Chapter 9

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Jessy's P.O.V

Ally and Ben showed up just a few minutes after we got back from seeing demon Lilly. We were all talking in the living room about everything that was going on.  You would think that with Carter in Mordecai's possession everything would stop, but guess not.

"Hey Scar can I talk to you in the kitchen? Please?" Ally's gentle voice interrupted my thoughts. She was sitting in the single chair all by herself. She stood and grabbed hold of Scar's hand pulling her into the kitchen forcefully.

"Gheez what do you think that was about?" I asked looking at Ben who was slightly smirking to himself.

"I have no idea..." Ben said chuckling quietly. Obviously something was up.

"What? Tell me you ass hole." I begged, still smiling and letting curiosity get the best of me.

"Nothing. Seriously..." Ben grinned widely, that's when I realized it all.

"Wait a minute. You two showed up together here. You both have been missing. You both have been dodging Scar's calls. No. Oh no. You didn't." I gasped, Ben just sat there nodding with a stupid smirk on his face. "You did. Dude. Scar's gonna freak."

Oh man. Ben and Ally now that was unpredictable. What happened to Ally being all lonely because of Carter not being around? Damn, girls around here move on fast. Ally and Scar stubbled back into the room. Scar looking angry, and Ally looking sad, and embarrassed. Ally was holding back tears in her eyes, when she pushed pass me and Ben. She ran out the front door. Through the window you could see her walking down the street. I think I was right, Scar freaked.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Scar said unusual angry towards Ben.

"Hey, I didn't do anything..." Ben through his hands up in protest, and stood to his feet. "wrong. Why did you yell at her?"

"Because she slept with you. Twice, might I add. That is not okay. You are older than her by like 7 years. It's just not normal. Besides best friends don't hook up with their friends brothers." Scar crossed her hands over causing me to rolls my eyes. She was acting like a little girl in six grade.

"Are you kidding me? You're being over dramatic." Ben said walking into the hallway.

"What? I am not. You're messing with her emotions. She just losted Carter..." Scar started.

"What's your point?" Ben said stopping at the door.

"She's vulnerable you jack ass." Scar said walking closer to Ben.

"Even better for me." Ben winked and Scar slapped him across the face. "You are so lucky you are my sister."

"Whatever just go find her so I can apologize." Scar said brushing him out the door.

"I don't need you to tell me what to do. I'm already on it." Ben called stepping out the door.

"Aww you really like her..." I called after him.

"Shut up ass hole." He slammed the door and was gone.

Ally's P.O.V

I walked and kicked all the little peeples I saw laying around on the floor. God, why did I have to be such such a screw up? Carter, my ex boyfriend became evil leaving me, then I hooked up with my best friends brother Ben, and now we have an unbreakable bond thing going on. Honestly though my emotions for Ben are all over the place. To add to the fire, Scar is mad at me. I heard a car rev behind me, I turned around seeing Ben trailing me in his porshe. He rolled down his window and cruized beside me.

"Get in." He demand. I ignored him and kept walking. "Ally don't be this way. Come on. I haven't even done anything wrong."

"You did everything." I said with attitude. I started walking faster.

"Get in the car."

"No. Scar might see and hate me even more." I said stopping for a second and looking straight into the car.

"She's..." I cut him off by running down the path leading to a park in a field area. My eyes were so watery.

From the day I figured out that Carter, and Jessy were vampires everything has been absolutely depressing. First Lexi dies. Then I fell into complete love with Carter, who tried to rape me, then beat me. Then I fall into love with my sisters brother who is about 6 years older than me. I stopped sprinting and dropped to the floor on my knees and stayed on the ground crying. I can't take it anymore. All this stress. I heard twigs crack. Without turning around I knew who it was. Ben.

"Go away." I said trying to hide my teary face from him.

"No." I heard him stepping closer. He stepped in front of me and just stayed there looking at me with sympathy in his eyes. He lifted my chin. "Look into my eyes." I did as he said. "Crying and being upset won't solve anything. I get it your confused and anger, but I can help you. Just stop crying."

I snuffled, and wiped some tears from under my arm. Ben pulled me up into his arms, bringing me into a tight hug. He pulled out and our eyes connected again.

"Take my hand. We can walk a little before we go back." He smiled, and I shrugged and relaxed into his shoulder. He hand threw his over my shoulder and pulled me tight to him. If Carter wasn't my first love this would be so easy.

------------1 hour later---------

Ben and I walked through the door. Of course I was in a different mood, a better one. We walked into the living room. I froze when I saw Kyle,Jessy,Scar on one side of the living room, and Ash, and Demetre on the other side.

"What's going on?" I ask confused.

"Demetre is going to help us with Lilly.." Jessy said sitting on the couch relaxing. I guess with Ben here, he thought he wouldn't have to do anything if Demetre attacked.

"Actually Dominic, and Annabelle would like to help too." Demetre said smiling to Ben and I.

"This is crazy." Kyle said in protest.

"Not necessarily. We can free Lilly and maybe get Carter back to his regular self." Ash said stepping forward.

"Carter? His regular self? What do you mean?" I said gulping.

"Long story short. I found out from two little birdies, that your stupid lover boy is possessed. That's why he's my fathers favorite." Demetre said sitting.

Roy stormed into the living out of the hallway. Where the hell did he just come from?"This should be interesting." Roy sat beside Jessy.

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