Chapter 28 (Poof)

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Ash's P.O.V

It was right after training and I was walking up to my room to change into some clean clothes. The council was crazy. The training session was from 7:15-11:50... I guess Mordecai and the other's scared the crap out of them.

"Ash." A voice distracted me from walking. I turned to see who had called me. No one was there. I looked forward again, and suddenly someone was in front of me. No, not someone, Kyle.

"Oh my God. Kyle!!" I yelled jumping into a hug. He chuckled and stumble backwards. I pulled out of the hug angry. I punched his chest. "You dumb ass. You promised you wouldn't go."

"And you promised you loved me, but I guess we can't keep promises very well." He said placing his hands in his pockets.
I cleared my throat scared of the converstation we were about to have.

"So what happened to the big bad war?" I shrugged bumping him to walk with me.

"Umm we won." Kyle smiled walking beside me. He looked down at my hand and I noticed I was still wearing the promise ring he had gave me. "You're still wearing it."

"Uh yeah." I started twisting the ring around my finger, thinking. "It didn't feel right to take it off."

"Oh.." Kyle awkwardly shrugged. He stopped walking and turned to me looking deep into my eyes, but didn't say anything.

"What?" I asked with a faint giggle.

"I just hate seeing you like this." He converstated while stroking my cheek.

"Like what?" I furrowed my eyebrows, alittle confused.

"Damaged." I squeezed my eyes shut, after that one word came out of his mouth. I was official a damaged girl. "Look I heard about Demetre, I'm sorry for your lost."

"Don't say it like that. We weren't married." I came to protest immediately. He actually made it sound like my husband, or family member died.

"I'm sorry. You didn't love him?" Kyle seemed shocked.

"Um.. Uh..." I stuttered.

"Is this a hard question?" Kyle asked raising his eyebrow. He seemed to be amused.

"No. I loved him. I did." I nodded my head saying yes.

"Then why did it take you so long to answer? Huh?" He was in my face, laughing now. "You're just a stupid slut." Then, poof, he was gone.

What the hell was that? He was so normal and then he literally just snapped. I can't pretend like what he said didn't hurt me. It did. I need to find him and fix things.

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