3 - Not My Home

802 23 8

July 2nd 1991


"Artemis....Artemis we're here." Emily, my social worker says, I step out of the car and look around my new foster parents house, everything looks worn and tattered, I sign This is just going to be like all the others, I think to myself. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and fiddle with my crescent moon silver necklace, a while ago I got it checked and found out it's pure silver, Emily says it's the only thing that I had on me when I was found outside the police station 10 years ago.


"Yes, Emily?" I say looking up at her,

"Are you going by Artemis Remus still?" She asks with no judgment, but it still bothers me.

"Yes" I snap then realising how rude that sounded and I am filled with guilt, "Sorry"

"I know," Emily says as she walks up to the door and knocks, "I'm sorry too,"


"Please stop" I cry after I feel another painful kick to my ribs, 

"I don't think you've learned your lesson yet," Tim says looking me straight in the eyes,

"No, I have I swear" I plead as he lands a punch to my stomach, white pain blinds me as tears leave my eyes. I lose count of how many times I have been kicked, punched, and cut when he finally lets me go I run straight to the room I am staying in, the room is small, a single bed sits in the middle, and a wardrobe on the side. I limp to my black backpack and open the middle pocket and pull out the alcohol wipes, numbing cream, and bandages. I limp across the dusty hall to the bathroom, I lock the door and turn around letting myself fall to the ground. Sobs escape me as I pull up my top and see the large purple bruises covering my ribs. I wince as I rub the numbing cream on and then wrap the bandages around my stomach where there is a huge cut. I force myself to stand up and walk to the mirror and clean the cuts that sit on my cheek from Tim's rings. I gently let my figure graze over it and the cut disappears, I lift my shirt again and do the same thing to my bruises and cut but nothing happens. More tears fall as all I can think is Just like everwhere else. Why me, what have I ever done? A screaming comes from down stairs just as I finish,


"Yes, Sir." I say in response and put my stuff away and limp down stairs, as I grab the cleaning stuff from the cupboard I feel my hair get tugged upward and yelp escapes me.

"I don't want a single trace of blood you got it?" he slurs obviously drunk, as he pull my hair tighter,

" Yes, Sir." I say, then I'm dropped back to the floor, Tim stumbles back to the couch and starts yelling football game on the TV.

I finished cleaning and walked back up the stairs careful not to make a noise. I open the door to the room and pull out the phone Emily gave me, 

 Me: It happened again.

Emily: I'm so sorry I try everytime not to make you the first person to go to these homes

Me: I know please come get me

Emily: I'll be there first thing I promise.

Me: Pinky swear

Emily: Pinky swear

I put my phone away so Tim doesn't see it and crawl into the bed hoping this all goes away as I dream of  a woman with red hair and emerald eyes, a man with messy black hair, another man with black hair, silver eyes and a man with light brown hair and caremal eyes all smiling down at me.


"MUM ITS HAPPENING AGAIN!" I yell from my room as I curl up on my bed feeling like I'm being stabbed as I let a few tears fall

"Here Harry drink this" Mum says while pouring what I know is Dreamless Sleep down my throat, as the world fades into black I can't help but think why is this happening to me?

A/N This is my longest chapter by far and I hope you guys enjoyed it also Emily is the person who social serves assigned to Artemis when she was first found. What does everyone think so far?


The Lost Potter Twisted - Artemis PotterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ