Chapter 20 (Cottage)

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^^Molly's original body.

Dominic's P.O.V

Gathered in the mansion, I was sitting there nervously. Around me were my three uncles, and my father. They all seemed utterly angry, mostly because it was sun down, and there was still no sign of the 'enemy'. I know I'm suppose to be evil and all, but I guess that I'm some what special. I can't help but feel guilty about everything. I helped the enemy and my family was completely unaware of that. Thanks to Molly, they know only about Demetre, but I guess that's what happens when you torture people. Everyone breaks. Oh man Uncle Moredecai must be fuming.

Mordecai picked up the bottle of whiskey, he had slowly been sipping and chucked it at the fire pit, angrily. The fire blew up into flames, but then died down quickly.

"Where the hell are they?" He grunted walking back and fourth.

"Patience is key, brother." Uncle Sam sat in the chair with a hand on his chin. He looked like a bored teenager in English class.

"Shut up you fool." Mordecai raised his voice. "They arent coming. I told you."

"Ah now that's where you are wrong brother. You stop attacking, I don't. This was my plan and I will be successful." My dad spoke like a true leader. "I'll send my men to the house. They'll capture anyone they find, and report back." My father smiled and gave Mordecai a reassuring nod.

"I'll come with you." I volunteered to go with my father so that I would feel better about myself.

"I'll come along as well." Annabelle said standing from her chair.

My father signalled us to follow. My dad, Annabelle, and I were walking down the hall when my heart froze. I got the quickest glance at a scared Demetre. Damn, was he in for it. I continued following to leave.

Demetre's P.O.V

Fuck. That look that Dominic just gave me means that I'm probably going to hell. I walked into the living room, getting disapproving eyes on me from all directions. From my uncles, and my father.

"Father." I said sternly. He stood and stared at me across the room. It was like he was searching my soul.

"Leave us." He looked at my uncles. They stood and left just as my father asked. I gulped as they slammed the door behind them. "You stupid stupid boy."

"Father I can explain." I put my hands up in surrender. My dad had this threatening look on his face.

"Explain? Explain!" He started slowly creeping closer and closer. "Explain what? Huh? How you betrayed your own family to help stupid cowards."

"Stop. They aren't cowards." I stood up for them, but after the words slipped from my mouth I regreted it.

"You mustn't be my son. No way in hell are you him. He would never betray his father. Where is my son?" Disbelief washed over his body.

"Its me dad. Stop. Okay they aren't cowards. They just want to live a normally life. They want to kept their friends and families safe, just like we d.."

Pain shattered my cheek as my father back handed me across the face. Knocking me on my ass with that one blow. The taste of bitter blood lingered in my mouth.

"You disgust me."

"No father, you disgust me." I spat the blood at his shoe. The last thing I remember is my father's angry face, and his foot striking my cheek. Causing black to flood my eyesight.

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