24 - You Can't Hide

541 20 1

31st October 1993


Everyone in our dorm is running around gathering their money and warm clothes and getting ready for Diagon Alley while I lay on my bed with my bag of muggle money to convert, and all the clothes I need for today,

"Mist where's my purse!" Val yells from the other side of the room while rummaging through a bunch of bags,

"Bottom back left corner of your trunk," I respond and Parvati looks at me questioningly and I just shrug,

"What time do you have to meet Professor McGonagall?" Lavender asks while plaiting her hair, looking at the cloak I sit up,


"Ok we will buy you a bunch of stuff from Honeydukes," Val says right as I am walking out the door,

"Thanks I'll see you later!" I yell back before running down the stairs and corridors to Minnie's office. Taking a breather and steadying my breath I knock,

"Come in," Minnie's voice answered, I push the door open and step inside,

"Hey Minnie," I say cheerily, and she lifts her gaze from the papers she is grading,

"Good morning Miss Potter," Minnie says with a small smile before standing up,

"Can we lose the formalities?" I question annoyed,

"Why is that Miss Potter," She questions with a raised eyebrow,

"You know very well why," I say gritting my teeth,

"Why don't you explain it to me since I don't want to make assumptions," she continues,

"I haven't gone by my last name since I was 8," I grit with dead eyes,

"Why is that?"

"I didn't ask for a therapy session," I say sarcastically,

"I'm just trying to get to know my Goddaughter," she smiles,

"You don't want to actually know her," I say tensely,

"You don't know what I want, also it's time to go," Minnie states, and I let out a sigh of relief and as we walk towards the fire place the flames glow green before James and Sirius come through and grab one arm each and a handful of flu powder,

"Diagon Alley," Sirius says clearly, and the last thing I see before the flames is Minnie waving goodbye with a sad smile.


Stepping out of the fire onto the streets of Diagon Alley, I turn and see Sirus besides me and Artemis with her hands on her knees coughing,

"Hey Fawn you ok?" I ask walk to her and putting my hand on her back but she stands up straight and slaps my hand away from her, and I feel another stab of rejection, 

"Don't. Touch. Me," She grits, and put my hands up in surrender, 

"So the plan for today is get your wand, more uniform, any books you want, any clothes, get you some money, and refill in your gardian forms, then ice cream last," Padfoot lists off on his fingers,

"So bank first," Artemis states before starting to walk off towards the bank,

"How do you know where it is," I ask since she said it wasn't her that Padfoot and Nathan saw,

"I came here on the 25th of August and set up an account," she says with out turning around and speeding up so we have to run after her,

"Hey wait up Fawn, we brought you here to get your stuff and get to know you," Padfoot calls as we catch up and keep pace with her,

"You don't want to, I'm not someone worth knowing," she says coldly,

"Why do you do this? Hide from us, ignore all of us, have a good conversation with Harry then not talk to him at all after?" Furry builds up as I think about what Harry has been going through, and I grab her arm making her stop and face us, "You can't hide from your family," 

"Really? I did it really well for 13 years without trying," Artemis states glaring right into my eyes,

"We thought you were dead, Lily and I heard the killing curse," I say my voice breaking but I don't break eye contact,

"SO! I was alive, I was fucking alive and alone for 13 years!" she yells,

"I know, we all know, but I wasn't our choice and we are all trying so so hard to talk to you but you keep shutting us out," I say with tears pricking my eyes as I feel an arm around my waist,

"You can't expect me to start sharing after 2 months of knowing you, I could be in houses for 4 months and they couldn't even tell you my favourite colour! Nobody knows me because don't let them, they will just leave or I'll be forced away!" she screams,

"We won't leave you never by choice, and we will never push you away. Please just let us in," Lily says gently which makes Artemis look at her instead,

"I can't, I'm not putting myself through that pain," Artemis says with fear in her voice, and I think it's the first emotion other than anger I have seen so close,

"We can start small and slowly build up," Lily whispers and her hand reaches to Artemis' cheek but stops right before she touches her, "Just give us a chance fawn," Padfoot and I look at her to see what she says, hesitantly she nods and says,


"What really?" I yell,

"Like really really?" Padfoot continues,

"Yeah I guess," she shrugs, 

"WE GOT ARTEMIS! WE GOT ARTEMIS! WE GOT ARTE..." Padfoot and I start chanting and jumping up and down in a circle, before feeling a whack on the back of our heads,

"OW!" We yell in illison as Artemis laughs at us,

"Calm down we are in public," Lily hisses, I smile and grab Lily gently by her waist and bring her into a kiss

"PDA!!!!" Sirius and Artemis yell at the same time, and Lils and I lean back and I let out the biggest laugh knowing I am going to get to know my daughter.

A/N What do you guys want to see in the families relationships with Artemis?


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