45 - I really don't know what to name this chapter

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"Ahhhh, I'm bored how long is Hooch going to stare and comment on Harry's broom," I whine hitting my head over and over on George's back,

"I don't know, are you trying to break my back or your head?" He jokes and Fred and I laugh a little. I step out from behind George walking so that I'm in front of Fred and George,

"Sorry, but I thought this was supposed to be an early morning thing so I downed two cups of coffee," I tell them sarcastically before glaring at Wood out of the corner of my eye,

"Oh it's not that bad little Potter," Fred teases shoving me gently and playfully holding his hands out. I laugh and half-heartedly glare at him before clenching my fists and punching his hands going, jab cross, jab, jab cross over and over trying to get out some of the caffeine in my body. 

"Someone has a lot of energy wonder why," George teases and I 'miss' Fred's hand and land a semi-gently punch on his arm, "Ow!" He yelps rubbing his hand over his arm. I laugh at him lowering my hands and poking my tongue out at him flipping him off,

"Ooo Freddie looks like you pissed off the overly caffeinated Potter," George laughs as Wood walks more like storms over to us, 

"Potter! Weasley! Weasley! Get over here!" He demands pointing to where our Quidditch team is standing, I mockingly hold my hands in defence. Following my lead the twins do the same and we follow Wood over to the team huddle as Madam Hooch walks with Ron over to the stands,

"Harry I feel like a true criminal right now," I tease with a fake as we walk over he rolls his eyes at me with a small smile on his lips knowing technically the street races I do aren't completely legal, Oops, a mocking voice whispers in my mind. Once I'm next to Harry I bump his shoulder lightly, hearing him scoff beside me my smirk grows knowing I'm doing my duty to annoy my twin.

"Harry, I've just found out who Ravenclaw are playing as Seeker," Wood tells Harry once we are all huddled together as a team even though we are all listening, "It's Cho Chang. She's a fourth-year, and she's pretty good..." Wood scowls and I glare at Wood's head,

"Cho Chang?" I ask bitterly rolling my eyes. The team looks at me shocked as I don't generally show a dislike to many people, at least not voice it.

"What's wrong with her?" Harry asks me looking at me curiously,

"She's a bitch! She called ME Arrogant! Like I'm James Potter's offspring!" I huff folding my arms over my chest, everyone looks at me blandly,

"You are," They all say at once,

"I know but still! It was a bitch move! This was after she came up to me all buddy, buddy as if she was my best friend! But once I declined her offer to go to Hogsmead with her and her friends she call me an arrogant bitch!" I rant throwing my hands in the air,

"But you are," Nathan and Harry point out together, I whip my head around and glare fiercely at the two, and just as my mouth opens to say a retort Wood cuts me off clapping his hands together

"OK, everyone, let's go," He tells us and we all mount our brooms to start practice. Throughout that time I may or not have purposely thrown a quaffle at Harry and Nathan's heads.


I laugh and roll my eyes with Valentina and Pavarti as we watch many people fawn over Harry's firebolt from the other end of the Gryffindor table. Lavender was too busy gawking at Ron to be paying attention to what else was going on, my eyes linger on the scene of Harry, Nathan, and Ron all laughing at something Percy said after he runs after Peneoply Clearwater his girlfriend. After a moment I turn my head back to the conversation I was previously having with the two girls,

"I swear if she says something to me during the match my fingers will slip and a quaffle will hit the back of her head," I grumble glaring at Cho's head,

"I wouldn't blame you," Pavarti comments shrugging her shoulders, "She acted like your best friend then treated you horriblely. And she did it in front of us your best friends like really? Has she no shame," She scoff and Lavender who had brought her attention back to us nodded her head wholeheartedly agreeing with her,

"I don't see why she's so popular and liked, I bet she's a Scorpio," Lavender tells us and out of the corner of my eye I make eye contact with Valentina who is giving me the same look,

"Thanks, Lav, I bet you're right," I tell her with an easy smile,

"Do me a favour and win, please? I have a bet Padma," Pavarti pleads gently, "I don't want to be down 20 galleons," She whispers not wanting others to hear that she made a bet,

"It's just a bet you don't have to whisper," I whisper with a mocking smile and she playfully glares at me,

"Just win,"

"Of course, I can't let Hoe Chang win now can I?" I say with an arrogant smirk.


A/N NO HATE TO CHO AT ALL!!!!! I just wanted to do this for the plot of the fourth and fifth year since Harry has a crush on Cho then. Please don't hate on me for this, I actually have no hate for her or her character at all.

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