4 - Witch?

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July 15th


Over the next 6 days, Emily and I drove from the outskirts of one side of London to the outskirts of the opposite side, I spent most of my time listening to music on my Walkman and looking out the window thinking about the people I saw in my dream. They felt so familiar but I didn't know where from. Once we get out of the city I end up falling asleep looking at all the little suburbs that are covered in trees.

"Artemis" I hear a voice and feel someone shaking me, I slowly open my eyes and look out the window and see a two-story house that is made of red bricks and the wood around the windows is a cream colour. The garden is covered in roses of all colours. 

"Good to see you up," Emily says with a smile,

"How long will I be staying here?" I ask, I wouldn't mind staying here for a while.

"For a month and a half, this is just a crossover home," Emily explains


"Yeah this family just does crossover homes" Emily explains with a sad expression,

"It's fine," I say as I step out of the slinging the bag over my shoulder, and every time I do this it feels like deja vu, I step out of the car and walk up their porch and am about to knock on the when a woman with dark down hair in a messy bun, and a man with light brown hair walk out the door and suffocate me in a hug. I completely freeze and don't move a muscle,

"Hi sweetheart," the woman says as she pulls back out of the hug still holding my shoulders, "I'm Mrs Granger and this is my husband." I reach my hand out to shake Mr Granger's hand,

"Hi I'm Artemis Remus," I reply in the same manner, "Thank you so much for letting me stay with you."

"It's no problem," Mr Granger says as he shrugs it off, "Let me go get our daughter she is the same age as you actually," he comments while going back inside, Mrs Granger starts talking to Emily, about something. I let my bag drop off my shoulder and lean against the wall waiting for the Granger's daughter. I let my mind wander to other times foster homes have had kids


"Hi," I say shyly to the Anderson's daughter,

"Hi!" she exclaims, "Come play dolls with me." We sat there for hours playing together, I think it's the only time I felt like a kid.

Flashback 2

"Muummmm" a kid whines, 

"What is it dear?" The woman looks at her daughter as if she is her whole world, Why can't I have a mum like that, I think.

"I want more food THAT girl has lots left." the kid spits all over my plate,

"Here have it since you spit all over it anyways." I say in a sickly sweet voice that can only be fake,

"Ah, go to your room now!" the woman scoffs looking down on me, I push my chair out and walk to my room happy to escape the dinner that made me hate my parents even more for abandoning me.

"Hello, I'm Hermione Granger." A girl's voice snaps me back to reality, I see a girl with bushy curly hair holding her hand out to me with a genuine smile on her face,

"Hi, I'm Artemis," I say holding out my hand, which Hermione doesn't shake and starts dragging me into the house,

"Come on let me show you where you are staying!" She squeals and yanks me into the house, I quickly grab my bag and wave to Emily as she runs upstairs dragging me upstairs while laughing. She opens a door with Hermoine on it and inside is a room painted baby pink with huge bookshelves on most of the walls.

"Holy shit, YOU HAVE SOO MANY BOOKS!" I squeal, and start jumping up and down in excitement,

"You read!" Hermione yells,

"Yes, of course, I do it whenever I can." I say, "Do you mind if I have a look?" Hermione just nods excitedly, I walk up to the bookshelf and start trailing my hands over the spines of the books. There are some books on the bottom shelf that stand out I pull it out and gasp at the cover 'A History of Magic' I flick through the book and a Letter falls out that reads:


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

Dear Miss Granger,

 We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all the necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. we await your owl by no later than 31 July

Yours sincerely 

Minerva McGonagall

Depuduty headmistress

I stare at Hermoine in shock then whisper,

"You're a witch?"

A/N For any information on how regularly I will post please go to my TikTok can be found in my bio


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