23 - Unknown relationship

525 18 6

16th October 1993


Walking into the Transfiguration classroom, Valentina and I sit at the desk second to the front, and I huff grumpily,

"What's wrong with you?" Val asks,

"I still haven't gotten a wand so I can't do any practical lessons for Transfiguration, Charms, Defence Against the Darks," I list on my fingers,

"Well then go with James and Sirius to Diagon Alley on the weeks they invite you," she says teasingly, I send her a look before we get out our parchment, ink, and quills and start talking about what we might be doing this lesson. The bursts open after a few minutes and Parvati comes in supporting a crying Lavender as we rush forward to them and walk them over to where we are sitting,

"What's happened, Lav?" I ask as Seamus and Dean come over to trying to help but look very awkward,

"I got.. a letter... from my mum telling me... A fox killed Binky," she cries before running into my arms, I flinch as she wraps her arms around my waist, but she's too hysterical to notice I see Parvati give me a weird look before looking back to Lavender as I slowly wrap my arms around her. Hearing four sets of footsteps come from behind us my grip on Lavender tightens,

"What's the matter, Lavender?" Hermione says quietly, as she and the other boys join the group, Harry moves towards me but I just glare at him still mad at the stunt he pulled, 

"She got a letter from home this morning," Parvati whispers, 'It's her rabbit, Binky. He's been killed by a fox."

"Oh," said Hermione. "I'm sorry, Lavender."

"I should have known!" Lav wails, "You know what day it is?"

"Er –" Hermione starts,

"The sixteenth of October! That thing you're dreading will happen on the sixteenth of October! Remember? She was right, she was right!" Lav cries glad I'm the one hugging her as I roll my eyes agreeing with Hermione but I won't voice that out loud. The whole class was gathered around Lavender now. Seamus shook his head as if telling her no and I give her a look that makes her hesitate before she says, "You – you were dreading Binky being killed by a fox?"

"Well, not necessarily by a fox,' states Lavender, looking up at Hermione with tears streaming from her eyes, "but I was dreading him dying, wasn't I?" and I mentally facepalm at how smart and dumb Hermione is,

"Oh, then was Binky an old rabbit?" she questions,
"N-no!" Lavender cries "H-he was only a baby!" I tighten my arms around her as she sobs into my chest,
"But then, why would you dread him dying?" Hermione continues and Parvati and I give her a glare that says Shut the hell up!

"Well, look at it logically," Hermione goes on turning to the rest of the group, 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! You're making it worse!" I yell just as Professor McGonagall walks in, and observes the classroom, 

"Watch your language, Miss Potter," she states as everyone rushes to their seats and I walk Lavender over to her seat and comfort her the whole lesson. 

After the class, Minnie talks about the trip to Hogsmeade and I grumble quietly at the desk, as we are leaving I see Sirius and James talking with serious faces,

"You guys go without me I want to say hi to my favourite teacher," I say waving them off, but as soon as they turn the corn I hide behind a pillar, and listen in,

"I can't believe Minnie hasn't told her," Sirius exaggerates,

"You're exaggerating but I know what you mean," James replies, and the letters he has been sending me come to mind before I shove the thoughts away,

"I know like I mean how can she teach her own Goddaughter and continue to look her in the eyes without telling..." but the rest of his sentence is muffled,

"Padfoot! Anyone could hear!" James yelled before they go to a painting,

"Fawn," James whispers, and the portrait opens as they walk in, She's my Godmother? I question in my head, I decide to actually go see Minnie to ask her about this but Harry and Nathan are already in there,

"Can't you sign it since your head of house?" Harry says, Oh crap of forgot about Hogsmeade,

"Your parents have said no and for good reason, Peter Pettigrew is on the loose you should leave the protection of the castle," Minnie states forwardly, and I frown at the reason,

"But.." Nathan tries,

"No, and I assume you Miss Potter are here to ask the same thing?" Minnie says turning to me, Might as well go along with it, I think,

"Yeah, but I have a better reason for why you can sign my you can sign my form," I say with a smile, she rolls her eyes but nods for me to continue, "Well the reason you can sign my form isn't just because you're Head of House but is because your my Godmother and there for one of the people who can sign it," I state still smiling at Minnie,

"How did you?" She starts looking shocked,

"Overheard Sirius," I say sniffling a laugh,

"That sounds about right, but when everyone else goes to Hogsmeade I will be taking you to get a wand and caldron as well as whatever else you need, and maybe talk a little," Minnie tells me, I make an oh face, and shrug,

"Ok but I want ice cream," I tell her,

"Of course you do, there's an ice cream shop at Diagon Alley," she sighs,

"Thanks, Minnie," I say before I and walk out the door sending her one last smile before walking out to meet the girls at the Great Hall."

A/N What do we think of the surprise?


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