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Harry and Louis sat side by side. Their mothers across from them. They whispered and giggled amongst each other.

"This is really good mum." Anne looked up from her plate and smiled. Even Anne had noticed Harry began eating more. Louis placed his shaky hand against Harrys thigh. Harrys hand instantly shot to it. He traced little circles on his knuckles. Silently telling him it was going to be okay.

Louis coughed. The two women broke from conversation. Looking over at him. "You okay love?" Louis nods. "'M fine." His mum reached out and pinched his cheek. "I have something I need to tell you mum." She pulled her eyebrows together in confusion. "Oh my. Did you do something at school?" Louis shook his head. "No mum. I'm doing great at school." She sighed. "That's a relief." Harry giggled from beside him. Louis felt relief wash over him from the simple sound.

"Mum. This is serious." She set her wine glass down. "I'm sorry love. Go on." She folded her hands together on the table. Just like she did when him and Harry got in trouble. The memory of them breaking that vase being the most prominent. When both of their mums did the same gestures. "I don't really know how to say this. I don't want you to be mad at me." Harry squeezed his hand. Silently telling him that it's okay. That he was safe. "I I I I I." Tears built up in his eyes. The familiar burn in the back of his throat appearing. "Louis honey. It's okay. I won't be mad at you." She got up from her chair and kneeled down next to Louis'. She wiped away his tears. "I think I'm gay." She smiled and pulled him in for a hug. His hands gripped at her shirt. "Do you hate me?" Louis cried softly against his chest. "No Lou. I don't hate you. I love you. I don't care who you like. You're my son." Harry smiled at he two of them.

It brining back memories of his coming out. Louis pulled away from his mum. "I have another thing to tell you." She nodded. "Okay." Louis turned back and grabbed Harrys hand. "I like Harry." Anne jumped up out of her chair. "I knew it! I knew it!" Harry giggled. Louis' mum grabbed Anne and Jay twirled around in circles. "Why are you two so happy?" Harry spoke so softly. "We've known since you guys were like six. I mean Harry, your friend told me a few weeks ago. But, you never followed up." Harry chuckles. Burying his face into Louis' side.

The four of them were sat in the living room. "Six. Really?" The two women nodded in unison. "You two were the most adorable pair." Louis' cheeks flushed and he avoided eye contact with Harry. "Louis used to cry when he couldn't stay over here with you." Harry pinched Louis' calf that was resting close to his thigh. "Mummmmm. Really." His mum smiled. "You did! I remember we bought you two walkie talkies to solve the issue. Didn't work. You usually snuck out." Harry smiled. Thinking back fondly of all the times he snuck Louis in for sleepovers.

The two sat together in the back garden. Louis had stuck a few daisies in Harrys unruly curls. "You look so soft with them in your hair." He looked down at his lap. His hands bouncing around excitedly. Happy hands. Harry always seemed to have happy hands when he was around Louis.

Louis placed his finger under Harrys chin. Lifting his head up to make eye contact with the smaller. "Do you know how beautiful you are?" Harrys cheeks heated up. He shook his head. "I wish you could see yourself the way I see you." Harry had butterflies erupt in his tummy. A warm feeling flows through his entire body. Harry rested his hand on Louis' bicep. Louis' eyes flutter down to Harrys lips.

Harry had a small smile ghost across his lips when Louis leaned forward. Their lips connected perfectly. Fitting together like a puzzle piece. Louis felt like Harrys lips were made just for him. Electricity went through the two of them every time they kissed. Tongues danced together. The messy breathing. They enjoyed all of it. Harrys favorite part was after the kiss. When Louis held the back of his head in his hand. It was so gentle, yet so firm. The way their eyes lingered on each others lips before they parted. Sheepish smiles and red cheeks. Every time they kissed it felt like the first.

Louis played with the hem of Harrys dress. "I'll never get over how handsome you are." The small boy spoke. His voice so little. He twisted Louis hair in between his small fingers. Louis closed his eyes and leaned into Harrys touch. Harry suddenly stopped and grabbed Louis' hand. "Can I paint your nails." Louis snapped his eyes open. He looked down at the small boy. He stuck out his bottom lip. "Please." His eyes got big and Louis couldn't bring himself to say no. "Okay Haz." Harry jumped up off the grass. He grabbed Louis' hand. "C'mon Lou. Help me. You're heavy." Louis chuckled and lifted himself off the ground. Towering over the boy almost instantly.

Harry ran through the house like a crazy person. Dragging Louis along like a rag doll. He sat him down on his bed. He kicked his boots off before sitting criss cross. He didn't want to get dirt on Harrys butterfly comforter. Harry came back in the room with a basket full of nail polish. "I have almost every color." Louis smiled at him. "I just want a plain color." Harry giggles. "That eliminates ninety nine percent of your options." Louis chuckled. "I thought so." Harry leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "We can just do black. Are you okay with black?" Louis nodded. A small smile playing on lips. Harry rolled his eyes playfully. "So predictable." Louis squeezed the smaller boys hip. Harry giggled and squirmed around.

"Okay. Give me your thumb. It's the last time. I promise." Louis rolled his eyes and held out his thumb for the smaller. Harry hummed to himself quietly as he finished his work. Louis couldn't control his thoughts as he pulled his lip into his mouth. "And. Done." Harry screwed the lid back on the polish. He blew on Louis' nails.

When they were dry Louis admired them. He kinda liked the way they looked. Harry waited patiently for the older ones thoughts. "They look so good baby. You did a great job. Thank you." Harry squeezed his thighs together. The words of praise exciting him. "You're welcome."

"C'mon Lou! We have to get home now." Louis rolled his eyes. She acts like they live across town. Harry frowned. "Don't be sad. I'll see you later." He stood up and pecked his cheek. Harry jumped up and wrapped his small arms around Louis' waist. Louis smiled down at him. He pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He left the room without another word. Harry let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. His happiness leaving the room with the older.

He didn't like being alone.

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