5 - Promise

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"I'm a what?" Hemione asks me, I look her dead in the eyes and say,

"You're a witch." I watch her cheeks tint a little red and she slightly avoids my gaze by looking right above me, Found your tells Mione, I think to myself

"I am not, where on earth would you get that idea." she huffs,

"Hermoine your cheeks are red and you are avoiding eye contact but looking just above me so it looks like you are looking me in the eyes," I state, she lets out a sigh and looks at me,

"I am ok, but you can't tell anyone please," she begs, 

"What is meant to be a secret will stay a secret," I say with a smirk, "But you have to let me read these books while I'm here,"

"Deal!"Hermoine squeals before wrapping me in a tight hug. Hermoine and I spent the afternoon reading all of the books she has for school that's when I realise I'm a witch too, but I didn't get a letter, I let out a sigh when I finished 'A History of Magic' by Bertha Bagshot.

"Ooooo look at this," Hermoine says excitedly then starts reading a passage, "Most magic is only possible with a wand, there are the few exceptions of when wizards and witches are younger and a very rare case of when a witch or wizard who's magic is so strong they are able to perform spells without wands. This has only been recorded 55 times in our history and this extremely impressive skill is wandless magic.

"Wow, they put that in a first-year book?" I question looking at Hermione, while my brain is screaming, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK,

"Yeah, but it's so interesting though," Mione states,

"I know right,"

"Like the Ministry Of Magic wouldn't be able to track whoever is doing the magic either."

"Really they wouldn't be...." the rest of my sentence is drowned off by Mrs Granger yelling,

"Girls dinner!" from downstairs, Hermione and I quickly put the books on the bed so we don't stand on them when we come back and go downstairs. Their kitchen is simple and over the dining table is a hanging light, Mr and Mrs Granger are already sitting down when we walk in,

"Hello girls we haven't seen you all afternoon, what have you been up to?" Mr Granger asks while smiling like he already knows the answer, 

"Reading," Hermione smiles then sits down, I follow her into the seat beside her, 

"Thanks, Mr and Mrs Granger for dinner," I say while looking at roast beef, vegetables, and gravy,

"No problem Artemis, dig in everyone," Mrs Granger smiles, we all start eating and when I have a piece of the beef I perk up a bit,

"Holy shit! This is so good." I say looking up at Mr and Mrs Granger,

"Young lady, we do not use such inappropriate language in this house." Mr Granger scolds, I look down at my plate and mumble,

"Sorry," Mrs Granger makes a little coughing noise urging me to say more. I look up at Mr Granger before saying,

"Sorry for swearing, it won't happen again," I state, the rest of dinner goes normally and Hermione and I stay up late talking about our favourite books before going to sleep at midnight.

The rest of the holidays go by with Hermione and I become close almost like sisters and have been inseparable until August 31st,

"Artemis, your social worker is here!" Mr Granger calls from downstairs,

"Be a minute!" Hermione and I call, I finish putting "Little Woman" in my bag and turn to Hermione, 

"Remember to 'owl' me, and no names, Cinnamon," I tease

"Yes I know, Silver," Hermione smiles at me with tears in her eyes,

"And let me know if I need to kick someone's arse, promise," I say while laughing and holdout my picky figure,

"Promise" Hermione responds while tears leave her eyes and hooks her finger with mine as we both kiss our knuckles.

In the car, I look back at the Granger's house, Thank you for showing me a real home.

A/N This chapter was really hard to write as we are given virtually no details on Hermione's parents, please comment what you think of the story so far.


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