Blue Skies | Bright Vachirawit

By berrym1lkeu

17.5K 591 34

Blue migrated to Thailand when she was 5 years old. Her parents got separated and she was left in custody wit... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Blue Skies Sequel (Oneshot)

Chapter 19

265 11 7
By berrym1lkeu

A/N: hi everyone, this chapter contains sensitive content. if anyone has a trauma regarding bullying please skip the part where i'll be putting a trigger warning :)
“Seriously, why are you here? Don’t you have food at home?” Blue asked Bright before having a spoonful of rice. Bright suddenly appeared at their house while Blue was left clueless as to why he went there. “I told you I’m here to fetch you, we’re going to school together.. Right?” Blue didn’t argue further and just continued eating.

“Blue, so.. I’ve decided that I want to court you so that uncle wouldn’t think that we just kinda had a thing without me asking for proper permission. I also wanted him to know that I’m serious about you.” Blue almost choked on her food. He wants to- what?! This guy, really. Isn’t it too early for courting? “Gosh, why are we on a courting stage already?”

“You don’t need to give me an answer sooner or later. I’m not going to pressure you or anything. I just want to court you properly with uncle’s, Mom’s, and your permission. Well, about Mom, she approved already.” Bright rubbed his nape. “I’m not sure about Papa.. as for me, if you really want to do it, I know you can’t be stopped. So, yeah just be lowkey about it.”

Bright pulled his fist and mouthed ‘yes!’. “I approve too.” The two turned their heads when they heard Mr. Noppachorn’s approval. “Did you hear everything, Papa?!” Blue panicked, while her father laughed. “Apparently, yes. I’m glad to hear what Bright said. It shows that he respects his elders and you, as well. Your mother raised you right, young man.” He initiated a fist bump.

“Thanks, uncle. I’ll do my best to make Blue happy.” Mr. Noppachorn gave him a short nod. “So, the two of you have mutual feelings?” He faced his daughter who’s getting shy all of a sudden. “Y-yes, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, Papa.” She looked down. “It’s fine, I’m not mad. I’m happy that you changed your mindset. Not everyone will hurt you, Blue.” He patted her head.

“Alright, alright. We’ll get going now, Papa. Take care!” Blue and Bright waved him goodbye and started walking their way to school. When they reached the school lobby, they encountered a group of girls. One of them looked familiar. Isn’t she Bright’s ex? Blue seemed uncomfortable seeing her.

“Bright, let's talk." I'm certain, she's Beam. Blue stared at the girl. "What's there to talk about?" Bright answered coldly. "Not here, but let's talk. Just the two of us." Beam shifted her eyes to Blue. "Why? Can't we talk here?" Bright crossed his arms and Beam grunted. "Ugh, fine. You really wanted her to hear what I'm going to say?"

What does it have to do with me? Blue was confused. "What's so important about what you're gonna say anyway? If it's not important then we'll get going." Bright was ready to leave with Blue but Beam spoke. "I'm going to make up with you. I want you back, Bright." Blue felt like a pail of water was poured all over her.

So, they literally became a thing before? Yet Bright denied it? "What nonsense are you spitting? I was never yours, Beam. We never had a thing between us, right? It came from you. Now, why are you acting like we became lovers before?" Bright clenched his jaw. "T-that's not true!" She panicked.

"Not true, huh? I remember it clearly because you left me in so much pain. Beam, you're the one who denied me in front of everyone. You told them you're only flirting with me and you're not serious. I was stupid for loving you." So, it's the other way around? Jeez. Their relationship is too complex.

Blue was flustered when Bright pulled her and started walking away. "Wait, Bright! I'm sorry. I was too young that time. I'm sorry for denying you, I won't do it again. Please, give me another chance." Beam stopped him by holding his hand. "Get your hand off me and stop bothering me. Beam, it's been years. You think I didn’t know that you chose Win Metawin over me? You can’t fool me twice."

"Bright, I didn’t choose him over you. He wanted to get back together and told me that he’ll ruin your reputation-” Her explanation was cut off. “I don’t fucking care about that. If you told me that he threatened you about me then maybe I could’ve done something about it. I could’ve fought for us.. and you could’ve done the same thing but you chose to be with him.” Bright tried to let go from her grip.

“I’m sorry.. Bright, please.. I still love you..” Beam begged. “But I don’t. So, stop making a fool out of yourself.” He responded aggressively. “Is it because of her?" Beam pointed to  Blue. "That's why you're being like that, you like her.. Right?” Gosh, why am I stuck between these two? I have no business with their argument yet I’m being dragged. I can’t believe there are still desperate exes in this world. Blue wrinkled her forehead.

“Yes. It’s always been her.” Beam’s jaw dropped. “What? And what about me? You didn’t love me at all? Has it always been a lie from the start?” Beam punched his chest. “I loved you, I didn’t lie about that. But my love for her has always been stronger because every day that you made me feel worthless.. I realized that Blue is the one I truly love.”

"What did you see in her though? She's plain, basic.." Beam scanned Blue from head to toe. This bitch! How dare she look at me from head to toe?!

"Don't fight her, Blue. You're gonna waste your time. How bold of you to say that to others when in fact you're just describing yourself? Blue is way different from you. She's almost perfect in my eyes and I love her." Bright held Blue’s hand.

“You’ll pay for this. I assure you.” Beam gave them a death glare and walked away angrily. Bright sighed. “Hey, are you alright?” Blue got worried after seeing Bright. “Yeah, I always wanted to say that to her. I didn’t know this day would be my chance. I’m alright now, that was just heavy.” They started walking to their classroom.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you about her. I just don’t want to talk about her anymore.” Blue nodded. “I knew that she’s your ex. When you posted a photo of me, there were some mean comments. Maybe they were from your fans, so I kinda.. stalked your Instagram account and I happened to see a photo of Beam. But, what happened between the two of you, really?” She asked carefully not to make the situation worse.

“Just like any other guy, I had a crush on her. She’s popular and pretty. I was kinda lucky that we became classmates, so I made a move on her. We had a thing but of course we were too young so I settled for the less that she’s been giving. There was one time, the one I mentioned earlier. She denied me in front of everyone. She didn’t seem apologetic for what she did.”

“I let that slide but every day that passed she became worse, until one day I heard that her ex, Win Metawin, was back in town. I heard rumors about them, of course I didn’t believe it unless it really came from Beam. Then, we were supposed to hang out on a weekend, but Beam cancelled the same day."

"I went to the mall and I saw them with my own eyes, they were hanging out while holding hands. I couldn’t take it anymore so I was going to break up with her but she did it first.”

Oh come on! I want to pull her hair! She’s clearly not in the right mind. What kind of person does that? She thinks she could have a pretty privilege? Blue clenched her fists. “God, I should’ve pulled her hair if I knew about that!” Bright laughed while seeing Blue worked up. “I told you, not worth it. I don’t want you to get involved with her, she’s crazy.” Blue nodded.

The two arrived at their classroom just before the school bell rang.

They only had half of the day of school hours that's why the music club decided to have a couple of sets of practice. Blue insisted that Bright proceeds to the music room first because she's going to meet with Shan for a while.

"Alright, go to your club now. See you later at dinner!" Shan reminded her.

Blue was on her way back to the music room when one of her classmates bumped into her. "Blue, I saw Bright earlier. He's looking for you, he said if I saw you I should tell you to go to the parking lot at the back." Huh? I told him I'd be meeting Shan, why would he look for me?

"Why is he at the parking lot?" Blue asked in confusion. "I don't know? He only asked me to tell you that." Blue nodded and decided to go the opposite way. That's weird. Why would he go there? Nevermind, I'm on my way already.

Blue went to the parking lot. There weren't many cars parked there since it's kind of under renovation so most cars are parked in front of the school. Blue looked for Bright but she couldn't find him. "Where is he, really? Is he pulling a prank on me?" Blue searched at the abandoned sports club room.

TW // bullying, abuse, violence

"Looking for your prince charming?" Blue turned around and saw Beam's friends. "Why are you here?" The girls surrounded her. She tried to step backwards but someone blindfolded her. She tried to resist but they pinned her down to the ground. Damn it, they're strong.

"Nah-uh. Don't you dare fight back nor scream. We'll rip your mouth apart." The girls tied Blue's hands with rope. "Let me go! What are you doing?! Did Beam plan this?" Nobody responded. "And if yes, what can you do?" The blindfold was removed and Beam appeared in front of her.

"Why are you doing this? To get back at Bright? Are you really that desperate?" Beam made a psychotic laugh. "Yes, I'm desperate but what is it to you? Don't act like you're high and mighty just because he likes you. I can make him mine and I'll do everything to take him away from you." Beam cupped her chin and slapped her afterwards.

"Hit her." Beam commanded her friends while she sat down on a chair in front of Blue. What are they gonna do? Blue was scared, she felt helpless. The girls put duct tape on her mouth to prevent her from screaming, then they started to kick and stomp on her hard.

Blue felt so much pain on her body. One of the girls pulled her hair while the others punched her stomach. They even poured different kinds of smelly liquids all over her. Please, somebody help me. Blue was crying non-stop, she couldn't even utter a word. She felt weak.

"Eew, disgusting. I wanna vomit on you so bad. Honestly, I don't know what Bright liked about you. You're no good and you're not even on my level. I hate you so much." Beam insulted her. Blue used all the energy left in her and tried to escape.

But the girls started to push her down. The stronger they stopped her, the more Blue resisted.. until Blue hit her head hard on the concrete. "Shit! Beam! She hit her head!" They panicked. Blue felt wetness on her head, she started getting dizzy.

"Blood! Oh my God! Beam!" Blood? Am I going to die? Blue started feeling unconscious. Her eyes were getting heavy. The voices around her started toning down. Not long after, her vision went pitch black.

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