Chapter Eight

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"Lia, wake up your Dad wants to see you." It's the next day Leo is tapping me on the shoulder waking me up.

"Tell him to fuck off then"I fell asleep outside yesterday on the outdoor furniture but I must have slept walked to my bed because now i'm in bed

"Tell him yourself, he is not in a good mood after what you did yesterday"

"Good, that was my aim"

"Come on get up he's waiting, get ready quickly and then go downstairs"

I still don't move, making my Dad wait will make him angry which was my plan the whole time.

"Amelia if your not up, showered dressed and ready in 15 minutes time when I come back I will pour a bucket of ice cold water onto your head"

"Ugh fine" I say getting up and walking to the bathroom, Leo walks out and yells at me, 

"Remember 15 minutes no more"


I start the shower, and it goes instantly hot, at home it takes at least 5 minutes for it to get warm. I get in and use the shower gel and shampoo etc that is there. After about 5 minutes I get out and go into the closet, I haven't unpacked yet but looking at the clothes in the closet, I'm going to have to. The clothes are like what girly girls would wear, Drew would love it. I grab out my black ripped jeans and a black AC/DC t-shirt with some black converse's I found in the closet. I blow dry my hair a bit and then Leo comes back in. 

"Are you ready yet?" he says standing in the doorway of the bathroom (where I'm blow drying my hair).

"What does it look like?" I say mockingly 

"Come on, we need to go" 

"Ugh" I say putting the blow dryer away, it was pretty dry by now so I'm ok with it.

We start walking down the stairs, 

"And Amelia don't annoy your Dad any more"

"I'll do what I want to"

"You are so much like your Dad" he says shaking his head chuckling

"No I'm not! Take that back" I say and stop on the stairs

"No, and come on" He says pulling my arm, I start walking again

"For your information I am nothing like him, he is a.." 

But I got cut off from My Dad who was waiting at the bottom of the stairs

"Come on Amelia, were going" he says looking up from his phone and walking out the front door.

"Well go" Leo says pushing me towards the door

"Ugh" I say and follow my Dad into one of the cars, its black and has 2 doors but other than that I don't know what model but it looks a bit like the bat mobile.

We get in and he starts the car.

"Where are we going?" I ask, he keeps his eyes facing forward,

"To my office in town"


"Well, I was trying to think of a punishment for you and only 3 things popped into my mind, well only 3 things that I would actually do" 

"And they are?" 

"First I would get your Mum or friends back in Scotland and hurt them,"

"Don't you fu-"

"Don't swear, and I'm not sure it has come to that quite yet. Secondly is making you run or workout for long amounts of time but thats already what those tallies mean because every time you get one it means an extra 10 minuets. And lastly is going with me to work everyday, it will most likely make you bored out of your mind seeing as you won't understand it but I think that that is a good punishment. Plus I will be able to keep an eye on you that way. Although if you do anything else then we will have to go for option 1 and I'm not sure your mother and friends will thank you for that"

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