Chapter 1: Deeper Intentions

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Sam, Dean, and Castiel just finished a job and Dean was getting some sleep in the passenger seat, Castiel was in the back just kinda staring at Dean as he slept. Sam adjusted the mirror to see Castiel's line if sight and decided he'd finally ask him what he assumed had been happening, what his brother didn't know. "Cas, can I ask you something a little personal?" Asked Sam as he glanced up at the mirror and watched Castiel's eye line move from Dean to the mirror to look Sam in the eye.
"Of course." Said Castiel as he had this vacant stare with no emotion behind it.
"Do you have a crush on my brother?" Asked Sam as he continued to drive while watching Castiel's face turn slightly red.
"I don't know what you mean?" Said Castiel in a flat voice no tone, no emotion, like usual but some how still after all this time that flat emotionless tone was still amazingly calming.
"Well I've been noticing that when you talk with Dean you actually have slight emotion in your voice, so do you like him in that way? I have no judgement towards it but it's starting to get a little creepy." Said Sam as Castiel nodded.
"I understand I'm sorry." Said Castiel as he lowered his head.
"You still haven't answered my question, do you have feelings for my brother?" Asked Sam as Castiel lifted his head.
"Yes...I think." Said Castiel sounding confused his flat tone was gone.
"What do you mean, you think?" Asked Sam as Castiel sighed.
"Angels have never been able to feel emotion and never this heavily without giving up their Grace. I don't understand these feelings it's nothing I've ever felt before." Said Castiel as he glanced over at Dean and actually gave a small smile.
"Then you gotta tell him." Said Sam as he actually found it funny that of all living things to catch feelings for his ass of a brother it was a male Angel.
"You know your brother better than anyone correct?" Asked Castiel as he looked over at Sam.
"Yeah like the back of my hand, why do you ask?" Asked Sam as he watched that smile on Castiel's face quickly fade.
"Well how do you think he would react if I told him?" Asked Castiel as Sam slightly nodded thinking about it.
"Well he'd be freaked out definitely for a while but I think in due time and a little convincing, I think he'll come around to it." Said Sam with a smile.
"Thank you Sam that is quite reasuring." Said Castiel just as emotionless as before.

Later the next day they all checked into a motel, not for a job or anything just to sleep on legitimate furniture. Dean flopped down on the bed. "I call this one Sam." Said Dean as he stretched and sat up. Sam looked over at Castiel and slightly hinted to him to tell Dean.
"Well I'm gonna go get food, I'll be back in a bit." Said Sam as he quickly exited the room and grabbed Dean's keys.
"Dean, I have something to tell you." Said Castiel as he sat next to do on the bed but not close enough to encite any sort of reaction.
"What's up Cas?" Asked Dean as he laid back down on the bed.
"According to your brother it seems I have a crush on you, but I just don't understand why or how for that matter. I just don't-" Castiel was interupted by Dean kissing him. Dean's hand was clutched around his tie and his other hand was on his inner thigh, Castiel's face had turned bright red due to this interaction. Dean stopped kissing him but was still quite close to him.
"Let's skip the formalities and get straight to the sex." Said Dean in a whisper. He moved his hand from Castiel's thigh to his chest and shoved him onto the bed.

About 30 minutes later Sam came back with food and unlocked the door and immediately almost hit with Dean's boot. "Come back later!" Called out an exhausted Dean.
"What?! Why?!" Asked Sam as he held a bag of food.
"COME! BACK! LATER!" Shouted Dean as Sam sighed.
"Fine." Said Sam as he closed the door. Sam walked off to a bar and sat down. He waited there for an hour or so before deciding to head back. When he stepped up to the door he noticed Castiel's tie on the door. He took it off, unlocked the door, and wasn't assaulted with his brother's foot wear. He stepped in and saw Dean passed out on his bed under the sheets and Castiel sat at the edge of the bed, dressed and looking for his tie. "Looking for this?" Asked Sam as he tossed the tie back at Castiel. "Dean hung it on the door handle." Said Sam as he sat down on the bed and smiled. "So that went well." Said Sam with a slight snicker.
"Yes it did. It was unexpected how well he would take that." Said Castiel as he adjusted his tie.
"Yeah, well I'm gonna get some sleep." Said Sam as he took off his shoes and lied in bed.

He quickly fell asleep actually having a good dream for once. It was simple, Sam and Dean had finished their time being hunters so they had time to have a family. Dean had two little girls one was nine and the other was eight, as far as Sam could tell in his dream he and Dean still lived together. Sam was a lawyer and Dean stayed at home with all of the kids and suprisingly good with them. Sam assumed this was all a dream so he just sat back and enjoyed it. Suddenly it got weird, it started to seem like they didn't quit being hunters. He saw himself, Dean, and Dean's oldest daughter throwing knives at targets in the backyard and Castiel was there. "Alright pop quiz, how do you kill a vampire, stake to the heart or sunlight?" Asked Dean as the nine year old retrieved the throwing knives.
"Neither, you take their heads, duh. Don't try and trick me Dad." She said with a smirk.
"Good, how about shape shifters?" Asked Dean as he started putting away the knives.
"Silver." She said calmly.
"Ok, last question, what do you do if one of us is possessed but your not sure?" Asked Dean as he knelt down to his daughter.
"Demon trap under the couch and Holy Water in your beer." Said the girl with a smile. "Did I pass?" Asked the girl as Sam came over to her.
"I'd say with flying colors." Said Sam with a smile as he placed his hand on the top of the girl's head.
"I'd say it's bought time we take her on her first hunt." Said Dean as he had his hand on the girl's back.
"Really Dad?!" She said with a big smile on her face.
"What do you say Cas, you think she's ready?" Asked Dean as he looked over at Cas. The girl had her fingers crossed with a look of hope on her face. Cas looked down at her with a expressionless look. He twitched his finger as a way to call her over so she walked over.
"Show me them." He said as he crossed his arms. She nodded and then Sam shot up out of bed panting and sweating.
"Morning Sammie, how'd you sleep?" Asked Dean as he was getting his boots on.
"Suprisingly well, you?" Asked Sam as Dean had a huge grin on his face.
"Like a baby." He said with a chuckle.
"Yeeaah and I sadly know why." Said Sam with a disgusted look on his face.
"Don't be such a prude Sam! It's a new age, I can sleep with a man if I want too." Said Dean as he stood.
"Not what I'm talking about Dean. Just thinking about you having sex in general freaks me out." Said Sam as he stood up and started getting on his boots.

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