Chapter 23

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The Birthday

Pensacola, Florida

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Pensacola, Florida

"You know there's no point running, right?!" I shout out, "I will find you." I start getting impatient as I walk through this huge ass warehouse, chasing after some guy called Peter. He has ties to this Ray guy that Klaus wants to find. And it was my turn to do the interrogating.

I stop walking and listen out for this Peter guy panting somewhere, and low and behold, I can hear him. I vamp speed over to where the sound is coming from, I look down and smirk at this 6ft guy, hiding behind a wooden cart, looking out for me in the opposite direction.

I walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder, he turns around and looks at me horrified and falls on the floor, I crouch down at him and smile, "Boo." He screams and tries to run away but falls to the ground, he grabs a block of wood and throws it at me but I easily dodge it. I groan in frustration as I vamp speed over to him and pick him up using the collar on his shirt.

"I'm sorry." He pleads. I throw him onto the floor, something in one of his legs cracks; oops. He looks up at me terrified, "Who are you?"

I laugh slightly as I walk over to him, "Huge question."

"Why are you doing this?"

I crouch down to be eye level with him again, I stare at him blankly for a second before responding, "I've been told a guy called Ray Sutton used to work here. I want you to tell me where he is."

He tries to stand up but falls slightly and screams out in pain at whatever has broken in his leg. He tries to run away and throws things onto the floor as he does so. Does he really think that is going to stop me from going after him? I start to just simply walk after him, avoiding everything he is dropping on the floor, he turns to face me, "What do you want from me?"

"I want you to stand still." I say in a bored tone. I pin him up against a wall, my vamp features appear, "Tell me where Ray Sutton is."

"He's in Memphis." He blurts out, "He's staying with two women, one of them is my cousin. I can give you the address."

I smile as I let him out of my grasp, "Memphis. Okay." I tilt my head as I still smile at him, "That wasn't so hard now was it, Peter?" I hand him over my phone, "Type the address into here."

He takes my phone and types in the address for this mysterious Ray. He passes me my phone back and looks at me scared, "Are you going to let me go?"

I laugh a little and then glare back at him, "Of course not. Why don't you sit down?" I push him down to the floor by his shoulder and crouch down by him.

He looks over at me, still looking scared shitless, "Are you going to kill me?"

I flash a sympathetic smile as I nod, "Yeah I am." The veins under my eyes appear again as I sink my fangs into his neck, he screams out in pain. Once his heartbeat has stopped, I push him onto the floor and walk out of the warehouse.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 || 𝖻𝖾𝗅𝗅𝖾 𝖺𝗆𝖾Where stories live. Discover now