Just Internet Friends {m.g.c}

By IrwinsLaughing

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Friend /frɛnd/ noun a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of... More

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2.5K 122 18
By IrwinsLaughing

I decided I wasn't going to be one of those whiny girls.. I was going to stand my ground and if Luke didn't have a good enough excuse for ditching me the day before then I was going to tell him to fuck himself and walk away.

I put on my boots and left my Dad's house with my backpack, meeting Luke at the same place as the day before.

When I was walking I found it slightly weird how much all of the events in the recent time had been happening. I met Luke the same day I met Michael for the first time, and I knew Luke was Australian because of his strong accent that stood out against all the English accents around me. Considering the time that I met Luke and when Michael had text me to say he had landed must have meant that they were on the same flight as it was the only flight from Australia that day. That's when it hit me, Luke was "Lucy".

I felt like such an idiot that I didn't realise it before, Luke is one of Michael's friends. When I saw him leaning against a post waiting for me it felt like deja vu as I was walking up to him.

"You asked me to make babies with you." I stated when I reached Luke making him look up slightly stunned at my greeting. "You're Lucy aren't you?" I asked.

Slowly Luke reached his hand behind the back of his head and scratched it whilst cringing. "Yeah that's me," He said, shame laced in his tone. "I was just joking at the time by the way, I was just being stupid."

"Is that why you ran away?" I asked. "Because you realised who I was and was embarrassed by what you said to me or something?"

"Sort of, I guess." he shrugged his shoulders obviously trying to keep his cool, which he wasn't doing a very good job of. "I don't wanna say too much right now, but do you wanna come back to our house where we can all talk about this with Michael and the other ones?"

"The other ones?" I asked smirking at him and the fact that he forgot his best friends names. "I bet they're honoured to be your friend."

"Of course, who would tidy up after them?" He laughed and threw his arm around my shoudlers and just from this one small act of kindness/friendship I was immediately settled and relaxed into his embrace.

"So if you're friends with, Michael you're in his band yeah?" I asked looking up at the taller figure walking next to me and I saw him nod, inclining a yes. "What do you do in the band then?"

"I play guitar and sing," He said almost shrugging it off as if it wasn't a big deal that he could sing.

"Awesome! Sing something for me!"

"No," Luke chuckled then looked down towards me, amusement spread across his features. "How come whenever someone says that they can sing, everyone always wants to hear?"

I thought for a moment, taking his question very seriously not knowing at the time that he wasn't being serious when asking me the question. "Umm, I'm not sure, maybe because they want to hear proof that they can?"

"Oh so you don't believe me?" he raised his eyebrows as he joked pulling me closer into his side transferring some of his heat onto me.

"Well, for all I know you could sound like a cat on steroids." Shrugging I smirked at Luke but quickly hiding it because I didn't particularly like this cheeky side of me that Luke seems to bring out, although Luke seemed to like it.

"Why would a cat on steroids sound any different to a normal cat not on steroids?" he asked.

"I don't know, I don't make up the rules Hemmings!" Laughing we carried on walking towards what I'm getting is the house that Luke, Michael and their bandmates were staying in.

The house that they were staying in wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. The house was two stories and as it was a terrace house, it had no garage so their car was parked on the road next to the pavement. The house was very bonnie and basically looked like a normal quiant house.

"Welcome to our humble abode." Luke chuckled opening the door and letting me enter to hear the noise of the other boys laughing from the direction of what I assumed was the living room. As soon as I heard Michael's laugh I started walking at a fast pace in that direction eager to see my bestfriend again.

"Michael!" I yelled whilst grinning and making my way over to his position on the setee.

"Ariel!" He yelled back, which caused me to slap him across the head as he knows I hate that name. "Sorry"

"So now we're all up and spiffing with what's happening with this dating business?" Calum asked standing up and clapping his hands together. Calum seemed to be the one who always made the moments awkward and uncomfortable with everyone involved. I for one felt highly uncomfortable.

I turned to look at Luke, trying to feign confusion and from the corner of my eye spotted Ashton nudge Calum in his side sharply with his elbow. I for one thought that it looked highly painful.

"I haven't a clue what you're talking about, Calum." Michael said, "Ri is my bestfriend and she's at the moment talking to Luke and who knows where it goes, but that's not our position to intrude."I'm not sure but I'm could've sworn I heard venom in the tone of his voice, however I pushed it to the back of my mind and tried to forget about it.

"So how come Luke panicked and left me yesterday then? He said that when I came here you guys would tell me the answers to my questions." I told them crossing my arms across my chest as a defense mechanism that sort of caught on since I was nine.

"Because he realised how much of a douche you know him as from the group chat you were in where he asked to make anti-christ babies with you." Calum explained, however his way of doing things made everything very awkward and uncomfortable.

"Calum shut the fuck up man." Luke groaned slumping down on the setee beside me making me feel warmer and slightly more in my comfort zone. Slowly I moved closer into Luke's warmth feeling more satisfied knowing that I probably wasn't going to be by myself for a while. Feeling safe.

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