Chapter 37

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The one time I actually want her to, Dasha doesn't come and get me this morning.

After last night I've had a lot of time to think about my next move and I realised that Igor showing me that surveillance room in his apartment was a real mistake for him and I can use that to my advantage.

It must be at least 1 pm by the time I timidly knock on my bedroom door. I want to talk to Dasha (strange I know). 

After three minuets no one comes and so I decide to knock again, no one comes again and so I turn the handle. To my surprise it isn't locked and so I push the door wider. I can't see anyone around, I know someone will be watching my every move through security cameras though. 

I walk down the hallway and take a few turns 

"Hello? Is anybody around?" I call out, hoping that I will find someone before they find me and accuse me of trying to escape, which I guess I am trying to do but just not right now. 

I take another turn in the hallway and finally I see someone coming towards me, it is a tall muscular scary looking guy, 

"What are you doing!" He yells in a thick Russian accent

"I-i'm just looking for Dasha" I reply timidly 

"Come with me" he says after a while of looking me up and down and turns around

I actually have to run a few times to keep up with him 

We reach a door and he opens it revealing a small office 

"Dasha, the girl is out of her room" 

Dasha, who is sitting behind an old wooden desk, looks up at me through a pair of reading glasses,  she inhales sharply, then stands up from the desk and walks over to me 

"What are you doing?" She yells right in my face

"I just wanted to ask you something, I knocked on my door then realised it wasn't locked so I went looking for you" I hopelessly explain while trying to back away from her intense stare 

Dasha says something in Russian to the man and he walks away 

"Follow me you silly girl" She says and starts walking back in the direction of my room 

When we get back to my room she stands by the doorway, crosses her arms and spitefully says, 

"Never leave your room again without being told too. What did you interrupt me for?" 

"Um, I was just wanting to ask you if I could talk to Igor, or if you could give him a message for me? I just want to apologise for what I said to Freya yesterday and I was wondering if we could meet up again because I would like to get to know my future husband better "

Dasha seems to contemplate this for a second then says,

"I will tell him what you said" as soon as she has said this she leaves the room and closes the door and this time I can hear the lock turning

I'm guessing I won't get a reply from Igor for a while so I decide to take a shower, the camera is still up so I get some conditioner and put it on the lens, a camera in the shower is too far, it's disgusting 

After a few hours of me just staring outside the window I hear the lock being turned and the door opening, Dasha walks in followed by three girls, the girls who did my makeup and hair are the same as yesterday but instead of Freya there is another girl. I hope I didn't get Freya in trouble, it wasn't her fault after all

"Igor has agreed to meet you, the girls have ten minuets to make you look somewhat presentable" Dasha says looking at me in disgust then leaves

This time I don't say anything to any of the girls. I get changed into the clothes that the girl I haven't seen before was holding, its jeans, a nice top and a jersey. 

Dasha comes back and we set off to go see Igor. The last thing in the world I want to do right now is apologise to Igor but I know that I have to if I want to have any chance of getting me and my friends out of here alive. 

Just like before Dasha pushes me out of the elevator and into Igor's apartment then leaves. I walk around and then find Igor in the surveillance room on his phone. 

"What is this?" He asks disapprovingly as he replays me putting conditioner on the shower camera

"I thought it would be someone else watching me not you and I didn't want them to watch, if I had of known it was you then of course I wouldn't have done that" I say thinking fast

"Hmm, okay. Next time don't do that. I will get someone into your room to clean it up" After he says this he grabs me by the waist and sits me on his lap, "I have work to do but you can sit here and stay quiet" he says then goes back to watching everyone through the cameras 

I feel physically sick at being so close to him 

Suddenly I tense up at what I see

"My beautiful bride what is it?" Igor asks

"My friends, there" I say pointing to the top right corner on one of the screens, "they look so sad and scared" I say quietly, I'm staring at Drew and Blake who are each sitting in the corner of their cells holding their knees looking freezing 

"They are being dramatic, it isn't that cold down there" Igor says heartlessly, he makes my blood boil with anger 

"Please Igor, I want to help them, it's my fault they are in this situation"

"I'm not letting them go" Igor says firmly

"Can't they get moved into different rooms? Like my one?" I ask 

"No, there aren't enough" Igor says absentmindedly, starting at his phone 

"They can all come into my room, we won't mind sharing" I ask hopefully

"No Lia, you are mine" He says and puts his arm across my lap while still staring at his phone

"Well, what if they move into my room, and I move here, with you?" 

He seems to think about this for a while then finally answers 

"I would like you closer to me. But any trouble and they will go right back down again and be in even worse conditions" He says finally looking up from his phone and to me 

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I say trying not to show my uncomfort at how his arm is now touching my thigh 

"You are welcome" He says then starts typing on his computer 

I watch the security cameras footage on the computer screen and I see my friends and Lucas being released from their cells and seeing each other again, they all look confused but a little relieved at the same time about being together. I continue to watch them on different screens while they are being taken up to my room. 

I didn't expect it to be that easy to get them into my room but I am so relieved that it was, this means that I can start my plan to escape even earlier than I expected 

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