Chacter: 21 The Whisperer

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It was now the next morning since Abel and Lilly came to the camp. You were cleaning off your guns and armor in your tent next to Clem and AJ's. You were wearing your jeans and boots with a normal gray T-shirt. You had your duster laying on your cot while you cleaned your equipment. You had just finished cleaning your colt and started inspecting it.
"Good as new." You said with a smile.
"Morning." You heard from behind. You turn around to see Clem leaning against a support beam for the tent.
"Morning, Clem." You responded with a smile.
"Whatcha up to?" She ask.
"Just cleaning up my equipment." You replied, going back to cleaning your chest armor.
"That's a lot to clean. I still can't believe you wear all of that." She said, admiring all of your weapons, armor, and equipment.
"Well, it's still in good shape, and it helps protect by body." You explained. Clementine started checking you out, up and down once you talked about your body. She stared at your arms and the scares on them.
"My god." You heard her whisper.
"Hm?" You replied.
"Oh, nothing. It's just, you have more scars on your arm than I do my entire body." She explained, feeling your arm. You grinned as she did this.
"You like them?" You asked her. Her face lit up red and she looked straight into your eyes.
"W-what?" She asked.
"I asked, do you like them?" You asked again, with a giggle.
"Oh, umm. Y-yeah, I kinda do." She replied while looking away, blushing. You couldn't help but cherish this moment with her. She was so cute when she was embarrassed. AJ then came into the tent and saw Clementine feeling your arm.
"Uhh, Clem? What're you doing?" He ask Clementine.
"AJ! Nothing I was just seeing what Y/N was doing." Clementine explained to AJ, still blushing. AJ then looked over to you.
"What are you doing, Y/N?" AJ asked you.
"Just cleaning my gear, little man. Here, I'll show you how to properly clean your gun." You said to AJ. AJ then got excited and ran over to you. You then showed him how to clean his gun, the way they would in The Battle Hardened.
"See? Pretty simple, isn't it?" You asked AJ.
"Yeah. My gun is so clean now. Thanks, Y/N!" AJ thanked you with a happy smile. You knelt down and played with his hair.
"No problem, kiddo." You replied.
"Glad to see you're feeling better." You said to him.
"Yeah. It still kinda hurts. But it's not too bad." AJ explained.
"Good." You replied. You stood up and looked over to Clementine who was giving you that signature head tilted smile you loved so much.
"What?" You ask her.
"Oh, nothing." She replied, looking away while blushing. You then heard the sounds of walkers approaching. And from the sound of it, there was a lot.
"Jesus Christ. Didn't I already take out a hoard of them yesterday!" You said in annoyance.
"I'll go take a look." Clementine said while running out of the tent. After about 15 seconds she ran back in with a panicked expression.
"Y/N, we need to leave. Now!" Clementine shouted to you.
"What, why? How many are there?" You asked her while walking up to her.
"Too many." She replied. You went to go look outside and what you saw was outrageous. There had to be hundreds of walkers outside. And they were approaching the camp.
"It's fine. I'll just take em out. I've handled hundreds of walkers before." You explained to Clem and AJ.
"Y/N, I know you can probably handle all of those walkers. But, I'd really feel a lot safer if we just got out of here. This place is nice and all. But, Lilly and Abel know where we are now. They might try and bring others back with them." Clementine explained while grabbing your hand. You looked down at her and her expression was one of worry and fear. You could tell she wasn't comfortable being here anymore and AJ was in the same boat.
"Please, Y/N." Clementine said to you. You gripped her hand as well and looked into her eyes.
"Alright, let's hurry then." You replied with a smile. Clementine smiled back and gave you a quick hug. You hugged her back and then started gathering your equipment.
"Gear up, quickly!" You ordered to them. Clementine and AJ both nodded their heads and went to their tent to get her things. You put your armor on as well as your helmet and mask. You then equipped all of your gear. After you were ready, you darted out of your tent to see that the walkers started invading the camp.
"Shit. Clem!" You shouted to Clementine. You looked over to their tent to see them coming out and running to you.
"We're good. What's the plan?" Clementine asked you.
"We need to get to my bike and get out of here." You explained.
"How do we do that?" AJ asked.
"We kill." You said, unsheathing your knife.
"I'll clear a path while you two follow close behind. Don't worry, I won't let them touch you." You explained to them.
"We can handle ourselves, Y/N. But, okay. Sounds like a plan." Clementine said to you. You nodded your head and started walking towards your bike in the middle of the camp, a hoard of walkers approaching in the process. You kick one into a group of walkers and it knocks a bunch of them over.
"So much for cleaning my gear." You sarcastically said while grabbing a walker my it's head and crushing it with your hand.
"Why don't you just use your guns?" Clementine asked.
"You're smart. You should know that I don't want to waste the bullets on them when I can just kill them with my bare hands. Plus, it's more fun this way." You explained while punching a hole right through a walkers head. You then used your grappling hook to connect to a nearby tree. You then grabbed Clem and AJ and grappled yourself towards the tree. You the disconnected it and landed in a more open area of the camp closer to your bike.
"Damn. You're really good at that." Clementine said.
"You haven't seen anything yet." You replied with a cocky grin. You then noticed a group of walkers huddling around your bike.
"Shit! Stay away from my bike!" You shouted.
"You ran over to your bike, making sure to run slow enough for Clem and AJ to follow close behind. On the way over there you notice one of the walkers grab your handlebars.
"What the fuck?" You said under your breath, wondering why a walker was grabbing your bike. Once you reached your bike you killed the walkers around it and grabbed the one that was grabbing your bike. You turned it facing you and you could see that it was clearing someone wearing a walker skin mask and gloves.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" You said to the guy, holding your knife to his throat.
"Wait, please don't kill me. I can get you out of here safely." The guy said to you.
"Right. And why the hell should I believe that?"  You asked the guy. Clementine was right behind you with AJ, looking at the man as well.
"Uhh, Y/N? The walkers are closing in." Clementine said, starting to panic. You then looked around to see that the hoard of walkers was starting to get closer to you. You knew you could take them on. But you didn't want to risk it with Clementine and AJ with you. You then looked back to the guy, still holding your knife to his throat.
"I promise, I can get us out of here safely." He said, trying to reassure you. You thought about if for a second. But then you came to the usual conclusion you came to a lot.
"*Sigh* Fuck it. You better not be fucking around with us." You sternly said to the man.
"Alright, follow me." The guy replied. He then started walking towards a group of walkers then proceeded to lead them away. He then did the same to another group. After that, he came back to you.
"Alright, that should give us some time to get out of here. You looked around to see that he'd opened up the area and lead the surrounding walkers away from you the four of you.
"Alright." You replied. You then looked at your bike and then the amount of walkers that were in the camp at the moment.
"Leave it. It'll only attract them back to us." The man said to you.
"Yeah, genius. I know that." You sarcastically replied.
"You can always come back for it." AJ said. You then looked down to him and smiled under your mask.
"Yeah, I know." You replied. You then proceeded to throw a tarp over your bike, in hopes that it would help hide and protect it.
"I'll be back for you." You said to your motorcycle while placing a hand on it. You then readied your knife and looked to the others.
"Alright, now that our window is wide open, let's move. Kill anything that gets near you. That is, if I don't kill it first." You said to Clementine, AJ, and the new guy. Clem and AJ nodded their heads. But the new guy just looked away in what seemed to be disappointment. You then started making your way towards the exit of the camp, the others following close behind. But loads of walkers now started entering the camp.
"Why the fuck are there so many?!" You said in frustration.
"I may have lead them here so I could search the camp." The new guy said.
"You what?!" You replied.
"I didn't know the place was taken, I'm sorry." He explained, apologizing.
"Doesn't matter now, we need to get out of here." Clementine said.
"Right. I guess it's plan B." You said while walking towards the approaching walkers.

~The Will to Survive~ (Super soldier) Male reader x Clementine.Where stories live. Discover now