37- Traitor

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A knock is heard on the door and everyone but Dadfoot and I sprint to the door,

"Why aren't you going to the door?" I ask confused since I have been nagged to be nice to her,

"She's hiding something and I almost couldn't tell," He explains slowly watching her she hugs both Aunt Flower and Harry before everyone starts talking,

"Why aren't you saying hi," Dadfoot asks, turning to look at me as we make our way outside for Christmas Eve lunch,

"I don't trust her," I state simply,


"Cause how can someone go from talking to their twin to ignoring them, she kept her promise and joined the team but never talked to Harry, then after you guys went to Diagon Alley she started talking to us but never said sorry and Harry pretended nothing happened,"

"She's never had a family," Dadfoot sighs and we make our way to the table and join everyone,

"So how far away do you live at the moment?" Harry asks excitedly and I roll my eyes sitting on his right while Artemis is in front of him,

"Close enough," She hums not giving any information, "Is anyone else coming?" She asks,

"Harry and Nathan's dates," Dad says excitedly as we haven't told any of our family their names. Looking at Harry I can see the blush on his face,

"Come on Prongslet who did you invite," Artemis says teasingly,

"Where did you hear that name fawn?" Uncle Prongs asks since we hadn't said the name around her, Dad and I send each other a look before turning to face her,

"Hmm," is all the answer we get before another knock is heard, Harry and I both stand up and go to the door, Let's see what you think of this Artemis, I think with a smirk plastered on my face,

"I don't like that look," Harry says

"It's the only one I have," I smirk slinging my arm around his shoulders before we open the door and my jaw drops in shock, Harry actually had the guts to ask out his crush! I think as they exchange hellos and Harry actually has himself together as they walk through the house hand in hand, This day can't get weirder. Just as I shut the door and started to follow them when another knock is heard,

"Hello, Valentina you look amazing," I complement looking at her wearing a floral top with jeans,

"You don't look too bad yourself," She teases before I wrap an arm around her waist and we walk outside. The table is silent as we walk outside and Artemis' face is priceless, Damn I wish I had a camera, I think before a loud shout is heard,

"VAL?!" Artemis screams slamming her hands on the table, looking between me Val, and the arm around my date's waist,

"Shit," Valentina mumbles,

"NATHAN LUPIN BLACK! YOU ASKED MY BEST FRIEND TO THE BALL?!" She screams glaring at me so much so I hold both my hands up in surrender and take a step back, You didn't think this through, my brain says, No shit,

"So umm thing is I didn't think this through," I try to defend myself taking another step back, I look to the adults for help but Aunt Flower is just watching with amusement and Dadfoot, Dad, and Uncle Prongs are looking at me like I grew and second head and this is the worst idea ever. Harry reaches over the table and places a hand over hers she just huffs before mumbling

"Traitor," We cautiously go sit down Valentina sits next to Artemis since it's the only seat left so when I sit down I'm facing her, after a while of conversation Uncle Prongs can't help but ask,

"So any trouble with boys," At this Dad's gaze is dead set on Artemis but Valentina and Artemis burst out laughing,

"Nope, they all leave us alone," Artemis starts still laughing,

"Yeah it's too easy sometimes," Val continues and I look between the two girls, I mean I know they are pretty how are there no guys going after them, I question in my head and think over all the times I have seen Artemis and Valentina by themselves but I can't recall any time there were guys around them,

"What's too easy?" Dadfoot asks confused,

"Scaring away guys," Artemis shrugs, before she goes back to eating,

"And how do you do it?" Uncle Prongs asks the question we all want the answer to,

"You really want to know?" Valentina asks with a sly smile on her face while Artemis has a full on smirk,

"I don't think I want to know anymore," Dad mumbles sinking down in his chair, none of us say anything so Artemis shrugs and looks Valentina straight in the eyes and she does the same, they look at each other the way Dadfoot looks at Dad and Uncle Prongs looks at aunt Flower. Artemis brings her hand up to Valentina's cheek and Valentina leans in closer before all of us guys are pretty much jumping over the table wanting to stop them. Aunt Flower and the girls including Harry's date Jenna Lovella burst out laughing,

"They did try to warn you you know," Jenna says quietly to Harry still chuckling slightly,

"Artemis? Do you have a date yet or does no one want to go as your date?" I smirk changing the conversation,

"Hmm I'm sorry Val," She says not moving her gaze from me, everyone looks at her in confusion, but Valentina has that same sly smile on her face as before,

"And why is that?" Valentina asks but she sounds like she knows the answer,

"Because you have a date like him and I'm the one who came up with the idea for you to get him to take you to the ball," Artemis says smirking at me and realise what she said, WHAT?!  "What's wrong Nathan? Did I beat you at your own game?"


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