40 - Gifts

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"Go on Harry open it!" I say excitedly watching him pick up my favourite of his gifts, he looks at me excitedly and rips open the paper with Nathan leaning over his shoulder to see what it is. Harry's face goes from excited to bright red and he slams it face down on the ground so no one can see but Nathan already saw it. Nathan looks at me shocked before we make eye contact and he bursts out laughing and so do I. 

"A-Artemis seriously?!" Harry stutters embarrassed while I'm clutching my stomach in pain from laughing so hard,

"What is it?" Dad and Sirius ask confused and they reach out to grab the photo frame but Harry quickly snatches it from near their hands,

"N-Nothing" he stutters holding it close to him and making sure no one else can see it. I smirk a glint of mischievousness in my eyes and I jump on Harry wrestling the picture from him,

"Oh come on Harry I got that so ... everyone could see!" I tease between laughs as I finally rip it from his grip. I jump up and make a break away from Dad and Sirius before I feel a weight on my back, "Oof" I huff falling to the ground again as Harry tries to take the picture from me. I turn my head and wink at Nathan before sliding the photo to him without Harry seeing so he keeps wrestling with me trying to get the photo I 'have'. Nathan sneaks over to Dad and Sirius and shows them the photo and they look at Harry shocked before they realise why he's acting like this. Nathan moves on and walks over to Mum and Remus to show them the picture. Their faces matched Sirius and Dad's at first but they were a bit more shocked so their faces looked more bewildered. I watch this with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard not really putting up a fight with Harry. "H-har-rry look up yo-ou doof-fuse" I manage breathlessly between my hysterics. Harry quickly looks up and sees Nathan with the picture and panickly gets up and snatches it from him shoving it in a bag with different presents. Once I finally catch my breath and stop laughing I wipe the tears from my eyes, Harry is looking at me with that I'm going to kill you one day look. 

"Sooooo Harry? When did that happen?" Sirius asks curiously earning him a pillow to the face from Harry,

"Shut it Padfoot!" Harry huffs annoyed folding his arms over his chest pouting like a child. All the marauders have been trying to get anything from Harry but he isn't telling them anything. I watch the whole thing slightly amused, I can't help but think how different I would be if I grew up here and not in the muggle world. Slowly the presents under the tree diminish leaving only a badly wrapped brown package hidden towards the back. I watch as Dad tells Hary that soon we can go to Diagon Alley to get him a new broom. Yeah, not happening, I think with a knowing smile before I play innocent,

"Hey Dad what's that brown package?" I ask loud enough to get everyone's attention without them knowing I wanted it,

"I don't know, go check," Dad tells me shooing me excited to see what this mysterious package is. I swear he's still a child, I laugh in my head as I reach over and grab the parcel I was holding only a few hours ago. I grip it in my hand and 'read' the tag before shrugging and handing it to Harry. Everyone is now watching Harry excitedly open his present, nobody makes a sound when they see a Firebolt laying in Harry's hand. Suddenly Harry jumps up and starts squealing like a girl, Quidditch-obsessed Potter's, I think to myself. As I watch Remus pick up the card before paling and handing it to Dad who hands it to Sirius all three Marauders pale. Oh shit

"Harry give me the broom," Remus says firmly holding his hand out for Harry to put the broom in,

"What? Why!?" Harry yells hugging the broom to his body like he knows it's about to be taken away, Do they seriously recognise his handwriting?! I think screaming in my head,

"Harry give Moony the broom," Dad says and for the first time he sounds firm and strict when this is the man who can't even scold us at the best of times,

"Yeah, why? Harry just got given the best broom!" Nathan says standing up for Harry,

"Because it could be cursed, jinxed, or hexed," Sirius tells them firmly now all three men have a hand out waiting for Harry to hand over the broom. Lily and I just sit in our seats watching what's happening in shock, and Lily in confusion. 


"Harry now," Remus grits firmly leaving no room for arguments. Harry sighs looking disappointed but he begrudgingly hands the broom to Remus. Then I feel a cool rush of sadness flow through my body making me shiver. When I look closely at Harry I can see sadness and disappointment at the broom being taken away. The three Marauders walk away up the stairs leaving everyone confused, and in Harry's case sad as well. I clear my throat thing to defuse some tension in the air,

"Harry, Nathan I'll show you how to make Christmas pancakes," I tell them putting on a fake smile and lacing my tone with excitement that isn't there, Nathan instantly looks a little happier and starts making his way to the kitchen, "Come on Prongslette..." I whine standing up and poking his sides gently until he slaps my hands away,

"Fine! Fine!" He says trying to sound grumpy but I can hear the chuckle,

"That's what I thought," I tease and when Harry starts walking to the kitchen I run up behind him putting my hands on his shoulders and boosting myself up. Harry stumbles and we end up falling on the floor. Harry groans when he lands on the floor and I instantly roll off him laying on the floor next to him. Turning my head I look at Harry to see him already looking at me with a playful glare before we burst out laughing. Maybe it's the little things that make Christmas, the little things, like family.


A/N I'm spoiling you guys with another chapter so soon, this was a fun chapter to write. Until next time :)

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