Chapter 13

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Daddy Issues


I barely got any sleep last night, the image of Rose dead just kept playing in my head. I always try to not get upset seeing someone die, being alive for over 100 years would do that to you. But Rose did not deserve that, she was one of the good ones.

I get out of bed and sort myself out, I get in a hot shower and change into some black jeans and a khaki coloured jumper. I can hear Damon getting up too and then I hear his shower turn on. I figured I'd be a nice sister and go and make him some coffee and bring it up for him.

As soon as I finish making the coffee, I can hear Damon's shower shut off. I make my way up to his bedroom and knock on his door. See that? I knocked. If only my brothers knew how to do that.

"Come in." Damon says from inside.

I open the door and peek my head through with my eyes shut, "Are you decent?"

Damon sighs, "Yes Lola. I'm decent."

I walk fully in and open my eyes, my ass he is fully decent, the dude just has a towel wrapped round him, but it's better than nothing I guess.

"See what I did there?" I ask as I walk over to Damon and give him his coffee.

He looks at me confused.

I smile, "Well, I made you a coffee, I knocked on your door before coming in and also asked if you were decent before opening my eyes. You see what I'm getting at? Maybe you should try it next time you walk into my bedroom."

Damon looks over to me and smiles, "Noted."

My attention goes to his TV where a news reporter is talking about the couple who Rose killed last night.

"The authorities believe last night's assailant may also be related to the missing campers and park ranger who have yet to be found, as well as 25-year-old Jessica Koenig, reported missing this morning. The sheriff's department says investigations are pending and no further comment will be made. In related news Mayor Lockwood spoke earlier today..."

I look over to Damon who I can tell is still pretty cut up about last night, "You okay?"

Damon looks over to me and flashes a fake smile, "Peachy."

It's literally impossible for Damon to speak about his feelings, I can't be bothered to get into another argument about it all so I just leave him to it and I go up to speak to Stefan.

Again, I knock, it's really not that hard to be polite.

Stefan opens his door and smiles at me, "Hey, come in."

Stefan opens his door wider letting me walk in, "How you doing?" He asks.

I take a seat on his bed and sigh, "I'm okay, just one of those things isn't it?"

Stefan walks over and sits next to me, "It's okay to be upset about it you know. I know you knew Rose in the 40s, you were friends."

I shrug my shoulders, "I only knew her for like a month. I'm over it. You know me Stef, I give myself a few hours to be upset and then just move on. What's the point in holding onto things from the past."

I start to think about Klaus. I say there's no point in holding onto things from the past yet I just can't seem to let go of all the memories I have with him. Well, with Nik, not Klaus. Nik was fun, kind and sweet yet still had a devilish side to him which made me get all excited. But, Klaus is just nothing but evil and I can't help but think I'm the reason he turned back into the evil, big bad vampire persona I teased him about all those years ago.

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