Chapter Eleven: Another Joyride

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My stomaches growling when I wake up, I look over at my phone on the bedside table and see that its 11 at night. I fell asleep at like 6:30 and I hardly had any dinner so now I'm hungry.  

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, there are people In the living room watching a movie but they don't look at me. I walk over to the fridge but I see something that takes my mind off food. Someone left their keys out. This gave me an excellent idea, I could go get chips and a frozen coke from Mac donald's, yum. I don't take the keys that are on the bench because the cars out front should already have keys inside. 

I walk outside to the cool night air and am regretting my choice of clothes. I'm still wearing my pyjamas which are boy's shorts and an oversized hoodie, I shiver but it doesn't matter because I will soon be in a warm car and I won't be getting out until I'm back at the house. 

"You beauty" I whisper as I get into the car and I see the keys. I was kind of worried that my Dad would of taken all the keys out of the car because of what happened last time but I guess it's important that when something happens people can quickly leave to go somewhere. 

I take my phone out from my back pocket and put in the directions to the nearest macdonalds. Because of where the house is it takes forever to get anywhere and it says an hour and a half but I decide thats ok because I like listening to music while driving, its calming. Especially when its raining, and maybe I do have a little luck because just when I think this a few raindrops fall from the sky. I drive off and play 'the night we met'. After 2 hours I finally reach macdonalds (I was driving slow because of the rain and me not being a good driver) and go threw the drive threw ordering my fries and frozen coke. I park in one of the parking spaces and eat my chips. I love dipping the fries into the frozen coke, I swear its so good. I haven't had any phone calls so I'm guessing they don't know I'm gone yet. 

I'm still listening to my music and the rain while I'm eating my food when some random guy who looks about 20 gets in the passenger side. 

"Uh?" I say unsure of what to do

"Your one of Vincent's girls right?" He says in Italian

"Uh," I say 

"Do you speak Italian?" he asks again in Italian 

"Uh, yeah I do, but get out" I say in Italian, maybe I shouldn't have gone out by myself 

"I asked you a question" he demands 

"huh" I was a bit taken by surprise and didn't register what he said

"Your in one of Vincents crew's car so I'm guessing your with Vincents crew so what are you doing here by yourself" he says looking straight into my eyes. Yep I defiantly shouldn't of left by myself 


"Do you know who I am!?" he half yells at me 

"S-should I?" 

"I'm Roman" he says seriously

"Cool" I say awkwardly, "wanna get out now?" I say hoping that he will just leave 

"Did you steal this car?" he says laughing, "coz now when I look at you, you look too young to even have your licence" he says like its the funniest thing in the world. Thinking about it, I kind of did steal it. 

"Uhhhh," I say unsure what to do

"What's your name" he says and stops laughing looking at me like with one move and he could kill me, which was probably true. 

I don't want to tell him my name because I don't know if he's dangerous or not.

"Who are you?" I ask him trying to sound more confident than I feel

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