41 - Home

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For the rest of the holidays, Harry hardly talked to Dad, Remus, or Sirius since they took his broom away. Mum has been inviting me over pretty much every day, I'm a buffer for what's going on between all the guys. By the time the holidays came to an end, I was so glad it was over. I sat with the girls on the train ride back to Hogwarts with Stella laying on my feet most of the way. Every time the girls asked me to stay over or meet them somewhere Mum had already made plans. I understood she didn't want to be alone in the house with my Dad and brother not on speaking terms but I had missed my friends. We talked the whole way to Hogwarts and I swear Pavati and Lavender never stopped for air. Valentina and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes when Lavender brought up Ron, I hardly paid much attention since she was just saying stuff she had said for the millionth time. Once I stopped paying attention to Lavender my thoughts drifted to Peter and how he was doing at the shack. The train skids to a stop and Valentina and I pretty much jump up and rush out of the carriage. Stella runs beside us as we sprint to a carriage,

"Hey Val what pulls the carriages?" I ask not exactly seeing what's pulling them but a faint auror at the front of the carriage,

"You know this, they pull themselves," She points out rolling her eyes before dragging me into a carriage away from the creatures at the front of the carriage. Not two minutes later Lavender and Pavati join us the conversation now moved to what they think will be at the feast. I feel an idea tick in my head when they mention the feast and look out the window smirking to myself.

"Oh no, what are you thinking about?" Val whispers to me, I turn to her and look at her with an 'innocent' smile,

"Nothing just excited to be home," I tell her, she looks at me suspiciously before nodding,

"Me too, I was counting the days till we came back," Val tells me although I notice the underlying meaning,

"I know," I whisper and I bring her into a hesitant hug which she immediately responds to by hugging me back tightly,

"Can I stay with you next holiday?" She whispers almost sounding scared like I'll send her away,

"Of course, what are friends for," I whisper back giving her one last squeeze before pulling back and looking back out the window in the direction of the Sheiking Shack. Once we arrive at the castle I tell the girls I'm going to go to the bathroom before walking off so none of them can follow me. It doesn't take me long to get to the painting that is the entrance to Hogwarts's kitchen. I roll my eyes at how stupid I probably look right now and tickle the pear, it giggles quietly before the painting clicks open. Slipping into the kitchen easily, the house elves were to busy running around getting the food ready to notice my presence. My eyes wander over the food as I try to figure out what would be the best one to use for my prank. Finally, I settle on the pumpkin juice and point my wand muttering the spell at each of the jugs of juice, before quietly slipping back out of the kitchens. I run all the way back to the Hall and slip inside with the last group of students. I let out a sigh of relief and walk over to the Gryffindor table sitting between Hermione and Valentina. I drone out OAM while he says his speech welcoming everyone back, once he finally stops talking food appears on the table, and everyone eagerly starts to pile food onto their plates. Everyone starts chatting with the people around them, I take a sip of the pumpkin juice like most others so no one knows it was me. 

"NATHAN ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?" Remus yells from the teacher's table though hardly anyone is paying attention to him, too busy being horrified or laughing and looking at their friends. Everyone in the hall minus Snape, has some kind of animal feature. I sniffle a laugh, No you are, I think to myself before thinking about grey wolves. With a tingling sensation in my head, I turn to Val who has a golden retriever tail,

"What do I have?" I ask her and she turns to me away from Pavatia and Lavender who both have rabbit ears,

"You have wolf ears," She says with a laugh, I look down at Val's tail and laugh as well. I look to the teacher's table and see Remus already making a beeline for Nathen, Dad, and Sirius are too busy laughing at each other to notice though. Snape is watching the hall erupt into laughter and chaos, he has a small look of amusement and smugness that he is the only one who didn't get affected again. His eyes find mine and he raises an eyebrow at me, I roll my eyes and shrug. Making sure no one is looking at me I bring my finger to my lips, now it's Snape's turn to roll his eyes before he turns away from me.


A/N I actually had no idea where I was going with this chapter, I am now at the part of my book I have not planned so be patient with me, please. Also this was a bit rushed

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