ch 15 - new student

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7:00 am

despite Gojo knocking you out you only got an hour of sleep before your body forced itself awake.

you got up from the bed Gojo had put you on and looked around the room. it was an empty dorm.

you went to the bathroom and washed your face, hoping to hide your tiredness.


you went to the door to see Gojo, he wasn't surprised you were awake. he knew of your sleep habits and problems.

"there's cake in the fridge, do you want some?" he asked as you both walked to the dorm cafeteria.

"who eats cake first thing in the morning?" you asked him giving a 'wtf' look.

"me!" he said proudly as if it was an achievement.

"I swear one of these days your gonna get a cavity or something," you mumbled under your breath.

Gojo went to eat his cake and you found a pot of coffee.

"shoko's awake, huh?" you said pouring yourself a cup.

"mmm, she woke up a little before you came."

"morning sensei~" a tired voice spoke and you turned around to see nobara walking in, she was in her uniform but looked half asleep.

"here, a coffee," you gave her a cup and she smiled drinking it.

"we'll be introducing a new student today," you spoke making her perk up.

"a fourth student?" she thought outloud.

"mmhm, she's a special case. y/n-chan found her. she dose;t know much about jujutsu so she won't be going on the mission today. she'll join those activities later on," Gojo said referring to the mission they were assigned tonight.

"a new student?" another voice spoke.

itadori and fushiguro made their way to the group.

"yeah, she's been through a lot so take care of her ok? and not the good kind either," you told the group who immediately woke up realizing what you were talking about.

"a bad house hold or?" fushiguro asked.

"worse, and it happened recently so be cautious around her. she maybe wary around you guys but accept her for who she is. she'll open up eventually," they nodded their heads in understanding. they couldn't help but pity the girl for what she had went through.

"in fact I'll go bring her here now!" you said with a smile playing down your cup.

"ehh? now?" Gojo asked and you nodded your head.

"yeah, it'll be better now, she can think about it during the day and when they go on their mission."

you made your way to the room she was in to find her already awake and dressed.

"hey," you knocked on the door despite it already being opened.

"o-oh, y-you can c-come in," she stuttered.

"hey, it's ok, you're safe here. you don't need to be scared," you spoke calmly walking toward the slightly friengthend girl.

she nodded her head though you knew she was still scared.

"I was wondering if you were up to meeting the other students, there's only three others and one of them is a female as well if that makes you feel any better," you spoke calmly.

"I-i will meet them..."

"want to talk to them over breakfast? they're in the cafeteria right now."

"s-sure," she got up, and walked with you to the cafeteria where nobara was scolding itadori?

"alright you lot, introduce yourself1" you told them as they stopped in their tracks to look at the girl.

"nobara kugasaki, nice to meet you!"

"fushiguro megumi."

"itadori yuji, I'm into girls like Jennifer lawranc-" before he could finish a fist hit his head.

"nobara~ what was that for?" he whined at the girl.

"you don't say that in an introduction, and you," she pointed at fushiguro. "you can't just say your name either!"

he just shrugged ticking the girl of more.

the two of you just watched the fight and you couldn't help but chuckle.

"u-m shouldn't you stop them?" she asked quietly.

"haha, this is normal. this is how they speak to each other," you patted her head with a smile.

"you guys this is teruhiko Hitomi, take good care of her ok?"

"umm, hello. nice to meet you," she bowed.

"its nice to meet you too!" nobara said giving her signature grin. you saw Hitomi's eyes sparkle a little and you knew that those two would be friends.

"now go get some food," you pushed her to nobara and saw the two get off rather well.

"those two make a good pair don't they?" Gojo said and you hummed in agreement.

"where is you mission taking place again?" you asked Gojo, knowing that he had a separate mission.

"in (city name), I think the higher up are planning something," you nodded in agreement.

"if something happened I know megumi will call me, but you need to call me later as well ok?" you told him and he nodded.

"the arata clan is still somewhere out there I hope." you said solemnly.

"the higher ups don't know that she's here," Gojo told you.

"that's good, make sure they don't. I hate how they are functioning now days. I disappear for little less than a century and all goes to chaos," you grumbled annoyed as to how it was governing its self.

"are you coming to the next clan meeting?" Gojo asked whited you hummed to as your reply.

"the zennin clan need to know their place, they've tarnished their name enough already."

"I mean, what were they thinking treating maki and mai like shit? have they gone crazy?" you said in frustration.

"haha!" Gojo laughed at your annoyance for the clan.

"I mean, wtf do they think they are doing treating women like degenerates? for fucks sake, the first head was a women who didn't have the blood manipulation technique. she was literally the same as maki!" you ranted to gojo who was now used to your rants on the zennin clan.

"anyways, what have you been doing as of late? you've been gone more often," Gojo asked you.

"I joined bonten," you told him as he did a spit take.

"hey watch it sensei!" nobara shouted, barely managing to dodge it.

"you joined what now?!" he exclaimed wiping his face.

"you heard me, I. joined. bonten. you and megumi wouldn't leave me alone about my killing sprees, nows a legitimate reason to actually do them," you explained though he wasn't taking it.

"that's not a reason to join a criminal organization!"

has anything I've done legal before, satoru," you looked at him dead in the eye knowing you were right.

"ugh, fine. you better not do something stupid," he groaned and you gave him the' are you fucking serious' face.

"you can not say anything about doing something stupid," which he groaned cause he knew you were right again.

you laughed as he pouted, this was gonna be a good day you thought.

boy were you wrong.


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