12 - Hogwarts

663 23 2

31st August 1993


"Hurry up Peet!" I scream across the apartment,

"Chill out!" He screams back,

"No, we were supposed to leave an hour ago," I say while running a hand through my hair in frustration,

"Just drink some more potion and try turning into your animagus again," he says teasingly knowing it annoyed me I haven't been able to change, 

"Fuck you," I say grabbing the bottle of potion off the bench and taking a sip, and whispering the incantation,

"Amato Animo Animato Animagus," expecting nothing to happen like last time, but instead I feel a sharp pain all through my body before it suddenly stops, and when I look up everything looks a little bigger and I jump back when Stella is at my eye level, I slowly start walking towards Stella still trying to figure out what animal I am, running to where Peet is I end up crashing into his legs making him fall over,

"What the... Artemis?" Peet questions looking at me, I focus on what I look like as a human and before I know it I'm me again,

"OMG I DID IT!" I scream in Peter's ear, "What am I?" I ask in my normal voice but more excited than normal though,

"You're a wolf," he says still in shock,

"No, way!" I squeal, jumping up, but when I see the clock my excitement falters, "We have to go. We are going to be late!" I say jumping up and grabbing my trunk and shrinking it so it fits in under the seat, dragging Peet out of the living room and into the kitchen, then letting him go.

"Ok, so we are ready to go," I say clapping my hands in front of me and reaching for the keys, "We just need you to become a rat," pointing at Peet, he sighs then shifts and climbs onto my free hand. I walk out the door with Stella following and lock the door, walking down to the underground garage I undo my permanent sticking charm on the bike, opening the seat I place Wormtail and my trunk in before closing it after making sure Wormtail has some food as well. Sliding into the similar feeling of the seat I sigh knowing that this is going to be a long drive. 

"Ok, so you are going to follow the train tracks to Hogwarts, and stay at the Shrieking Shack and Stella will just come when she feels like it I guess," I kneel down and pat Stella's head before kissing her nose, then turn to Peet,

"I'm gonna miss you Artemis, but you will have the best time at Hogwarts I know it, and Prongs and Lily would be so proud if they could see you," He says with tears in his eyes as he pulls me into a hug, "Stay safe and tell everyone who you are when you are ready ok?"

"Ok Uncle Wormtail," I say pulling away and patting Stella one last time before enlarging my trunk to normal size, and walk to the station and get on the train before anyone else does. Moving down the carriages I sit in one somewhere in the middle and put my walkman on leaning on the cool window, then I feel like I'm back at Smith's house, the feel of his hands on me the fear, and the same cool feeling of the window when I jumped out and escaped, the feel of a tear on my cheek brings me back to the train compartment. Wiping my eyes I move to the side closer to the door and close the curtain over the window so it doesn't give me more flashbacks.

"Excuse me?" A girl with dark brown curly hair and brown eyes, says with two girls behind her the first one has blond hair, blue eyes, and a pretty round face the last girl is a not so obvious India but has lighter facial features,

"Yes?" I ask, and the girl who first talked responds,

"Hi, my friends and I normally sit in this carriage and we are just winding if you mind sharing with us, " 

"All good, come on," I gesture tilting my head as they all smile before walking in, "I'm Artemis by the way," I say while leaning back into my seat,

"I'm Valentina," the girl who's done all the talk responds,

"Lavender," the blond continues,

"Parvati," the last one finishes,

"Are you new?" Parvati says genuinely curious,

"Yeah, I am,"

"What year are you?" Lavender asks

"I'm going to be a third year," I responded hoping that I'm not well known in the wizarding world,

"Omg really?!" Valentina squeals, "I hope you are in Gryffindor with us,"

"Yeah, that would be great," say as a group of four pass the window the red haired one looks in for a second before turning away and talking with the two boys and a girl,

"Ron just looked at me!" Lavender yells when they pass, and I look at Valentina confused,

"Lavender like that red head Ron Weasley and he just passed our window," She explains and I make an oh face while looking back at Lavender,

"Well, what's he like?" I say trying to play into it,

"Well he's kinda shy, and his mum always knits him a sweater for Christmas, he's not the brightest but he is kind and is always butting heads with Malfoy with Harry and Nathan," she says with a dreamy look on her face,

"Who's Nathan?" I ask wanting to know about his friends, 

"Well, he is Sirus Black's kid," Valentina says, my eyes widen, "But he's such a heartthrob always going around flirting with girls, I can't wait to see the girl who managers to fluster him,"

"Just letting you know, I'm a serious flirt and I don't plan on changing," I say with no shame looking straight at Valentina,

"Oh I know, you have this smirk that gives you away," Valentina responds with a smile, "I think you're going to be the one to topple Hogwarts heartthrob,"

"Now that would be a good show, better than watching Harry die nearly every year," Parvati jokes, 

"Yeah point him out when we get off the train before I have to see Minnie," I say looking at Parvati smiling,

"Who's Minnie?" Lavender asks looking confused,

"You know, Minerva McGonagall, Minne like it's just a nickname," I explain,

"Please, Professor McGonall would never let anyone call her that," Valentina laughs,

"Watch me," I smirk, as all three of them roll their eyes at me.

The Lost Potter Twisted - Artemis PotterWhere stories live. Discover now