10 - The Truth

767 21 11

July 19th 1993


I stare blankly at Peter,

"You went to school with my parents?"

"Yes, your dad and uncles were my best friends," Peet says looking sad,

"But something happened?" I question looking at him,

"Ok, I'll explain it all, but no questions until after I explain ok?" He says looking at me,

"Yeah, yeah whatever now tell me why the fuck I don't know my parents,"

"You know who was a dark wizard who was very powerful at the time, we all joined The Order of the Phoenix, run by Albus Dumbledore. After the first year of the war, I was captured and tortured by the Deatheaters for information. They gave up after a while but a wizard named Rufus Leastrange went undercover as me using poly juice potion. My friends didn't even notice," He laughs at the irony of it, "My best friends didn't even notice it was a death eater and not their friend, and I didn't even know about you or Harry, hell I didn't even know you existed, and when I finally escaped, I found out 'I' was made their secret keeper and they got sold out to Voldemort, I got taken to Azkaban with no trail and a life sentence," I don't think I've ever seen a man look so broken

"So you're telling me, I have a twin brother, parents, gay uncles, an outlawed uncle, they all have magic, all my uncles and my Dad can turn into animals, and one of those uncles is a fucking werewolf, and to top it all off a Dark fucking wizard is after my family!" I screech,

"I mean when you say it like that, it sounds really bad," Peet says going to reach for me, taking a step back while my mind is reeling,

"No, I'm going to go to bed and think this through, you can sleep on the couch. I'll talk to you in the morning," I walk towards my room and quickly tap my leg signaling for Stella to come with me as I walk into my room closing the door, resting my back on the door I slide down letting out a deep breath,

"What am I going to do Stella? I mean I probably could go to Hogwarts if I wanted, but then I would see Harry, but I need to prove Peet's innocence, which would be easiest to do if my family trusted me." Running my hands through my hair I drop my head to my knees, and feel my cheeks wet, "Oh god what am I going to do,"

Pulling on my dark blue hoodie walk out to the living room with Stella padding along next to me. I grab the eggs and bacon out of the fridge and make scrambled eggs for two and cut up some beef for Stella, I sit at the countertop bench while thinking over my plan, waiting for Peet to get up. Around ten minutes later I see a rat come into the room,

"For fucks sake, another rat," I say to myself, before it shifts into a human before my eyes, without thinking I grab a knife and throw it at the guy, and the knife lands in the wall, which would be right beside him if Peet were up against the wall,

"Holy shit, no need to me kill," Peet says looking between me and the knife, before I know it I am jumping at Peet and jumping up and down,

"Will you teach me!!!" I squeal grabbing Peet's hands, "Pleeeeaasseeee" I beg,

"I.. what, no it's dangerous magic!" Peter yells,

"Oh come on pleaseee, I really want to learn," I say still begging,

"Even though I have what you need to do it. It's not happening!"

"I'll help prove our innocence if you teach me," I smirk,

"You can't just blackmail me with that!" Peet screeches while smiling,

"Of course I can," I reply simply still smirking,

"Fine," Peet huffs while digging around his clothes, and pockets and shoves this weird leaf in my hands,

"What the hell is this!" I say looking at it in disgust,

"The first step of becoming an animagus, is just leave it in your mouth for a month then you need to be able to produce a full corporal patronus, make a potion with beetle eyes, some kind of meat, some kind of vegetation, the rays of the morning sun dews, and then mix it all together," He recites,

"Dude but like a month!" I yell,

"Yes a month, now by the bags under your eyes you didn't sleep and spent all night coming up with a plan," I shrug

"So we go to that place Diagon Alley and go to the bank, and change half my money for wizarding money, then come back here till the 31st of August and drive into London, with you as a rat obviously then I'll park my bike at the track that the Hogwarts Express uses and leave you and Stella there I'll get on the train I guess, I'll talk to I think it was Professor McGonagall who's the Deputy Head Mistress and then do whatever I have to do to be sorted into my house, then go from there," I explain

"Do you really think that would work? How would Stella keep up with the bike?" Peet asks confusion clear on his face,

"Yes, I do think it would work," I say as I walk over to the wall and pull out the knife and fix the hole, "Also I spelled Stella so she can run just as fast as my bike is going,"

"Seriously!? You don't even have a wand like I get wandless magic but that is huge magic!" Peet screams,

"Yeah, I don't know how I did it,"

"That isn't just magic people can even do with a wand! You made up a spell,"

"Chill the fuck out Peet, ok it's normal for me, I get it I'm weird but chill," I say,

"Right, yeah, when are we going to Diagon Alley smartass," Peet sasses,

"I think the 25th or 26th," I say still thinking about it,

"Ok, then now but the leaf in your mouth," Peet grins trying not to laugh

"Fine" I huff throwing the leaf in my mouth,

"Who knew Little Miss Independent could listen to anyone," Peet laughs

"Shut the fuck up,"

A/N Sorry I haven't posted all weekend I have had no service


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