Chapter: 4 Hell on earth

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You walked outside from the facility, closing the door and leaving this place behind. You look on to the horizon as you see the main city. Smoke can be seen rising from this city along with some explosions heard and some visible.
"What am I getting myself into?" You say in a worried tone. You then start heading towards to city. It had been a while since you've been to Columbus Ohio. You never really liked the city. It was too noisy and dangerous in your opinion. Well now it's not too different, just multiply the noise and danger by 100.

Time skip:
It took you about 20 minutes at a light jog. You then reach the city only having to deal with a few of the walking dead, but trying to ignore most of them. You were surprised at how fast you arrived. Even at a jogging pace you felt like you were zooming along and you weren't tired or fatigued in the slightest.
"Man this serum sure is something." You state to yourself with a slight grin. Now to get to your house. You tried to remember the layout of where certain locations were to try and find your way back to your suburbs. After about an hour of mapping the area, you where able to pinpoint where your house should be.

Time skip:
It took an hour to reach your suburbs because you didn't bother running. You just tried to stay out of sight. The dead flooded the streets and all that could be heard were their moans and growls.
"This is so fucked!" You say with a panicked tone. But ultimately you get it together and decide to keep walking to your house. After about 15 minutes you finally reach your house. It still looks okay with just some minor damage on the outside.
"I really hope mom and dad are okay." You said to yourself with a hopeful look on your face. You walk up to the door slowly and as you're about to knock, you stop yourself.
"Oh yeah Y/N real smart to knock on a door during the end of the world." You say to yourself in a sarcastic tone. So instead you try to quietly open it but it's locked.
"Of course. Wait the spare key." You said, excitedly. You remembered that your dad left a spare key outside under a hallowed out rock just in case one of you ever got locked out. You find the rock underneath the stars to the door.
"Please be here. Please be here. Please be here!" You pleaded to yourself. You lift the rock revealing a slightly rusted, but still usable key.
"Yes!" You say in excitement.
You use the key on the locked door then slowly begin to open it. Using as much caution as possible, you enter your house then scan your surroundings with your eyes. You see trash bags littered all over the place and see that some of the stuff that was here before is gone now.
"I don't like the looks of this. Okay, calm down Y/N, maybe they got robbed but hid somewhere. Th- they could still be here." You stutter, trying to reassure yourself. You then decide to make either a smart move or the worst move possible.
"Mom? Dad? It's Y/N, I'm home." You said calling out to them. Then you hear some shuffling from upstairs. You pull out your gun and slowly make your way to the stairs. You hear the shuffling getting louder as you approach the top. Then you look into your parents room and see that it is wide open. You slowly walk in holding your gun ready to fire. You knew how to shoot a gun, having a military family and all. But once you walk in the room, you see something devastating. Your parents were on their bed, but they where tied up to it, trying to reach for you once they realized you were in there. They had become what you hoped they hadn't. They had become the undead lurkers that are littering the streets right now.
"No this isn't happening. I-I've come so far. No no no No!" You kept repeating to yourself in a sad and depressed tone. You then collapsed onto the floor and started crying. You then started thinking about how they have probably been worried sick about where you've been all this time, and now your finally back but sadly are too late. They are gone now and there's no getting them back. You then see a note at the foot of their bed. You pick it up and read it.

Dear Y/N, if you are reading this, it means we didn't survive the outbreak. We just want to let you know that we searched for you for so long and contacted as many police officials as we could, but they all turned up with nothing. We feel so bad for leaving you at home unprotected. We understand if you never forgive us, but just know that we love you so much and we hope you can survive this new world that has ushered in. Also stay away from the cities, there are too many of the dead. Grab your great grandfathers knife, hopefully it does some good. Don't let them bite you as well, you'll end up turning if you do. You need to destroy the brain to fully kill them, otherwise they will keep coming for you. Also, your father left a present for you under the bed for your 11th birthday, we hope it helps. Again sweetie, we are sorry for everything and we love you. Please stay safe, or as safe as you can.
Love Mom and Dad.

~The Will to Survive~ (Super soldier) Male reader x Clementine.Where stories live. Discover now