19 - It's My fault

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"You're just a big ugly brut, aren't you?" Malfoy says, and a wave of coolness rushes over me, as I am brought back to one of my old 'homes'


"You're just a whore aren't you?" Shawn says while smiling wickedly then punching me in the stomach again,

"No, I'm not," my voice comes out as cough as another punch lands on my ribs,

"Aren't you?" he yells landing a punch on the side of my cheek while lifting my head by pulling my hair,

"No!" I yell back, kicking him in the gut running to the room slamming the door shut, and holding all my body weight against the door keeping him out as I reach for my phone.

Hearing a thump beside me brings me back to reality, I look around and see Harry on the floor and Malfoy yelling,

"IT'S KILLED ME!" While rolling on the floor, everyone is looking at Malfoy as I kneel down beside Harry,

"Harry?" I question, and shake him gently, "Harry get up!" I yell at him and it catches Nathan's attention as he calls Ron and Hermione over, before shoving me away from Harry,

"What the fuck did you do?" he yells,

"Nothing you fuckwit, he just passed out," I yell back, "Now move out of the way," I say shoving him away like he did to me,

"You have no right to tell me to move," Nathan glares at me,

"Oh yeah, why not," I respond returning his glare,

"Because I'm more his brother than you are his sister. At least I was there!" he yells, and Hermione lets out a gasp, covering her mouth. I feel my body fill with numbness and a mask of stone sets over my face before I start walking toward the girls who are looking at Nathan with anger.

"Em, are you ok?" Lavender questions, 

"Why wouldn't I be?" I answer,

"Nathan just said..." Lavender questions but Valentina puts a hand in front of her and shakes her head, we walk back to Gryffindor without saying anything, and all I imagine is breaking Malfoy's and Nathan's noses.

"We are about to head down for dinner," Parvati says opening the curtains around my bed, I look up from my book,

"I told you, Parvati I'm not hungry," I say giving her a small fake smile as she sighs and I hear them leave. Waiting five minutes I walk out to the Gryffindor common room seeing no one there. I walk out of the portrait, slowly making my way to the Hospital Wing to see Harry. When I hear footsteps approach, shift into a wolf and run behind a pillar making myself as small as possible,

"Nathan I can't believe you said that to her!" Hermione yells,

"She's right mate that was bloody harsh," Ron agrees,

"She obviously did something to Harry. She was the only one near him," Nathan argues, I guess the boy from Gringots is gone, I think,

"We are in The Wizarding World for Merlin's sake! Anyone could have cast a spell!" She yells,

"Well I don't care I still think she did something, first Pettigrew escapes, second Harry's sister shows up, then the Dementors on the train, then the tea leaves, and Hagrid's lesson," Nathan continues to argue,

"NATHAN SHUT UP!" Hermione screams, "You have zero clue what she could have been through in the foster system it isn't all flowers and rainbows," none of the boys respond and their footsteps disappear towards the Hall. Shifting back I decide to take a detour and go to the Hospital Wing at midnight like Harry's note, walking around the castle aimlessly for a few hours I make my way towards the Hospital Wing. Pushing the door gently I realise it's locked,

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