JoJo's Bizzare Ships

By The_Blue_Hearted

11.9K 442 1K

Welcome to the world of, JoJo where everyone has amazing powers and are super gay, and full of depression! T... More

Take Me Down
Which Flower Do You Pick First?
He Lies, He Bluffs, He's Unreliable
A Man's Purest Form of Sin
Sunshine & Lollipops
StarGay Crusaders
Sadness Batch (1)
A "Hairy" Situation
Too Fucking Close
To Tame A Beast
Wilting Flower Bloosoms
The Line Between Love and Lust
Bottom of the Bottle
Here, Batter, Batter!
The Snapping of a Rubber Band
A Man?!
Never Enough
Heart of the Sea
The Talk
No Need For Words
Luxury in Hell
Fall To Your Knees
When A Star Dies
Luxury in Hell (Part 1.5)
Luxury in Hell (2)
Sing to Me
The Kakyoin Dilemma
The Kakyoin Dilemma (2)
Roommate Scuffle
To Save a Stray
A Very Bizzare Father
To Befriend an Eldritch
What A Wonderful World
Holiday Rendezvous
Too Little, Too Late

A Lingering Shadow

363 10 17
By The_Blue_Hearted

Part: Diamond is Unbreakable (?)

-JotaMar [Jotaro x (his wife)] (established)
-JotaKak [Jotaro x Kakyoin] (implied)
- ghost!kakyoin | ghost stuff | horror
- gore | violence
-regret | fear | questioning of sanity

Jotaro Kujo has made a new life for himself. He has a wonderful wife, and a lovely, newborn daughter. Yet, as he moves into his new house he notices that, something may have followed him home...

Word-Count: 2,644

Published: December 21st, 2020

Status:  un-edited

//I call Jotaro'a wife "Marina" cause I actually think it a pretty name so fight me later for being uncreative //

Opening the door the man was greeted with a welcome sight, no longer was their new home white and bare. It was now filled with the comforts of his identity, but not, only his. It was still going to take the man some getting used to the highly personalized style of his wife. He walked down the hallway straightening any picture frames that were crooked with a smile. He slipped off his coat in the foyer, hanging it on a hook. Marina was standing on the kitchen putting up glasses carefully. She smiled at her husband.

"Jotaro!"she called cheerfully, "Its starting to look le home now, isn't it?"

"You've been a busy bee."the dark-haired man responded. He gave the woman a gentle kiss on the lips, glancing around. "It looks wonderful. How's my little girl?"

Marina rolled her eyes, "She's a newborn JoJo, she is asleep right now. You know, Jolyne doesn't cry much. I think she'll end up all quiet and stoic like you."

"Really?" He grabbed a few glasses out of the boxers. Hw wasn't all that tired from workz it had been orientation day, the vetern scientists simply and explained how the research facility worked and gave them a tour. "I think she'll be more like you. Loud and obnoxious."

The man laughed as he was slapped with a dishwasher, Marina huffed. "Watch yourself, I will make you sleep on the couch."

"You know you wouldn't..."Jotaro smiled softly and he wrapped his arms around her waist, nuzzling into her neck. The American huffed and she pushed her husband off of her.

"Go unpack your office! I haven't touched it, because I know how picky you are about where things go."

The Joestar nodded and he walked over to his office. He opened the door and froze. It was already unpacked, the boxes and paper that had been stuffed inside of them was everywhere. The man suffered a litrle glancing back towards the kitchen, Marina had said she hadn't unpacked it yet: perhaps she forgot? Jotaro walked inside and went to move things around, bus stopped as another feeling of dread came over him.  Everything was - perfect. It looked exactly the same way his office/dorm had back in college. Even the picture of the Crusaders was sitting the exact same spot. Slowly approaching the desk feeling chills run up his spine. He reached outwards and grasped the photo.

There was a handprint on it. Smaller than his own, but too large to be Marina's. He dusted it off, staring at the photo. Nothing was off about it. It was the same old photo with the same old people. He sighed nostalgically. Jotaro set it back down, and began to collect boxes.

He came out of the room tossing them out.Marina stared st him, amazed.

"Done already?"she seemed bewildered, "And you called me a busy bee!"

"No, the office was unpacked. Exactly how I like it- thank you for the suprise."he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, as he tossed a few boxes away into the large trash-bag they had. The woman looked startled.

"But...I didn't unpack it." The man froze, and he swallowed. He shook off any irrational fears that leapt up to the forefront of his mind. Dio was dead. He was safe. He was allowed to live a good life, without fearing the consequences of love.

"Dont be silly, someone had to- and I haven't been home long enough."he kissed her sweetly. Thought Marina remained looking offely confused.

"You just forgot, so - "he clapped his hands together, grabbing an apron and trying it about his waist. "What do you want for supper?"

Marina's mood went from confused to excited, she adored Jotaro's cooking. He had learned all of his recipes from her mother-in-law and Holly's cooking was simply the best. "Oh! I would adore some, um, what do you call it? Oh! Dumpling soup!"

Jotaro nodded, "Coming right up!"

╙ ↘ ◈ ╰☆╮ ◈ ↙

It had been a week since the unpacking incident, and nothing  strange had happened again. Thought everytime the man stepped into the house alone he got a feeling of unease. Jotaro assumed this was because when wasn't used to the house still. Or maybe he was anxious because he was a new father, husband and homeowner all at once. Currently, the marine biologist was leaning into his chair, reading a book the baby monitor sitting down beside him. He turned the page, and heard a small crackle come from the device. The Joestar looked over paying close attention. He expected to hear crying or the screaming of a fussy baby, but what came through sent ice shooting straight down his body.

A man's voice crackled through the device. It sounded disconnected and wheezy, as if whoever was speaking had a hard time breathing. Jotaro jolted to his feet dropping the book to the floor with a heavy thud.


His footsteps echoed down the hallway as he bolted towards the baby's room. There was no way that it was radio feedback, they had said his little girl's name. The man slammed open the door to Jolyne'a room - and found it was empty. Nothing. The window wasn't open either and the door had been closed before he came in. Jotaro summoned [Star Platinum] and had the Stand one the closest door. He checked the window to see if the lock was broken. It wasn't. Not a thing in the room had been disturbed.

Except, for the small star and dolphin mobile (made by Holly) was spinning around softly, and the baby in the crib was giggling. She reached upwards with her hands no semblance of fear or distress upon her features. Jotaro sighed with relief and he walked over, picking up his daughter gently. He held her close to his chest listening to her giggle- it made him smile softly. His blue eyes darted about the room. Had he imagined it? Yet, the mobile was spinning, but nobody had been in the room to spin it. He didn't feel any sinister presence either.

"Hey, Jolyne..."he spoke in a hushed whisper, looking down at the small creature in his arms. He laughed softly pressing their foreheads together. "Your daddy's a jumpy guy. He's always so worried. You should tell him to relax more..."

The baby girl giggled and she made grabbed hands, though she wasn't looking at her father. Her bright blue eyes were staring off in a distant corner. Jotaro turned around to follow her gaze and found nothing but, a handprint.

There was a strange handprint on the wall. He blinked and it was gone. Ice ran through him and Jotaro held his daughter close to his chest carrying her out of the room. He decided that he would rather hold onto Jolyne and have her fall asleep in his arms than leave her on the room alone. He didn't trust what he was seeing or hearing. He needed to get medicated for this paranoia he was suffering from. He would talk to Marina about it.

Jolyne whined a little, as the door closed blocking a figure that flashed there for a moment from view.

╙ ↘ ◈ ╰☆╮ ◈ ↙

He was awakened by the sound of screaming. The man bolted upwards fialing in the sheets, as he heard his name being bellowed out in pain. It was Marina's voice.

"Jotaro! Fuck-! Jotaro get the lights!" Her voice held tears and pian in it. The marine biologist scrambled upwards his heart pounding agaisnt his ribs, threatening to break out if his chest. He flipped on the light and spun around, to find the source of his wife's distress. Her brown locks of hair had been tied extensively around the bed post. The man stared for a few moments.

The locks of hair formed a single letter. K. He swallowed done the bike that rose on his throat as he walked over to his wife sliding onto the bed carefully. Marina was shaking all over, hiccups caused from her sobbing breaking her speech.

"I felt-t it. I felt something tying my hair up...Jotaro-o."she bit into her lip as her husband gently untied the ropes of hair. "Jotaro I think someone in this house doesn't want me here."

"You think it's haunted...?"he breathed trying to sound amused, but he fisled to his face pale. His blue eyes darted about the room. This was the first time Marina had gotten bizarrely hurt. Yesterday, a plate had seemingly flown off the shelf to stirke her in the back. Somehow, pineapple, which she was allergic too had gotten into her morning coffee. Often, they found strange scratch marks along her arms. Jotaro wished it was the prodcut of a Stand attack, but, it wasn't. Never did he sense another Stand User's  presence. All he ever felt was this settling dread.

"You think it is too. Don't you?"the woman breathed, and she touched her hair slowly calming down. "There's a ghost in this house. But, why does it only want be gone? It doesn't harm Jolyne...or you." She frowned.

The woman knew that Jotaro had a dark and mysterious past, one she never predicted into. Everytime she had asked when they had been dating, this look of pain would flash across her features. That same look was sprawled across his face now, deeply cut. His eyes were closed and his fists were clenched at his sides.  He was shaking. Marina wrapped her arms around the man's neck surprising him. She leaned into his ear.

"Don't blame yourself."she sighed deeply, "I have no idea what you think you may know about these strange occurrences, but they're not your fault."

Jotaro shuddered in her touch, but he managed to get a hold of his thoughts.  The man smiled a little. "Thank you, Marina. For being here for me...even through my worst days."

"Of course,"she kissed the Joestar gently. "I love you. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you."


The wall behind them, split open. A long deep gouge had formed, Jotaro stared. Marina's voice shook, as she cowered behind her husband's hulking frame. "It didn't like that...What are we going to do? I was never one to be superstitious but this..."

The man was only half listening. His fears and his seemingly irrational hypothesis was confirmed. He knew who this vengeful spirit was. And the man understood why he seemed to only be targeting Marina. He stood up, leaving Marina behind in the bed as he walked out the door. He entered his office.

The man stepped over to the desk, and he grabbed the picture that sat there. "You're here aren't you..."he ran a thumb over a familiar figure. "Noriaki - show yourself. Quit playing games with my family. Its me you want to hurt isn't it? You want to gut me like a fish I'm sure, because, I couldn't save you. Because I left you behind. I abandoned you like all those children in your classes did-"

In the blink of an eye another gouge formed. This one, he felt the air coming off of it as an invisible tendril smaller down into the floor. Jotaro swallowed. He had never faced [Hieropahnt Green]'s full strength. He took a deep breath, and he set the picture back down.

"Show yourself." He couldn't understand why Noriaki's spirit remained on this earth. He had theories but none of the them quite made sense. The man spun around, as he fetl a presence enter the room the door locking and slamming shut. He felt heat spring to his eyes as tears began to blurr it - as he faced what was left of his best-friend. It was as if his color had been shifted, his uniform was black reflecting the soft light around them. His hair was white now, but held the infamous styling. His eyes were voilet voids, with bright white pupils the color seemed to be running down his face.

The worst part- was the wound. There was a hole running straight through his form - Jotaro could see the wall behind him. The male was semi-tranparent but the longer the Joestat looked, the more solid he became.

"Are you going to kill me...?"he asked, slowly, allowing tears to flow down his features. It had been so long since he cried, it was almost painful now. "You want renege right? You want to make me suffer?"

Noriaki tilted his head, as if not understanding his words. The ghost stepped forwards his movement were like nothing they were in life. They lacked all elegance and confidence the student had carried with him. It was stumbling and unnatural, his limbs moving as if pulled by strings.

"Jo-t-taro..."his voice was the same as before, a terrible sound. The marine biologist tensed and he felt [Star Platinum] begin to pull its way out from his soul, but he forced it back. He wasn't going to fight the spirit. He wasn't even sure if he could.

Noriaki got within a foot of the man, staring him down pricing his very soul with his bleeding eyes of pure color. A white-ghoulish hand reached forwards and gently touched his face. A twisted smile cracked across the spirits face.

"Jot-taro-ro."he wheezed out. His brows furrowed deeply across his face but the smile didn't fall. ""

Jotaro's whole body was shuddering. The ghosts hand was like ice.

"I know..."his words were almost unadubile. "I'm prepared for whatever you have in mind."

"Jotaro...Jotaro..."the spirit was repeating his name, the word becoming less caring and more venomous each time. Noriaki's eyes began to run black, the whites fading comeplely. "You bastard!" His voice, changed.

Jotaro stumbled with shock at the shift, the spirit's voice was whole. "You promised me forever - and give away your heart - to that pathetic woman! She doesn't even have a Stand! She could never understand you... not the way I did. Your heart..."

The man cried out as suddenly, the vengeful spirit slammed his nails into the man's chest. His fingers dug into his flesh sinking inot his chest, blood spruted from his lips. Pain scattered itself through his ribs as they broke.

"Give-e me you-our heart-rt!"Noriaki's voice broke again, shattering. Jotaro saw his vision blurring before his eyes, he couldn't breath through the agony. His whole body was trembling, and he weakling grasped at the teenager's arm. He could feel his heart pounding agaisnt the spirit's icy fingertips helpless agaisnt him.

Kakyoin draw his hand back, ripping out the organ in one fell swoop - Jotaro woke with a gasp. He was covered in sweat, and was laying on the floor for his office shivering. The man alid there trying to understand what happened. He glanced around there was no sign of Noriaki.

Marina was leaning over him, concern written across her face. He sat upwards, and he collasped into her arms all light fading from his eyes as he blacked out. The woman held her husband glancing around there was no wounds on him and he was still breathing fine.

Yet, bloody handprints stianed the walls.

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