17 - Ferret

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"Lav, Parvati we're sorry, but you guys will enjoy the class more if we aren't there complaining about the class," I say trying to reason with my friends,

"We wanted to do divination together," Parvati says sitting at the Gryffindor table,

"But we didn't we don't believe in Seeing or how reliable Seers actually are," Valentina continues,

"My great aunt was a Seer!" Lavender yells, fuming at us,

"Ok, you're right we won't mention anything about how we don't like or believe in the class and we can all just believe what we want," Val tries, as I sit down and start eating knowing I can't say anything that won't make it worse,

"Fine" Lavender and Parvati both huff, they start up a new conversation as I drift off before seeing Nathan walking in with Harry who looks pissed, turning around I see what he's looking at and I frown at seeing Malfoy pretend to faint, Hermione pushes Harry into a chair,

"He is just trying to provoke you, Harry," Hermione explains,

"She's right," I say as the quadrant's head whips to me, "He's trying to provoke you, plus he wasn't much better he came into our carriage pretty much crying like a baby, and when the dementor came in I'm pretty sure he pissed himself. Onto of that, he hid behind all of us," pointing to myself and the girls, "his goons and a girl who doesn't have a wand." I stand up once I am finished speaking and strut over to the Slytherin table where Draco is still acting out Harry fainting,

"Enjoying the show Potter," he smirks saying it loud enough to catch everyone's attention,

"No." I respond before grabbing him by the collar, "Don't try this shit again,"

"Put me down," he yells,

"Stop being a shit and messing with Harry," I respond,

"Please, Potter is just a baby protected by mummy and daddy," he teases,

"Your fucking wrong, he's protected by me, and I swear I am a hell of a lot worse than both Lily and James. So don't fucking try anything you prick, I swear I will..." but the rest of it is cut off as two pairs of strong-arm hoist me away, I pull against them as Malfoy stumbles away and quickly walks back to his seat, I yank my arms away from who grabbed me easily because I had been working on my strength since I ran away. I don't look at anyone and storm to the doors of the great hall. Pressing my hands against the doors I shove them open, walk around the corner, and shift and run into the forbidden forest to clear my head. 


Walking to the Great Hall already pissed since Artemis keeps teasing me, but hasn't said anything about the day in Gringots, Fuck, of all people she had to be a Potter, walking into the Hall with Ron, Harry, and Hermione we instantly see Draco reenacting Harry fainting, Hermione turns Harry away from Draco as Ron and I glare at him. Looking at the Gryffindor table my eyes immediately find the one person I know I can't have, her hair falls messily around her face but still looks perfect, her friends are all talking about something and she is staring off into space. She looks in my direction, but I frown as it doesn't even look like she looked at me before she spots Harry, her eyes become filled with confusion but none of her other features show it. Artemis looks to where Harry's looking and frowns as we all sit down,

"He is just trying to provoke you, Harry," Hermione explains,

"She's right," Artemis says beside us as all our heads whip to her because she had been pretty much avoiding us, "He's trying to provoke you, plus he wasn't much better he came into our carriage pretty much crying like a baby, and when the dementor came in I'm pretty sure he pissed himself. On top of that, he hid behind all of us," she explains with a smirk pointing to herself and the girls, "his goons and a girl who doesn't have a wand." she stands up as soon as she's finished explaining and walks over to the Slytherin table to where Maloy is standing still acting,

"Enjoying the show Potter," Draco smirks saying it loud enough to catch everyone's attention, I roll my eyes but then immediately look back at her,

"No." She responds before grabbing him by the collar and my eyes widen at how easily she lifts him up, "Don't try this shit again,"

"Put me down," he yells,

"Stop being a shit and messing with Harry," she responds simply shrugging,

"Please, Potter is just a baby protected by mummy and daddy," he teases and I see a flash of anger in her eyes before she continues to yell at him,

"Your fucking wrong, he's protected by me, and I swear I am a hell of a lot worse than both Lily and James. So don't fucking try anything you prick," I see Dadfoot and Uncle Prongs rush towards her to get her off Malfoy, They think he can hurt her, I think, and start smirking at Artemis, 

"I swear I will..." she doesn't get to finish as Dadfoot and James reach under both her arms dragging her away with effort, Malfoy stumbles away and quickly walks back to his seat, his face red with embarrassment. Artemis easily pulls away from Dadfoot and Prongs and their eyes widen in shock at her strength, she doesn't look at anyone before storming to the closed doors pushing them open, and leaves. That doesn't help keep her out of my head, I think still looking at the door before turning to the rest of my group and continuing to talk but my mind is constantly wandering to one girl's face. 


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