22 - Player

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I'm watching the line making sure I can step in front of Harry. Harry steps forward wand at the ready when the boggart's gaze locks on Harry and shifts into a dementor, the room grows cold. Looking back at Harry I see Artemis rush forward dragging Harry behind her as the boggart looks at her it shifts into an older middle-aged man, and starts stepping closer to her,

"There you are you..." but this guy doesn't finish the sentence, as Artemis' face has a mask of stone come over it while glaring at the creature. The boggart starts shaking, before turning into a dog-sized beast with black scales, she takes a step forward, and everyone holds their breath including myself. To my surprise the boggart shrinks away from her, she does it again and so does the boggart. Then she struts to pretty much right in front of the cupboard and the boggart sprints into it. Artemis reaches up locks the cupboard and turns around with a smirk on her face, looking at all of us,

"What?" Artemis says, everyone else is still frozen in shock,

"This lesson is over," I call to the class, everyone picks up their bags and puts their wands away, all scurrying out of the classroom.

"Not you Miss Potter," I say watching as Artemis meets up with her friends, she stops and turns to glare at me, "Glaring at me isn't going to get you to leave any sooner," I state although if she did glare long enough I would've let her go. She whispers something to her friends before walking over to me.

"What?" She asks blandly,

"What? You went in front of a dark creature with no wand! You could have gotten yourself seriously hurt!" I yell, as all the worry I felt before comes back,

"SO! It wouldn't be the first time I've got hurt!" She yells back,

"It would be your first by a dark creature," I yell back,

"Oh really what about that Halloween then!"

"THAT WAS A FUCKING DARK WIZARD!" I scream waving my hands, as I do that she flinches and takes a step back, and fear fills her eyes, but it disappears in less than a second so fast I think I imagined it. As she steps closer to me and gets right in my space,

"You have no right to tell me what shit I do, what shit I can't do, who I do or don't protect. Because YOU WEREN'T FUCKING THERE! I know it partly wasn't your fault but I was in the FOSTER SYSTEM for fucks sake, you can legit say is this person in the system!" She screams, "You all just immediately gave up on me. You never tried to find me, and that is on you guys." Artemis' tone changed to a sad one and looked at me with disappointment, as I am left speechless with tears falling, "Wow can't even respond," she says walking to the door and opening and stops seeing Sirius and James who both have tears down their faces as well, stepping around them she disappears from sight.

"Fuck!" I yell kicking the nearest chair, feeling Padfoot's arms wrap around my waist I turn around and rest my chin on his head, "How did I screw that up so bad?" I mumble, looking at James, "What are we going to do?"

"I really don't..." James is cut off by screaming,

"PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN YOU ASS! YOU CAN'T FORCE ME TO DO SHIT!" We move to go see what's happening when Ron opens the door laughing,

"By the way James your daughter is the funnest and scariest person to piss off," he says before moving aside as Harry, walks in laughing as well,

"Just shut up, I don't like this either," We hear Nathan mumble before he walks in with Artemis thrown over his shoulder, I turn to look at James and Sirius who are on the floor laughing before Harry and Ron join them,

"Oh... mum is... coming here in... a few minutes," Harry says between laughs,


The Lost Potter Twisted - Artemis PotterWhere stories live. Discover now