to you, guarding AJ as well.
"They talked Marlon down, and then they fucking murdered him!" Louis shouted to Violet.
Mitch was beginning to look angry again, while trying not to look at you.
"Take AJ and go inside." Violet said to you and Clementine.
"Come on, let's go." Clementine said to AJ while grabbing his hand.
"Oh, just let them go back to the dorms?" Louis said to Violet with irritation.
"Clem, you take AJ and go back in. I'll stay out here." You said to Clementine. She then looked at you with worry but that immediately changes when she saw your serious and reassuring expression.
"A-alright, Y/N." She replied.
"What? Why are you staying out here? You got anything else to say?" Louis asked you with a pissed tone.
"Shut up Louis. I'm making sure none of you go after them." You replied.
"So what? If we try anything, your gonna kill us just like AJ did to Marlon?" Louis asked with an angry tone.
"Louis, that's enough. Y/N didn't do anything wrong. None of them did. Y/N was just protecting them from Marlon." Violet shouted to Louis, defending you.
"What happens the next time one of us does something this kid doesn't like? Should we expect a bullet too?" Louis shouted to Violet.
"That's not what happened." Violet replied.
"It's exactly what happened!" Louis shouted back.
"Louis, you're an idiot. Marlon killed Brody not 10 minutes ago, admitted to giving Sophie and Minnie away, not to mention saying he'd do it to all of you. And here you are, defending him." You said to Louis with an annoyed expression.
"M-Marlon was in a rough spot. He...he didn't deserve that." Louis replied.
"Neither did Brody." You replied back. Louis was shocked from what you said, seeing as he went wide eyes and started stepping back.
"AJ would never hurt any of you." Clementine said to everyone. Mitch just stared at her as if he was about to attack.
"It was-Marlon threatened us!" Clementine said defensively.
"AJ pointed the gun first!" Louis replied.
"Only because he thought Marlon did something. Which in fact, he did! So how about you stop your little tantrum so we can take care of the bodies and go back to our dorms. We can settle this tomorrow." You said to everyone.
"Fuck that!" Mitch shouted.
"No! I'm done listening to you. You think just because you're some all powerful super human, that you can just order me and everyone else around?!. Well guess what?!. This isn't your precious Battle Hardened. You aren't a solder anymore. You aren't in charge. You never were." Louis said to you while stepping closer. You started getting enraged by his words.
"I'm warning you, Louis. Step off." You said to Louis with an intimidating expression. Louis looked scared for a second, but went back to his confident expression.
"You can't do everything. You aren't a god. You can't save everyone. You let Marlon die. You let Brody die. You couldn't even save your girlfriend!" Louis shouted to you. You knew exactly who he was talking about. Sadie. He knew he immediately fucked up because you started to walking towards him. Your eyes were completely enraged again and you were giving off the same intimidating expression and aura as before.
"Louis!" Violet responded with shock and disappointment.
"How dare you!" Clementine shouted with rage.
"What the hell man." Aasim said with shock.
Louis started backing away from you with fear all over his face now.
"Rrrraaahhh!" You shouted while dashing towards Louis. You then grabbed him by his neck and lifted him up off the ground. You started choking him.
"Y/N!" Violet shouted.
"Put him down man." Omar said with fear.
"Y/N, that's enough!" Clementine said.
"Mitch then lunges at you and punched your face. But it did nothing. He looked at you, surprised that his punch was ineffective. You ignored him, still focused on Louis. You then felt a hand grab your free hand. You looked down to see AJ holding it. You were surprised to say the least. Not expecting AJ to be holding your hand.
"Let him go Y/N. Please, don't be like me." He said with a sad expression. You then went wide eyed from what he said. You then looked back to Louis, your eyes back to normal. You then proceeded to put him down gently and let go of his neck. He then fell to the floor then crawled away from you with fear. You looked over to AJ who was crying. This then caused you to start crying as well. You then fell to your knees and proceeded to hug AJ. He hugged back as he started sniffling.
"I'm so sorry, AJ." You said while still hugging him.
"It's okay, Y/N. You're not a bad person. You help people. Just like you did with me and Clem." AJ reassured you. You then felt some arms hug around your neck from behind. You look to see that it's Clementine with tears in her eyes as well. Violet just looked on with happiness on her face, watching the three of you. You then stood up and faced both a Clementine and AJ.
"Y-you see? He almost killed me. They can't be trusted." Louis said while standing back up."
"Only because your dumb ass pushed him too far." Violet replied.
"AJ shot Marlon. And Y/N tried to choke me to death." Louis said.
"We get it, Louis, just back off. And for the record, AJ stopped Y/N from choking you." Violet replied.
"Back off. Seriously?!" Louis shouted.
"Let's go inside." You said to Clem and AJ while taking their hands and walking away.
While you were walking to the dorms entrance, Mitch stepped in front of the three of you.
"He saves you from that car wreck, and you fucking murdered him?!" Mitch shouted.
"Get back Mitch." Clementine ordered.
"Get back. Or what?" Mitch replied while pointing his knife at Clementine. Pretty stupid move seeing as you were right next to her. You then proceeded to disarm him and pin him to the wall. You then gripped the handle of the knife and placed your thumb against the blade. You then pushed on the blade with your thumb, causing the blade to break off and fly into the wall next to Mitch's head. He gulped with fear. Your face was extremely calm but intimidating as well. You then proceeded to throw Mitch a good 10 feet away with just one arm. After that, you, Clem and AJ made your way inside.
The three of you made it into your dorm. AJ ran to his bed and planted his face into his pillow. Clementine looked at you with worry. You motioned you're head towards AJ, ushering Clem to go talk to him. She smiled and nodded her head. She walked over to AJ and placed her hand on his back and rubbed it.
"Hey kiddo. It's gonna be alright." She said reassuringly.
"No it's not! Everyone's mad at me. They hate me!" AJ shouted. You couldn't help but look on with sadness. It pained you to see AJ in such a state. Clementine then looked at you with sad eyes. You returned the look and walked over to them. You sat down next to Clem and just looked down.
"AJ. What I'm about to tell you might be hard to understand. But, they definitely are mad. Some of them at you and some of them at Marlon. The ones that are mad at you, more than likely don't hate you. They hate what you did." You said to AJ.
"So, they don't hate me?" AJ asked.
"Well, I don't know for sure. But let's not think about that. We should get some rest. I feel like we're gonna need it." You said to AJ and Clementine.
"Are they gonna kick is out?" AJ asked you. You looked at Clementine with worried eyes and she returned the look.
"We don't know, AJ. Let's just get some rest. We'll see what happens tomorrow." Clementine said to AJ. AJ then turned to his side, away from you and Clementine. You could tell he was full of emotions at the moment. It was just better to leave him.
You walked away from the bed and grabbed your gun that Clem put on the dresser. You then put it with the rest of your gear and weapons. You then looked back at Clementine who was still sitting next to AJ.
"Clem?" You called to her. She looked over to you, waiting for you to say something.
"Can I talk to you for a minute, outside?" You asked her.
"S-sure." She replied. She then got up and started walking over to you. She followed you out the door and you closed it behind her. She then looked at you with a worried expression.
"*Sigh*, this is gonna bite us in the ass, Clem." You said to her.
"I know. I just don't know how yet." She replied.
"More than likely, they are gonna kick us out. Or at least, maybe take a vote." You said to her.
"You think so?" She asked. You simply nodded your head.
"I've seen it happen many times. When a group has split opinions on a certain person, they'll take a vote to see if they get to stay or if they need to go." You told her.
"Has it happened to you?" Clementine asked.
"Yes. A few years ago, when I was with my last group." You admitted to her.
"What happened?" She asked.
"I killed one of their guards because he was trying to rape a defenseless woman and I got caught in the process. They told me that what I did wasn't justified, even though I saved a life in the process. They said when shit like that happens, even with rape, the person has to stand trial. So the leader and the higher officials took a vote. The woman I saved tried to convince them to let me stay, but I told her it was alright and that I'll listen to their vote. It was 3-7, I had to leave. So I packed my shit up, said goodbye to the little friends I made there, and moved on. But not before stealing some of their supplies. Hehe." You said to her with a little giggle.
Clementine giggled at the last part as well. But then she looked at you with sadness.
"I'm sorry that happened to you." You said.
"It's fine. I didn't really care. I was planning on leaving that place eventually anyway." You admitted.
"But, the same thing might happen to us tomorrow. So just be prepared." You said to her."
"Alright, Y/N." She replied. You nodded your head and was about to open the door to your dorm. That was until Clementine grabbed your hand. You looked back at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Y/N?" Clem said with a soft tone.
"Y-yeah?" You replied.
"Thank you. Thank you for defending me and AJ out there from the others. Thank you for showing restraint and not killing Louis. And thank you for helping me with Marlon." She said to you with tears forming in her eyes. You took notice of this and decided to bring her in for a hug.
"Of course, Clem. Like I've told you before. You and AJ are under my protection. And I'll be damned if I let anything happen to you. I care too much about you. I need you Clem. As well as AJ." You admitted to her, tightening your hug with her. She did then same. You two just stood there hugging for what seemed like a few minutes. Until you both loosened it. She stood there, her arms wrapped around your neck, just staring into your eyes with her beautiful hazel eyes. And you stared into hers as well with your glowing blue eyes.
"We need you too, Y/N. I don't know what we'd do without you." She said. She then leaned in a bit, got on her toes to reach your face, and kissed you on the cheek before releasing her arms around your neck.
"Come on. Let's get some rest." She said to you. She then opened the door and walked in the dorm room. You just stood there, trying to process what had just happened. You then snapped out of it then walked in and shut the door behind you. You then were about to set up your bed on the floor again. But, you could feel Clementine glaring at you the whole time. You looked up to her and sure enough, she was. You then stopped what you were doing and put your hands up.
"Just kidding." You said with a weak smile. She just rolled her eyes and motioned you over to the bed. You get in the bed and Clementine follows suit. But, unlike last time she got in with you, instead of her facing away from you, she was looking straight into your eyes and seemed to be closer to you than last time. You couldn't help but blush the entire time. You noticed that she was also blushing.
"Umm, Clem?" You softly said to her.
"Hmm?" She replied.
"Have you ever progressed this much with someone in such a short amount of time?" You asked her. Her eyes went wide and her face became rose red.
"W-what do you mean?" She asked you.
"I mean, we just met like two days ago. And now, we're sleeping in the same bed." You explained to her. She then looked away for a moment, then back at you.
"I-I just feel right, around you. Like, you completely understand me and I completely understand you. Do you not feel the same way?" Clementine asked you while staring into your eyes. You were taken aback by this question at first but regained your composure.
"I do. I really do, Clem. Like I've said before. I haven't been this happy to be around someone in a very long time." You explained to her.
"I see." She replied with a smile, but with a look of sadness.
"What's wrong?" You asked.
"It's nothing. We really should get some rest. We're probably gonna need it." She said to you. You looked at her with confusion at first. You definitely knew something was bothering her. But, you didn't want to pry.
"Yeah. Let's get some sleep." You replied to her. She then smiled then closes her eyes.
"Goodnight, Y/N." She said.
"Goodnight, Clem." You replied.

~The Will to Survive~ (Super soldier) Male reader x Clementine.Where stories live. Discover now