|RESTORATION| Chapter: 36 New Faces

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The six of you have been on the road for a few hours. You were beginning to approach your old bunker you used to live in, before you met Clem.
"*Bzzzt* Alright guys, we're coming up on my old bunker. Park the jeep up at this intersection." You ordered to Scott through the walky.
"*Bzzzt* Copy that." Scott replied. You then pulled up to the intersection and parked your bike on the side of the road, with the others in the jeep parking right behind you. You put your kickstand down and got off your bike. Scott then exited the drivers side door with the others getting out right after.
"Alright. If you need to take care of business, make it quick. We're on a time crunch." You said before taking off your helmet and mask. Scott and Kirk then walked up to you.
"How was the drive?" You asked them.
"Fine, I guess. That girl though. Kayla, is an original chatter box." Scott explained.
"The whole way here, she's been asking questions. Mainly about what it means to be in The Battle Hardened. We've been educating her as best as we could." Kirk explained.
"Good, she needs it. Anything else?" You asked.
"Not really. She asked Clementine a few questions, but that's it." Scott replied.
"I see." You responded, skeptically looking over at Kayla who was crouching down in front of AJ with Clem behind him.
"Alright, guys. You stay here and keep an eye on the bike and jeep. While me and the others head to my bunker." You ordered to Scott and Kirk.
"Yes, sir." They replied.
You then walked over to the others.
"Alright, you three. You'll be coming with me to my old bunker. Scott and Kirk will stay out here with the bike and jeep." You explained.
"Sounds good. How far is your bunker?" Clementine asked.
"Not far. Maybe a 5 minute walk from here." You replied.
"Are you looking for something specific there?" Kayla asked you.
"Eh, not really. Just supplies and ammo, if there is any. C'mon, let's go." You replied, ushering them to follow. Clem walked right beside you and AJ beside her. Kayla trailed in the back. You looked back at her, confused as to why she was lagging behind. She seemed nervous for some reason. Like she was nervous about walking with the rest of you. You then leaned slightly to Clem's ear.
"So, uhh... what's with her? Scott mentioned that she was asking you questions." You asked Clem.
"Oh, yeah. She uhh, asked me about some of the things that me and you have gone through together." Clementine replied.
"Oh, okay. Well, I bet you gave her a good story." You said with a grin.
"Yeah..." Clem replied with a forced grin.
"What is it?" You asked with concern.
"Well, she kinda... asked about some personal things. About... us." Clementine replied with a blush.
"Uhh, okay? What would that be?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.
"She, well... she asked of me and you have had sex." Clementine explained, shocking you immensely.
"She what?" You asked with shock. You then looked back to Kayla and saw that she wasn't paying attention and was just staring off in the distance.
"And. What did you tell her?" You asked Clem.
"I told her no, of course. Because we haven't." She replied.
"Phew, good." You responded with relief.
"Not yet. Anyways." Clementine added. You looked back to her with wide eyes.
"Huh?" You asked.
"I told her no, not yet." Clementine replied, looking over at you, seductively.
"Uhhh, hehe. Well, I guess you're right." You nervously replied with a blush.
"What's sex?" AJ asked you and Clem.
"Shit!" You responded.
"Umm, you'll learn when you're older." Clem replied to him.
"Why does everything gotta wait till I'm older?" AJ asked.
"Because your not allowed to know as a kid." You explained.
"But-." AJ responded before you cut him off.
"No buts. Now stay focused. We're out in the open here." You ordered to him. He just pouted and looked down. You looked to Clem who was holding back a giggle. The three of you then made it to a somewhat open area in the forest.
"Alright, we're here." You said. Clementine looked around, as well as the others.
"Uhh, Y/N? Are you sure?" Clementine asked.
"Yeah, I don't see anything." Kayla added.
"You think I'd just leave a hatch to my bunker out in the open?" You asked them, dumbfounded. They looked at you with confused eyes before you walked over to a large bush. You then moved it out of the way to reveal a rusted metal hatch.
"See? Have it hidden. So nobody would try and loot it." You explain before pulling out a key from your duffel bag.
"Hopefully the lock isn't jammed. Otherwise I'll have to rip it open." You said before inserting the key and turning the lock, hearing a click right after.
"Sweet." You said before opening the hatch to reveal a ladder leading into a pitch black area.
"Well, let's get moving." You ordered before jumping down into the bunker, not bothering to use the ladder.
"He's such a show off." Clementine said before climbing down the ladder. AJ and Kayla followed close behind, entering the dark room.
"Y/N? Where are you?" Clementine asked.
"Over here!" You replied, turning on a light, revealing the bunker.
"Heh, the light still works." You said in shock before walking over to the others.
"Welcome to my old home, and all its glory." You said with sarcasm to the others.
You looked around your bunker and saw that everything was mostly the way you left it. You looked over at your food storage, your shelves, your old bed, your map layout on the wall with all sorts of pins with markers on it. And finally, your old weapons stash.
"Let's see what's left." You said before walking deeper into your bunker, with the others close behind.
"This is, quite the place you have here. May I ask why you left?" Kayla asked you.
"Eh, got sick of staying in one spot. Felt like venturing off. And I'm glad I did." You replied while looking over at Clem with loving eyes. She returned the look, as well as a blush.
"Oh, understandable." Kayla responded, looking somewhat glum.
"What's with her?" You thought.
"Hey, Y/N? Are these pins on this map all the places you've been?" Clementine asked, pointing out all of the numerous pins you had on the map.
"Sure is. I've been all over the state." You replied.
"Man, I bet there isn't a place you don't know out here." Kayla said.
"I don't know about that. But I sure have been around." You replied with a chuckle.
You then walked over to the food stash and opened it, revealing a few preserved cans of food, as well as a few jugs of water.
"Hey guys? Can you come pick these up while I check the weapons stash?" You asked to the others.
"Sure thing, babe." Clem replied, walking over and picking up a jug of water, as well as Kayla, while AJ picked up the cans of food.
"Just set them by the ladder. We'll be out of here shortly." You said, walking over to the weapons stash. You opened up a trunk to find an M1014 combat shotgun. As well as a pair of Beretta 92 pistols.
"Hell yeah!" You exclaimed. You picked them up and checked if they would fit your holsters that used to belong to your 1911's, which they did.
"Perfect fit." You said before picking up the shotgun.
"This is too much for the others. Too much kickback on this puppy. Well, probably not for Clem. But she's got a gun now. I guess I could give it to Kirk. He's been wanting a shotgun." You said to yourself before slinging in around your shoulder. There was nothing else in the trunk, so you closed it and walked over to the shelves. On the shelves, you saw some medical supplies such as ace bandages, peroxide, a bottle of painkillers, and some cotton gauze.
"Might as well take these." You said to yourself before putting the items into your duffel bag. Once you were done, you took one last look at your old home and walked over to the others.
"Alright, that's pretty much everything. Let's get out of here. I want to make it to Richmond before nightfall." You said to the others.
"Sounds good. I bet the others will be happy that we've got some more supplies." Clementine replied.
"I can't wait to see this Richmond place. I haven't been to many communities." Kayla said.
"I think you'll like it. I've got friends there, so hopefully we'll get somewhat of a warm welcome." Clementine explained to Kayla. The three of you then left the bunker and you locked it, just in case. You then started heading back to the others. All the sudden, your walky goes off.
"*Bzzzt* Sir, we have a problem." Scott said.
"*Bzzzt* Like what?" You asked.
"*Bzzzt* Like 3 goons driving down the road in a truck and spotting us. We're gun to gun right now. Hurry back." Scott explained.
"*Bzzzt* On our way, try to avoid a shoot out." You replied.
"Sounds like trouble." AJ said.
"Yeah, kiddo. Let's move." You ordered to them before running back to Scott and Kirk with the others close behind. Once you made it back, you saw three guys armed with rifles aimed at Scott and Kirk, with their rifles aimed at them as well.
"I'll ask again. Where's the rest of your people." One of the men asked the boys. You ushered for the others to hide in cover. They complied as you shot your grappling hook up to a tree and pulled yourself up to it. You put your helmet and mask on and rested on a thick branch, looking down at the three guys.
"I told you, it's just us two. I was on the bike and he was in the jeep." Kirk explained to the goons.
"Bull shit!" One of the other guys replied, not buying Kirks lie.
"We've got you outnumbered and outgunned. So just tell us where they are." The leader demanded.
"That may be so. But we've got the superior weapons, armor, and skills. So I'd suggest not picking a fight with us. Turn around, and leave. Or, stay and die. You're choice." Scott replied, directing his eyes up to you in the tree and grinning. You grinned back through your mask before jumping from the tree branch with a front flip and landing gracefully behind the three goons. You then pointed your pistols at them.
"Ahem." You coughed, grabbing their attention. They quickly turned around and looked at you with shock and fear.
"How do ya want to play this, boys? You can try and gun me down right here, which I promise, won't work in your favor. Or, you can hop back in your truck and beat it. Well, what'll it be?!" You barked to the three goons in front of you.
"I heard about this guy. Fancy armor, creepy mask, and armed to the teeth. Not to mention he's got some serious strength. This is the Reaper." One of the guys explained to the others.
"The Reaper? You mean the guy from The Battle Hardened? Shit." The leader replied to his subordinate.
"My reputation precedes me. Now answer my fucking question. Leave? Or die? Take your pick." You replied, cocking back the hammer of your pistols. They backed away a bit before Scott and Kirk cocked their rifles at them. The guys turned back to them with fear.
"The way I see it now, you're way outgunned and outmatched. So I suggest you leave. Only way your gonna keep your lives." Scott said.
"Shit! Fuck it!" The leader shouted before aiming his rifle at you. But you were way ahead of him. You appeared right in front of him and kicked his rifle out of his hand. You then sent a right hook to his face, but you pulled your punch as to only knock him out.
"Boss!" One of the other goons shouted in shock. The remaining two then came at you from both sides. You spun low and kicked the guys legs to your left, knocking him to the ground. As he hit the ground you performed an ax kick to his stomach. You made sure to weaken your blow, only knocking the wind out of him. The guy on your right attempted to shoot you, but you grabbed the barrel of his rifle and bent it upwards. The guy stood there in shock, until you grabbed his collar and pulled him up off of his feet. You then stared at him through your mask and pulled his face closer.
"Little worthless shits like you, aren't with my time." You said before throwing him to the ground. He groaned in pain before looking back up to you.
"Get lost." You demanded. He then quickly stood up, helped the other guys up, and they both grabbed their boss and headed for their truck. Once they entered they sped off as fast as they could. You then looked to Clem and the others.
"Come on out." You ordered to them. They walked out of cover and over to you.
"That was awesome!" AJ shouted with amazement.
"You never cease to amaze me." Clementine said.
"You... didn't kill them." Kayla said with confusion.
"Didn't need to. They were worthless and weak. Not worth the effort." You replied in a cocky manner.
"Alright. Now that that's taken care of. We ready to move?" Scott asked.
"Sure are. We've got some more supplies from the bunker." You replied.
"Great. Let's pack it up and get goin." Kirk responded, slinging his rifle over his shoulder and walking back to the jeep.
"Oh Kirk, here." You called to him, tossing him the shotgun. He turned around and inspected the gun with amazement.
"Hell yeah. Thank you, sir." He replied with appreciation. You nodded before going to the back of the jeep. You all packed the supplies in the jeep and closed the trunk.
"Alright. Let's hit the road." You ordered.
"Umm, Y/N?" AJ called to you.
"What's up, kiddo?" You asked.
"Can I ride with you?" AJ asked with hopeful eyes.
"Oh, uhhh..." You responded before looking to Clem. She looked back with a serious expression and shook her head.
"Sorry buddy. I think it's best you stick with Clem in the jeep. Don't worry, we'll be there soon." You replied before walking over to you bike. You were about to hop on, until Clem grabbed your hand.
"Babe?" She cooed. You looked back to her and tilted your head.
"I'm starting to really worry about Kayla. She's been acting weird lately. And all those things she's been asking in the jeep, I just feel like somethings up." Clementine explained.
"Well, I've kinda been feeling the same way lately. But, I'm not gonna pry further until it becomes a problem. Thats if it becomes a problem. I wouldn't worry too much about it, okay?" You replied, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"*Sigh* Alright." She responded with a smile.
"Good. You tell me if she asks you anything over the line though, alright?" You asked her.
"Sure, thanks babe." Clem replied, pulling your mask and helmet off and kissing you.
"Well, that caught me off guard. I'm surprised you know how to take it off." You said with a blush.
"I've seen you do it enough times. Also, I've been wanting to kiss you for hours now. I wish it was you sitting back there with me, and not her." Clementine explained, referring to Kayla.
"I know. Just a little further to go. Then we can settle down a bit. But remember, we're doing this for a reason. So we can't spend a whole lot of time goofing off." You explained, putting your helmet and mask back on.
"I know. Well, I'll see you in a bit." She replied before turning around and walking back to the jeep. You then hopped back onto your bike and started it up. Scott started the jeep behind you, signaling that they were ready. You then road off on your bike with the others close behind.

~The Will to Survive~ (Super soldier) Male reader x Clementine.Where stories live. Discover now