Chapter 13 (Molly)

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Lilly's P.O.V

Molly took us to Mordecai's place, the guards standing at the gates didn't care. They let us walts right by, I guess Moredcai was expecting her. We got inside and right away Mordecai was at the enterance.

"Molly, darling. Look at you..." Mordecai embraced us into a hug. "This body surely does suit you."

"Well I miss my own... When do I get it?" Molly spoke curiously.

"Don't worry, you'll get it back.."

"When?" Molly cut Mordecai off.

"When I'm done with you." Moredcai threw his hand over our shoulder, "come on I have someone for you to meet."

Molly nodded and we followed Moredcai through the hallway, into a kitchen. Where a man was sitting at the counter with a glass of blood in his hand. He stood at the sight of us. He was so fimilar looking. My train of thoughts were interfered by the man holding his hand out.

"Darling this is Cole, my brother." Mordecai said to Molly. She held her hand out to Cole.

"Molly." She said. Cole took her hand and kissed the back of it.

That's when it hit me. One day at school, Scar pointed out a man. She said it was her new teacher. Mr. Saltzman or something. Her and Jenna called him Mr. Douche. Something was up, this Cole guy is Scar's teacher. Something bigger than just Moredcai is going on.

"Well, Molly I have something for you to do, and then you may have your body back. You have my word." Cole said and smiled.

"Molly. I don't trust them."  I said in my head.

"Why do I care what you think?" Molly communicated silently.

"Listen Moredcai can't be trusted. I know him. He doesn't care who or what dies. He would probably kill his own children. I've seen this Cole guy before he was pretending to be a teacher. I doubt Moredcai knew about that." I started.

"Get to the point." Molly said.

"Something's up. We might lose both of our bodies. Let's work together and figure it out." I finished.

"Alright what do you need?" Molly was talking to Cole.

"What are you doing? I said I don't trust themI was confused.

"If I didn't agree, they would know that we know something. We have to pretend to be with them." Molly said.

"So we're a team?" I asked.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Molly said emotionlessly.

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