6 - I'm Done

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A/N T/W Ahead feel free to skip. The start of this chapter will be a letter from Hermione (Cinnamon) and Artemis (Silver), she and Hermione keep in contact and Hermione has told her a bunch of different spells that will be relevant later, code names will be used for the characters mentioned and a list will be below.

July 9th 1993 

Harry (Lightning)

Ron (Won Won)

Ferret (Draco)

Dear Silver, 

You want the good or bad news first.

I'll give you the good news first, 

1. Lockhart is gone

2. Everyone who has been petrified is back

3. The thing petrified everything has been killed by (Lightning)

Bad news:

1. I got petrified

2. Lockhart lost his memory 

3. Won Won's sister got taken into the Chamber of Secrets

4. The Chamber of Secrets exists (Salazar Slytherin made it)

5. A basilisk lived there (It is now dead)

6. Dobby is free!! (And was ferret's families)

7. Lightning destroyed an evil magic diary (I swear he is a trouble magnet)

Anyway, that's everything that happened, and any ideas on what Lightning's phantom pains could be? I passed all my classes with flying colours (Even Professor Sappy's). I wish you could be at Hogwarts with me, you would be great.

Love from Cinnamon.


I close the letter and put it safely in my bag and sigh, I wish I could be at Hogwarts too I think,  as I lift my shirt and rub the numbing cream on my bruises from last night, leaning my head against the headboard I let myself imagine being at Hogwarts with Hermione before I am broken from my train of thought.

"BRAT GET DOWN HERE AND MAKE DINNER!" John Smith yells, NO I scream in my head not wanting to go near him, it's been 4 weeks since I got dropped off here but I can't bring, myself to text Emily anymore about this stuff sometimes it's just easier to stay since most of the homes I got to are the same. Walking down the hall I reach the main room which is a living room, dining room, and kitchen, moving to the kitten I start making dinner.

T/W Ahead sexual assault

I feel pain all over my back and ribs,

"Pleas... please stop" I cry as Smith keeps punching me in my gut,

"I told you to make me steak," He grits out and his breath smells like whiskey, "I might as well get something out of this though," A sinister grin appears on his face, Smith starts slowly dragging my pants down as realise what's about happen, tears leave my eyes,

"Please, no, DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I scream trying to get away so he holds one hand on my waist keeping me from moving away from him, tears prick my eyes as I feel his fingers dig into my waist. For a second I stop fighting and a smug look on his face appears, the second he's in the right spot, I knee him in the chest and run up to my room. Still panicking I throw my hands out and the bed goes right up on the door.

A/N End T/W Also I know this is badly written but I didn't know how to write it


"Stay the hell away from me!" I yell while running around the room packing all of my stuff, I push the window up and drop to the ground as I run towards the town.


I'm walking around town near my adoptive Dad's shop when I see a girl running towards the center of town, as she gets closer the first thing I notice is she is covered in bruises, and then I notice her eyes that their bright green like a girl I used to know in the foster system, but they are full of panic. I as she runs closer I make sure I'm in the middle of the path so she has to stop. My eyes widen when I realise it is the girl I used to know,

"Artemis?" my voice laced with shock, she stops and looks straight at me as her eyes widen in realisation,

"Dain?" Artemis says as if not sure of herself,

"Hey little moon," I say my nickname for her so she knows it's me, I hold my arms out waiting for her to be ready, after a moment she slowly walks forward and comes into my embrace,

"Hey Big Brother," Artemis says into my shirt, after holding her for a bit I say,

"Come on I'll take you to my place,"

"Your place?" She questions

"Yeah, my adoptive Dad,"

"Right." The walk to my place is silent it isn't an uncomfortable silence, but I notice how she keeps flinching when there are random noises or how she has her arms wrapped around herself. 

"We're here" I whisper, looking at the motor shop and smiling at the similar smell of petrol, using my key I open the garage, and look around and see my wand on the table, Shit she can't see that, I think and I quickly pick it up but I don't notice her eyes trailing my every move,

"Dain? Is that you?" Callum yells from the house that connects to the workshop,

"Yeah, it's me, Callum, I brought someone with me," I tell him,

"Ok, let me come out and meet him," Callum calls and walks in, and his blue eyes narrow when he sees Artemis,

"And, this is?"

"Her name is Artemis we were in the system together she's like my sister, she needs a way out," I say and Artemis whips her head toward me at the last bit, narrowing her eyes at me,

"And why do you think that Dain," she says,

"Lots of kids put up with abuse in their homes, you wouldn't run away if it was just abuse," I look directly at her, I knew after a few minutes of walking that she'd been assaulted because the wind pushed her shirt up a bit and there were fingerprints on her hip and she'd never looked that scared after being hit.

"I.. yeah," She says lost for words, "I'm done with the system, I know this is bad but I was gonna steal a motorbike and ride a few towns over"

"You know how to ride?" Callum asks,

"Yeah, I do," 

"Good, then I can give you that," Callum says pointing to a black bike that got sold to use for cheap because some richy dude didn't want it, 

"Really?!" Artemis says shocked,

"Yeah you said you're done with the system, so get out" Callum shrugs

"Thank you," she whispered looking down at the ground,

"Can I have your phone," I ask, she takes her backpack off and takes out her phone, I type in my number,

"There if you ever need me, you can call," I say with a sad smile on my face, and give her back the phone, she walks to Callum as he gives her the keys, a helmet, and one of my old jackets, she walks over to the bike, and types something on her phone, opens the seat dumps the bag and phone in the compartment and gets on the bike. Artemis gives me one last wave before disappearing into the night.


Emily :)

Me: I'm done

A/N I Hope you guys enjoyed the interaction between Dain and Artemis, they were both under Emily's care and went to the same houses a few times so they became close


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