2 - To Hell and Back

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November 30th 1981

Third person:

In the past month, Death Eaters have been put in Azkaban and many trials have occurred and in each one, they were questioned about the whereabouts of Artemis' body, and at each one, no one knew. A week after Sirius got sent to Azkaban Aurors spotted Peter Pettigrew limping in the streets. He was covered in deep cuts, his hair and clothes filthy and he looked broken. The second he was spotted he was taken to the dementors and Sirius was released. 

Lily, James, and Harry moved to Potter Manor the day after Voldemort was defeated. Potter Manor was a place where they weren't reminded of the daughter and sister they lost. When Remus came to visit the Potters after the full moon he was broken to find that the love of his life was in Azkaban and his Goddaughter was dead. Remus became a shell of who he was, even with Sirius' return his wolf refused to believe he lost his cub and it took ages to overcome his grief. Until the 30th when his life was forever changed.


Hearing a knock on the door I got up and opened the door expecting to see Padfoot but opened the door to,

"Lily, Prongs? What are you doing here?" I asked not in the mood, " And I'm not in the mood for a Lily Potter, I am totally fine let's talk about you, therapy sessions." I state, but Lily ignores that and there is a look in her eye that I think is excitement but I haven't seen her look eyes since Hogwarts.

"Why the fuck do you look happy?" I question, 

"No reason Moony, no reason at all," James says cheerfully while sitting on our red couch and wrapping his arm around Lily's shoulder, I hesitantly sit down on the matching armchair right as there is a knock on the door, I groan as I get back up and walk to the door.

"Surprise Moony!" Sirius yells, my jaw drops in shock and I freeze as stare at Sirius' hand and see a tiny one holding it, there stands a little boy with dark brown hair, brown eyes with little gold flakes,

"Hi," The little boy says, looking up at me with big eyes, "Are you my new dad?" I feel tears prick my eyes as I look down at the boy and lift him into my arms, and I can tell my voice will break before I even speak,

"Hi, yeah I'm your new dad." I feel the tears leave my eyes as I look at my son, "What's your name son?"

"I'm Nathan," he says as he reaches up to my face and wipes the tears from my cheeks, "There all better," he says as he kisses my nose and Lily comes and takes me from my arms and introduces him to her and James. Padfoot puts his arm around my waist and kisses my cheek, and that's when I realise everything will be ok, even though Artemis is gone I will continue to live for my family.

March 3rd 1982

"DAD!!! DADFOOT!!" I hear Nathen scream, I rush into the room and see Nathan's Birthday cake on the floor and all over him and Harry. Lily, Prongs, and Padfoot all rush in to see what's happening, but we all just burst out laughing at the sight of Nathan and Harry covered in blue icing from Nathan's birthday cake. Lily is the first to recover and fix the cake, she picks up Harry and James starts playing peek-a-boo with him, Nathan sees this and looks up at us with puppy eyes.

"Dadfoot, ups" he pouts, but immediately starts laughing as Sirius starts running around the cottage moving Nathan around like he's in a rocketship. I let a smile break free as I look at James and Lily smiling down at Harry, and see Sirius acting like a child with our son, my smile turns to a sad one as I think Cub I wish you were here with us.

A/N I know another short chapter but I wanted to give some background on everyone healing and how Nathan did that for the Marauders.


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