29 - The Game

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All the quidditch team is standing in the change room waiting for Oliver to give us a speech, he tried multiple times but just ended up gulping and shaking his head in defeat.

"Malfoy's arm is fine, I can't fucking stand this!" I huff angrily to Fred, George, and Harry who all nod in agreeance, grabbing my broom I quickly think of an invisible line between the broom and me in case I fall off so my broom doesn't fly away.

"Come one team!" Wood yells and starts making his way out of the rooms and into the heavy thunderstorm, the second we walk out to the pitch we are almost completely soaked, Why the fuck don't they reschedule games when it's like this, I think angrily wishing I was in the common room. I can barely hear what Madam Hooch is saying, but Cedric and Oliver shake hands and we all fly up into the air, Nathan manages to get the ball. Flying straight to near the goal I decide yelling isn't going to work so I bring my fingers up to my mouth and whistle as loud as I can. Nathan's head whips towards me and looking around he sends me a direct pass with the ball, I quickly catch it and send it into the right hoop and it goes straight through. Load cheers are heard from the Gryffindor stands, and I can faintly hear Lee's voice.

"Potter scores the first goal of the game!"

After what feels like forever before Wood calls time out and don't get off my broom and just fly straight into the room crashing straight into Nathan, we both topple over and I end up on top of him. He is stuck looking straight at me, I lean down so my lips are right beside his ear,

"Enjoying the view Black," I whisper letting my lips skim his ear before sitting back up and smirking at his blush. Standing up I hold out my hand, but he quickly regains himself and slaps it away, shaking my head I move over to Harry who is trying to clean his glasses.

"What's the score?" Fred asks Oliver

"We are up 50 points, and unless we get the snitch soon we will be playing into the night," He responds and we all look at Harry,

"I've got no chance with these on," Harry sighs waving his glasses just as Hermione runs in and grabs his glasses,

"I have an idea, Harry!" She yells as the team watches in amazement, Hermione taps them with her wand and says, "Impervius!"

"There!" She says, handing them to Harry. "They'll repel water!" I smile brightly at her then turn to Wood who looks like he could kiss her, as she runs back to her seat.

"OK, team, let's go for it," Oliver calls as we walk back out, I start grumbling about being freezing to Fred and George and they just laugh I shove them. They stumble over and slip falling on top of each other in the mud, laughing at them I take to the sky and they join me slapping me over the back of my head as they pass. We continue to play, Nathan, Angelina, and I all working together stealing the ball from the Hufflepuffs and shooting for a goal every chance we get.

"170 - 60 Gryffindor in the lead!" Lee shouts as an uproar of cheers is heard from the crowd and plenty of squeals from girls fanning over Nathan. Rolling my eyes I think, Seriously. After forever of no goals a sudden extra feeling of dread and fear comes over me, I look up and see Harry and Cedric both zooming toward the snitch. Looking past them hundreds of dementors become visible, I shoot up toward Harry just as he starts losing consciousness,

"HARRY!" I scream loud enough it draws the attention of most of the players and crowd, more screams are heard as Harry falls past me. I start to fly after him when I am surrounded by dementors, I try dodging them but there are too many,

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" I scream holding my hand out in front of me and a wolf jumps from it growing in size as it starts chasing the dementors. I continue to dive after Harry once the dementors are out of the way, behind Harry falling I see the ground continue to get closer at an alarming rate. Not thinking I use my legs and push off my broom jumping at Harry and finally getting a hold of his hand, I tug him towards me and spin around so I'm facing the ground not him, and then everything goes black.


The whole game we have barely been able to see anything when suddenly the air around us freezes and the happiness is being sucked from the world, looking up Hundreds of dementors start coming in, but added onto that Harry and Cedric are both diving for the snitch, Harry starts slowly wobbling before he slides off and starts falling. Screams ring out all through the stands including my own and Remus and Pads,

"HARRY!" A scream sounds from above us, looking just below Harry, Artemis is trying to get to his unconscious body when many dementors surround her forcing her to stop moving as Harry falls past her. When suddenly she raises both her arms,

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" I hear her yell and a large blue wolf jumps from her hands and starts chasing the dementors. She quickly dives after Harry but the ground is getting way too close,

"CATCH HIM!" Pads screams cupping his hands around his mouth,

"ARTEMIS!" Remus screams as she half stands up on her broom before jumping off it using the extra momentum before grabbing Harry's arms and slamming him into her flipping them around so her back is facing the ground before they suddenly stop and Harry rolls out of her arms and they both slowly drift to the ground as most people us down to the ground.

"MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!" Remus yells causing students to rush out of our way as we sprint to Harry and Artemis, Sirius imminently goes to Harry and Remus goes to Artemis bringing her head into his lap as tears rush down his face, and Sirius does the same. Nathan quickly flies down on his broom and looks hesitant about who to go but in the ends up going to Harry and joining Padfoot. I move to Artemis as Madam Pomfry rushes over two stretches levitates them and takes them to the Hospital wing with us all following behind her while my heart is still jumping out of my throat.


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