30 - Hospital

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"What happened," Harry croaks from his bed, and everyone jumps up surrounding the bed,

"You fell off," Fred answers "Must've been – what – fifty feet,"

"We thought you died," Angelina says still shaking,

"But the match," Harry asks, "What happened? Are we having a replay?"

"Diggory got the Snitch," George responds when none of us answer, "Just after you fell. He didn't realise what had happened. When he looked back and saw you on the ground, he tried to call it off. Wanted a re-match. But they won fair and square ... even Wood admits it."

"Wait where is Wood and Artemis?"

"Well Woods is in the shower, think he's trying to drown himself," I joke with a croaky voice making Harry look at me. He brings his knees up and starts tugging his hair in frustration,

"C'mon, Harry, you've never missed the Snitch before." Fred starts, and I smile at the group seeing how they are all trying to make Harry feel better,

"There had to be one time you didn't get it," George jumps in,

"Where's Artemis? Is she back to ignoring me?" Harry questions looking disappointed, everyone looks around just as Madam Pomfry rushes in telling the Quidditch team to get out leaving, Ron, Hermione, Nathan and I to tell Harry what happened since Remus got kicked out of the hospital Wing because he wouldn't stop pacing.

"Did someone get my Nimbus?" Harry asks out of the blue once everyone leaves Ron, Nathan, and Hermione look quickly at each other.

"Er.." Ron starts looking awkwardly around and I'm glad he's forgotten I'm here.

'What?" Harry asks looking back and forth between all of them,

"Well ... when you fell off, it got blown away," Hermione says gently


"And it hit – it hit – oh, Harry – it hit the Whomping Willow," Nathan bursts out as Ron places the remainder of the broom on his lap. Harry's face pales, and finally looks at me,

"I'm sorry Prongslet, but it really couldn't be stopped," I say sympathetically knowing I would be just as distressed if not more if it had been me,

"Unless you're Artemis," Nathan grumbles under his breath but everyone hears and we all turn to look at him glaring,

"What did happen to Artemis? why isn't she here?" Harry asks again looking at me this time I know he won't be distracted,

"Umm you know the saying if you get murdered I won't be at your funeral I'll be in jail?" I question awkwardly, while Harry looks at me confused, and Ron, Hermione, and Nathan are all shaking their heads.

"Yeah, why?" Harry asks suspiciously giving me a weird look,

"Well Artemis did the if you fall off a broom I'm jumping after you verse," I blurt out and Harry looks outright panicked,

"Is she ok?!" He yells,

"Yeah she's just still unconscious," Hermione answers taking the heat off me, Phew, I think. We all talk for a while before, before we hear a rustling behind the curtains of where Artemis is lying,

"Another fucking reason to hate those bitchy dementors I guess," we hear her mumble as she walks out of the curtains and makes her way over to Harry before poking him in the ribs making him move over and lays down next to him. "Are you all good Harry?" She questions,

"Are you?" He responds, before getting another few pokes playful to the ribs, and I start smiling at their playfulness,

"I asked first,"

"I feel completely fine. Now how are you?" He continues a smile tugging on his lips, and a large one spreads on mine watching my twins who were separated for so long getting along so well.

"Just a bit sore, I've been worse," She shrugs before getting back up,

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?" I question as she walks past me, before turning back to look at me,

"Go see my friends?" She questions looking at me with a raised eyebrow,

"No, you're going to rest. Come back here and sit down," I tell her trying to put on my best parenting voice, Where's Lily when I need her. She is the one who does all the parenting. I think grumply.

"Dad, I'm fine. I just want to go have dinner with my friends and then go to bed," She shrugs but my breath catches,

"You just called me Dad," I whisper looking shocked,

"I guess I did," Artemis shrugs before winking turning on her heel, and walking out of the Hospital Wing,

"How does she always do that!" Nathan yells annoyed while a smile is plastered on my face.


"Artemis!" The girls squeal crushing me in a hug just as I am about to sit down at the table for dinner, freezing and stumbling back a few paces at the force of the hug. I awkwardly pat their backs,

"That's my name," I smile as they start laughing and pulling back,

"Good to see you haven't lost your humor," Val smiles as we all sit down and I start filling my plate,

"How could you be so stupid!" Lavender scolds me,

"What did I do now?" I question looking to Val who is sitting beside me,

"Jumped off your broom to catch Harry then taking all the impact," she deadpans,

"Not even the top 3 stupidest things I've done," I shrug going back to eating,

"HUH?!" They all turn their heads quickly to look at me,

"Eh," I start looking up to see all three girls staring at me with wide eyes,

"You are going to give me a panic attack one day," Parvati sighs shaking her head and I chuckle at their responses. After dinner is over we start talking about how horrible it was to be out in that weather, when we open the dorm door I feel familiar paws jump onto me knocking me down before licking my face. Giggling for a moment before she gets off and sits at my feet waiting for attention, I get up scratch her head, and grab my stuff heading to the bathroom to get changed and ready for bed.

"Please don't scare us again like that," Val whispers from her bed as I walk out of the bathroom with a towel in hand drying my hair.

"I don't mean to, I'm not used to people caring if I get hurt or not," I whisper back settling into bed, feeling Stella jump onto the end of my bed and curl up,

"You may not mean to or be used to it, but people do care about you," she says gently,

"I know, and I will try to change a little," I promise,

"Only a little though we need you to scare off the creepy guys," Val jokes,

"Of course, I could never do that to you guys. You would miss me too much," I laugh before closing my eyes and drifting off.


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