1 - Godric's Hollow

988 22 4

October 31st 1981

3rd person:

Lily and James are walking hand in hand in their back garden when they hear a loud crash from their front door. Voldemort ascends up the stairs to where two babies are crying in a cot. Their lies are Harry and Artemis Potter. Voldemort doesn't care about the girl as he came for the boy. Artemis sees this strange man raise his wand and rolls on top of Harry.

"AVAKDA VEDAVA!" A haunting yell can be heard from downstairs, then a loud Bang and quite crying,

"NO!" a sob comes from Lily as the couple rush upstairs, only to see Harry alive with a lightning scar on his forehead and their daughter missing. James collapses on the ground crying when he realises, with tears in her eyes Lily picks up Harry and sits down beside James, the family tears all pool together on the ground.

"JAMES!!" "LILY!!" "WHERE ARE YOU?!" Sirius screams running through each room of the house as his panic increases as he sprints up the stairs, he slams the nursery door open and is met with the sight of Prongs and Lily sobbing while holding Harry who has tears down his face.

"Wha..what happened?" Sirius asks while sitting down in front of James and Lily taking Harry from Lily because she is shaking so much.

"We were in the backyard... and then we heard a loud bang ... then we heard the killing curse an..and by the time we got upstairs Harry..had the scar and ..." Lily spoke between sobs but was unable to finish. When Lily and James looked up Sirius had murder written all over his face, as he passed Harry to James and ran out in hopes of finding Pettigrew.

Sirius runs out to the street and spots a figure running away from the house, Sirius runs towards it and sees Peter with a panicked look on his face

"Sirius how could you betray James and Lily and sell them out to Voldemort!" Peter yells so loud that people from the surrounding house come out to see what is happening. Sirius raises his wand to Peter but before he can utter a word the street blows up and all 13 muggles are killed. In the middle of the street lay a single figure as Sirius stood there in shock. 

"There he is." yells an auror as Sirius is disarmed and taken straight to Azkaban.

Voldemort feels the rebounds of the curse on him and staggers backward seeing both the toddlers alive in the crib but now the girl has a heart on her right wrist the boy has a lightning scar on his forehead. In a rage, Voldemort grabs the girl and apparatus to a random town. He stumbles over and realises how weak he has become. He dumps the child in front of the police station and leaves with each step he becomes weaker until all that is left is a ghostly dark cloud.

A/N I know this is really short but the first 1-3 chapters will be like this as it is a recap or similar to a prologue, also I am not very good at writing in third person and rather write in the first person. Also please give thoughts in the comments


The Lost Potter Twisted - Artemis PotterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang