Chapter: 15 The Stranger

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You and Louis were sneaking around the forest on your way to the fishing hut to meet up with Clem, AJ, Violet, and Brody. Louis was being as quiet as he could, but still making the occasional noise, which was starting to annoy you. You had your infrared visor activated, trying to seek out the heat signature of your possible stalker who sabotaged the traps.
"See anything yet?" Louis asked while looking around nervously.
"Still no, just some animals. And didn't I tell you to shut it?" You said to him with an annoyed tone.
"Alright, alright. Sorry. I'm just, nervous is all." Louis explained to you with a nervous expression.
"You're the one who wanted to come with me. So stop complaining and zip it." You replied to him with a serious tone. Louis then looked down in shame.
"I-I should've just gone back to the school with Aasim. I'm just holding you back." He said to you with a shameful expression.
"Well, you're not wrong. But, it doesn't matter now. Let's just keep moving." You replied to him. You two then continue on. You finally reached the fishing hut but once you scanned the area, something seemed off.
"Where are the others?" You asked with suspicion.
"I'm not sure. Let's take a look around." Louis replied. You then walk up to the hut and notice a dead walker on the ground with a spear in its head.
"What the hell?" You said in a confused tone.
"Vi wouldn't have just left this out in the open. And isn't that one of our spears?" Louis question with a raised eyebrow.
"This had to have been our stalker friend out there. Stay vigilant." You ordered. You then walk up to the door and inspect the lock. You then noticed that the lock had been busted.
"Well. The lock is busted." You said to Louis, showing him the broken lock.
"Fuck." Louis said in a worried tone. You then pull out your combat knife and kick the door open. Inside the place had been trashed and it looked like a lot of stuff that should have been there, wasn't.
"Shit! The place has been ransacked." You said to Louis.
"God dammit. All of our supplies are gone." Louis said in a distressed manner.
"I'll have another look outside, stay in here and see if you can find any evidence." You ordered to Louis. He then nodded his head in compliance. You then make your way outside and take a look around. You then see a destroyed fishing trap in the river. You walk over to it and analyze it.
"What's this guys motive?" You muttered to yourself while inspecting the trap. You then notice Violet, Brody, Clementine, and AJ walk into the hut. You then made you way over to them.
"What the fuck happened to this place!" Brody shouted, looking inside the hut.
"Everything is gone." Violet added.
"Well nice of y'all to join us." You said to the group. They all then turn around surprised, clearly not expecting you to be there.
"Jesus Y/N. You scared me half to death." Clementine said to you while placing her hand on her chest.
"Y/N!" AJ said while running up to you. You then gave him a fist bump and kneeled down to him.
"How's it going little man? I'm guessing you didn't catch any fish?" You asked him.
"No. There weren't any in the river and our trap was broken." He replied slightly disappointed.
"I saw. Don't worry about it. I managed to get us 3 rabbits and a deer." You said to him reassuringly.
"Really?" AJ asked you with a surprised expression.
"I don't doubt it." Clementine added with a smile. You returned the smile then stood up, taking your helmet and mask off.
"We've also got someone spying on us and sabotaging our traps. One of the rabbit snares in the hunting grounds was destroyed as well." You explained to them.
"Also these ashes are still fresh." Louis said, pointing out the still smoldering fire place in the room.
"I've been trying to track them, but haven't had any luck yet." You explained to everyone.
"W-what? Why would you track them?" Brody asked in a panicked tone.
"Well, to find them and make sure they stop." You replied.
"Fuck....Fuck. It's-Fuck... it's okay Brody...breath c'mon c'mon c'mon." Brody started saying in distress.
"Brody, chill out. This is no time to panic." You said to her reassuringly.
"Just shut the fuck up okay!" Brody shouted at you.
"What was that?" You replied to her in a serious tone, completely unfazed by her sudden outburst.
"I-I have to tell Marlon about this." She replied.
"Hold up there. It still wouldn't hurt to find more food. We might have enough for tonight. But we should think a little more down the line." You said to her.
"You guys figure it out." Brody said before storming out of the hut and back to the school.
"So what now?" AJ asked.
"Well, like Y/N said. We should have enough food for tonight, but we need to think about tomorrow as well." Clementine replied to AJ.
"That's right. Although the hunting and fishing grounds are dry probably until tomorrow. So there's only one thing I have in mind." You said to the group.
"And...that would be?" Louis asked.
"The train station. Although the seller that had the food in it was blown up, there has to be something left." You suggested you them.
"Y/N's right. There has to be something left down there. There was so much." Clementine added.
"I don't know. The train station is outside of the safe zone." Violet said with an unsure tone.
"Well if I go alone. There's no chance any of you would be involved. Plus, Marlon seems to trust me more with outside operations. You know, considering my background." You said to them.
"No way. You're not going alone Y/N. I'm coming with you." Clementine said to you with a disappointed expression while placing her hand on her hip.
"Yeah I mean. I'm down for going." Violet added.
"Me too." Louis replied.
"I'll go too." AJ said as well. You all then stand there for a moment contemplating.
"Alright. Come along then I guess. But do exactly as I say. By now the place is definitely crawling with walkers. We also need to worry about our stalker out there. So keep your eyes peeled." You ordered to them. They all then proceeded to nod there heads.
"This is gonna be dangerous. But I'll make sure we all get out of it alive and well. Then we can head back to the school and chow down." You said to them.
"Sounds good to me. Let's go." Clementine replied with a determined expression. You all then make your way out of the hut and in the direction of the train station.

~The Will to Survive~ (Super soldier) Male reader x Clementine.Where stories live. Discover now