11 - Heartthrob Meet Your Match

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July 27th 1993


After leaving the apartment a day late I speed down highways and roads to get to this run down looking pub called the Leaky Caldron, switching off my bike and take the keys, and putting them in my pocket I lift up the seat and and grab out my pouch of muggle money. Taking my helmet off and putting it on the seat I cast the permanent sticking charm on my whole bike and run my hand through my hair fixing my helmet hair and readjusting my leather jacket so it sits right over the top of my hoodie and move the leaf under my tongue so I can still talk properly. Pushing the door open I walk into an old looking pub, and walk around for a few seconds trying to find the wall that leads to Diagon Alley,

"You lost lass?" The bar attender says looking at me sceptically,

"Not really, just trying to go to the magic side of London," I look at him pointedly,

"Ah first time not fluing in I see," he smiles kindly,

"Yeah," and then mumble, "Something like that,"

"Just through that door leads to a courtyard tap the wall a few times and you'll be all good,"

"Thanks, sir," Walking through the door I walk up to the wall confused,

Just tap it I guess, I think to myself while tapping it a few times, nothing happens for a few moments before the brinks start shifting and creating an archway. My eyes widen as I look at all the shops around me, people are running everywhere trying to squeeze into the tiny shops while carrying huge bags, Peet said the bank is at the end of the road, squishing past people I slowly make my way down to Gringots Bank,

"Oh fuck," I whisper looking at the huge white and gold building in front of me, when a boy with white hair elbows me in the back,

"Move it mudblood," he calls back still walking with a woman who has to be his mother, taking a few strides I catch up with the boy and push him in the back,

"Movie it, dickhead," I smirk as he looks at me fuming,

"What did you just call me?"

"Do you need your hearing checked as well as your ego downsized," I retort,

"How dare you talk to me like that," he spits,

"Oh no, how could I ever sass an egotistical little boy," I tease,

"My father will hear about this," the boy says lifting up his nose,

"Omg, you're Ferret!" I laugh, looking at the boy in a new light,

"WHAT?!" He yells, causing multiple people to start crowding around us,

"Listen here you fucking prick, call me a mudblood or anyone else one, I will beat your nose into your empty head. You got that?" I threaten him, now thinking about Hermione and all the things he's said to her

"No, I don't got it cause I don't listen to you,"

"If I see you again talking to anyone like how you talked to me, you will wish you were dead," I say storming off to the bank while calming myself before talking to the goblin at the muggle transaction counter.


"I can't believe we did this again!" I yell at Dadfoot,

"Me neither, Moony legit warned us so many times," Dadfoot sighs, we are about to walk into the broom store when we hear a load yell,

"WHAT?!" A voice I recognise to be Malfoy, starting to drag Dadfoot towards it I say,

"Hurry up I want to thank whoever pissed off Malfoy that much," When we make it to the crowd of people surrounding a girl wearing a leather jacket and dark blue hoodie,

"Listen here you fucking prick, call me mudblood or anyone else one, I will beat your nose into your empty head. You got it?" The girl says poking Malfoy in the chest which causes him to stumble back a step or two before lifting his nose to her again,

"No, I don't got it cause I don't listen to you,"

"If I see you talking to anyone like how you talked to me, you will wish you were dead," she threatens, before storming off,

"Yeah, I'm defiantly going after her," I say about to walk into the bank to follow her, but Dadfoot grabs my arm,

"Ok, but I'm following you cause according to Harry you have become Hogwarts new heartthrob and I want to see if you follow in my footsteps,"

"Deal," I say shaking Dadfoot's hand before we walk into Gringots, putting on what Hermione calls my signature smirk I go up behind the girl,

"Hey Darling," I say looking forward to seeing this girl flustered,

"Hey love," she responds before grabbing her bag of coins turning to face me, and looking up at me with her emerald eyes, shocked to say the least at her response I fix myself before continuing the convocation,

"You put on a real show with Malfoy before,"

"Why thank you, but the bitch deserved it," she says her smile widening, "So love, you go to Hogwarts," looking me up and down,

"Yeah, you know I think muggleborns are pretty cool my aunt is one and she's the best," I say while confused at my own behavior,

"Good to know, but I'm not muggle born," I can tell I looked shocked as I look back at her clothes,

"Well do, you have a name, Darling?" I question trying to redeem myself,

"Have you ever met someone who doesn't?" She sasses,

"Well, I... no," I stutter and mentally kick myself,

"Hmm, well I have to get going," She says and flicks my nose, "See you round Love," before she walks off, and when she gets to the door she looks back and sends me a smile and winks before walking out of sight. I just stand there completely flustered, until Dadfoot comes over slapping me back to reality,

"What. Was. That." He questions while laughing, "Bud she's supposed to be the one flushed not you," He laughs,

"The one time you were here, the girl is as big of a flirt as me," I sigh but still smiling thinking about the girl,

"Quick let's buy Harry his birthday present so I can go tell James, Harry, Hermione, and Ron how you failed to flirt right and ended up getting flustered," he says still laughing.

Later that night at dinner Dadfoot is retelling the story of my failed flirt to, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Uncle Prongs, Dad, Aunt Flower, Fred, George, Ginny so pretty much anyone who will listen as I bang my head on the table,

"So he starts off strong and says Hey Darling, right then she does the most unexpected thing right she doesn't even turn around before saying, Hey Love, and then she turns around and looks straight up at him, then he goes, You put on a real show with Malfoy, she goes, Why thank you, but the bitch deserved it, then continues, So Love you go to Hogwarts, legit looks him up and down when this dude says, Yeah, you know I think muggleborns are pretty cool my aunts one and she's the best, he looked so flustered at this point it was hilarious, then you know what she's not actually a muggle born but this boy goes and does a double over of her clothes, he would have redeemed himself to since he said, So you have a name darling, and this fucking girl goes, Have you ever met someone who doesn't?" Dadfoot stops cause he's laughing to hard with everyone else,

"Yes, finally you fail!" Harry laughs

"Yeah, yeah laugh at my miserly," I say glumly,

"I will laugh at your failure Nate, because it rarely happens," Mione laughs, "The first one was me, and now this stranger you couldn't even get the name of," at this point Dadfoot and Prongs are laughing so hard they fall off their chairs.

"You know what screw you guys, I'm going to bed," before getting a response from any of them I walk upstairs and get into bed and fall into darkness.

A/N What do we think of Nathan grown up?


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