Lost in their Past

By iishapurohitt

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COMPLETED It was a normal day for everyone, Serena was busy with her career as a performer, Ash was busy tra... More

Chapter 1:- The Flight Home
Chapter 2:- The Postcard
Chapter 3:-Charlus Oak
Chapter 4:-The Potato Farmer
Chapter 5:- The Legacy
Chapter 6:- The Father and Son
Chapter 7:-He's the potato farmer?!
Chapter 8:- The Tree
Chapter 9:- The Reuniting
Chapter 10:- Catching up, aren't we?
Chapter 11:- The Man Whore Genes
Chapter 12:- Charlene
Chapter 13:- Xovier
Chapter 14:-The Orre
Chapter 15:-What happened to Mark
Chapter 16:- No Choice
Chapter 17:-Broken Joker
Chapter 18:- The Fallen Crown
Chapter 19:- The Pokeball
Chapter 20:- The Man-Child
Chapter 21:-Knuckles Hurt
Chapter 22:- The Tape
Chapter 23:- The Talk
Part 2
Chapter 24:- Mariposa and Barrie
Chapter 25:- Strike Team Alpha
Chapter 26:- Joliet County
Chapter 27:- Haldfest
Chapter 28:- Strike Team Beta
Chapter 29:- The Talk
Chapter 30:- Charm Noir
Chapter 31:- He's in good hands
Chapter 32:- M-Unowns
Professor Oak
Ailsa Oak
Chapter 33:- Alain Van Black
Chapter 34:- The Spinning
Chapter 35:- Frat Boy Bitch
Chapter 36:- Clemont and Misty
Chapter 37:- Woobat Crap Crazy
Authors Note
Chapter 38:- Elementary Three
Chapter 39:- He Must've Known
Chapter 40:- The Spat
Chapter 41:- Into The Unown-Part 1
Chapter 41:- Into the Unown- Part 2
Chapter 42:- Didn't like the Ending-Part 1
Chapter 42:- Didn't like the Ending-Part 2
Chapter 43:- Silence and Love
Chapter 44:- The Mysterious Gentleman
Chapter 45:- The Infiltration
Chapter 46:- The Neuron Induced Hallucination
Chapter 47:- The Van Black's
Chapter 48:- The Best Pilot
Chapter 49:- 'Just Friends'
Chapter 50:-On way to Halfdfest-part 1
Chapter 50:- On the way to Haldfest-part 2
Chapter 51:- Stay here forever
Chapter 52:- The Diagnosis
Chapter 53:- The Tree and the Child of Night
Chapter 54:- The Mysterious Disappearance
Chapter 55:- The Cliff
Chapter 56:- The Ride with Charlus
Chapter 57:- Dark Viridian
Chapter 58:- The Capture
Chapter 59:- The Reason Why
Chapter 60:- Charlie Blue and Jamsie
Chapter 61:- Brian the Brainy Brain
Chapter 62:- I Wish You Were Dead
Chapter 63:- The Rescue-Part 1
Chapter 63:- The Rescue-Part 2
Chapter 64:- What You Don't Know
Calem Xavier
Chapter 65:- A Place
Chapter 66:- Beauty of the Chewa Island
Chapter 67:- Alice never shuts up
Chapter 68:- I'm Sorry
Chapter 69:-I'll always find you
Chapter 70:- Deadly Diamond
Chapter 71:- That's what the Van Blacks do
Chapter 72:- The Keys
Chapter 74:- Today is the Day
Chapter 75:- She's an Oak
Chapter 76:- The Dream-Part 1
Chapter 76:- The Dream-Part 2
Chapter 77:- Luke
Chapter 78:- Eiran, Luke, Cosmo, Zander and Xenos
Chapter 79:- The Last One
Part 3
Chapter 80:- The Betrayal
The First Week
The Second Week
Chapter 81:- Come Back Alive
The Third Week
The Fourth Week
Chapter 82:- Beginning
Chapter 83:- Dont Leave your Postion
Chapter 84:- Where is Ash?
Chapter 85:- Finding Ash
Chapter 86:- The Poison Tooth

Chapter 73:- The Secret

375 30 291
By iishapurohitt

When Charlus knocked on Grace's door, Serena was talking to her mother. Grace looked so full of life and chirpy, however, there was a grimace spread over Serena's face.

"I'm sorry," Charlus panted, having run all the way across Hald Fest to her room, "I thought you would be alone."

"It's alright," said Serena, "I was just talking about Alain."

"Oh? His family?"

"His what?!" Grace barked, she angrily looked towards Serena, "his what?!"

Serena looked at Charlus with a deathly look, "Why would you do that?!" She stood up, "Alain told us not to!"

The brunet ransacked his brain for that particular piece of information but he had been high on painkillers the entire time. "I don't know."

Serena sighed, "Look, mum..." she bit her lip, trying to come up with an answer that would make Grace less angry, "oh sorry, I have to go!"

She ran past Charlus, mouthing the words, 'goodluck'.

The brunet couldn't help but laugh at her childishness. All his epiphanies and doubts became clearer as her blonde hair brushed against his face. How could I have been so blind? He asked himself, it was in front of me all along.

Grace was surprised to see him out of breath when he first arrived, although she was less in awe than she should've been because she'd already seen him battling Alain on the ground weeks ago. He was older than her dead brother.

"Alain has a family?" She asked.

Charlus shook his head, "Forget about it," he sat down at the corner of her bed, "I have to tell you something."

It was hard to find some space to sit because after Serena left, Grace was lying on the bed as if someone had sprayed her, her arms were falling off the bed and her head was bobbed at the edge.

"Okay," she said, "say."

A sigh escaped his lips, "When I was in Citadark and they were beating the living crap out of me—"

"Been there," Grace offered a hi-fi but Charlus shrugged it off.

"—and they were beating the living crap out of me, I was on the bridge of death or maybe I was dead for a few minutes or seconds. And then, I saw James."

Grace couldn't help but frown, she looked as if she was trying hard not to question his mental status.

"We shared a hug, had a talk or two. I had some doubts in my life but then James told me a story of when we were young and decided to smoke—"

"Cut to the chase, Blue," she sighed, "I don't have time to hear your sob story, I have to go kill my nephew."

The brunet chewed his lip, the words he longed to ask couldn't leave his mouth for some reason."When-when was Serena born?" He asked, his body was pumping blood like crazy.

Grace got up, stretching her arms and cracking her neck. "She turns 20 in October, do the counting yourself."

"Really?" He asked rhetorically, "I was having a chat with Ash... he seems to think differently."

Grace growled as she dragged her feet out of the bed, "Did Ash give birth to her?" She snapped.

"No," he said, "but the cover on the back of her album agrees with me."

"Well, it's wrong because I gave birth to her!"

"Well... only Ailsa's records agrees with you."

"Of course they do cause that's when she was born!"

Charlus clenched the sheets of the bed. He wanted to witness how long Grace could continue her lie. "James died on January first... that was the day we met at the pub in Kanto... didn't we?"

Grace stopped stretching for a moment.

Where is Charlus getting with the questioning? she asked herself.

"Maybe," she cleared her throat, "I don't remember."

"I do," he answered, "this was the pub James and I went to when we were younger, it was our tradition, I was drunk and kept expecting him to walk in, but that day, you came in search of Delia but you found me."

"I-I don't-"

"We had a drink and toasted James and his memory."

"Where are you-"

"You told me you had liked me back in the academy, I said I did too, we had a laugh or two and then I-"

Grace turned back, "Stop it," she warned.

Charlus didn't heed her warning. "-I kissed you, you kissed me back. We took a room at the-"

"Stop it Charlus, I mean it!" She raised her voice.

"-at the Little Bee inn, we had sex-"

"Charlus, stop!" She advanced towards him but he quickly got up, walking backward to avoid her rage and claws.

"-I woke up the next morning but you had disappeared, next I saw of you was at the Raider Manor where I met your daughter-"

"Charlus stop!" She leaped towards him but Charlus was quicker, he dodged away.

"-you said she was nineteen, Ashton said she was twenty, my bitch of a mother said nineteen even Delia says nineteen—"

"That's because she is!"

"Now I keep asking myself, why would Grace lie? Because of course, if she was twenty then she would've been conceived around January, the day you and I met. Of course not for you, not in your language, right? Because it was shameful to you, wasn't it? Don't worry, I had erased it from my memory too."

She threw her hands up in the air, "What nonsense is this?" She cried, "what are you getting at? I met Mark the next year!"

Charlus still couldn't believe the pixie cut woman in front of him. He had shown her the cheat sheet yet she still refused to acknowledge the wrongdoing. That enraged Charlus, more than anything.

"She's mine, isn't she?" He said in a monotonous tone, "Serena Charlene Van Black... Charlene-Charlus, sound familiar?"

Grace clenched her fist, the bottom of her lips twitched as she parted her eyes. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"Serena is my daughter," he repeated, "and you kept that from me for twenty years.... how could you do that to me?"

"She's-she's not your daughter. She's blonde."

"So is my mother, oh I should've seen it months ago, she looks just like she did when she was young," he said firmly, "admit it Grace—" he grabbed a hold of her wrist, "tell me that she's my daughter or else—"

"Or else what?"

"Or else I'll tell her what's going on with you... that you're dying."

Grace kept her silence, she didn't agree but neither did she deny.

A wave of adrenaline rushed in his body as he collapsed on the bed. Charlus's brain was heavy with burden and several emotions he couldn't quite point out. Of course, it made sense that Serena was his daughter, he'd felt a strong connection with her since the day he saw her at the Raider Manor. So sweet and pure like an angel, he couldn't help but wonder how come such a sweet child could have come out of Grace, the epitome of evilness and deceit.

One thing was clear, he never hated Grace more than he did right then.

"Why?" He was shaking with rage, "why didn't you tell me?"

Grace didn't answer.


The ebony-haired was taken aback by Charlus's sudden burst of anger. It was a lot of information to be processed, that being the sole reason she kept her silence.

But she was Grace, the daughter of Ragus Van Black and the sister of Lysander and Helios Van Black, the child of the night, she wasn't going to stand still like a barbie while a man took his anger out on her as if she was his property.

"What the fuck was I supposed to do then? Huh?" She advanced towards him.

"Tell me!"

Grace scoffed as she grabbed a hold of Charlus's collar, yanking him to and fro, "Tell you and wreak your marriage? Tell Serena that she was a bastard and a homewrecker?"

Charlus was taken aback.

"That's right," she was laughing, there was a certain pain in her voice, "I saw your wedding ring in your pocket the morning after, you... you were fucking married, Charlus! What was I supposed to do?!"

The brunet had a speech but right then, he was speechless. Suddenly, the night came rushing back to him.

Charlus had a drink too many, his speech was already slurring, that drink in his hand should've been last but it wasn't. The bartender had called in a cab for him, to take him home to his wife who was waiting for him to tuck in baby Gary.

But then his gaze landed on Grace and her short black hair. She wasn't wearing her rings and piercings anymore, she looked gorgeous, just like the last time he'd seen him.

At James's funeral.

A year ago from today.

James was dead.

Because of him.

Charlus finished the drink and slipped his ring in the pocket as he asked the bartender to give her a drink.

Grace's eyes were watery, her body was feeble yet she kept shaking him, screaming the words 'what was I supposed to do?'

"But why Mark?" He croaked as she sank next to him, "why him?"

Grace scoffed, "He asked me whether Serena was his, I didn't deny. I may not have liked him but he wasn't married like you, he was a nice man... he stuck around and loved Serena, she loved him too and while you... you were a terrible father."

The brunet wallowed in his sadness, his eyes darted towards his feet, unable to face Grace. "It was my mother... wasn't it?"

The ebony-haired didn't deny.

"Of course it was, that bitch never wanted anything good for me, ever."

That was the last straw for her. Grace got up with barely enough energy to keep her standing without collapsing.

"You don't get to walk around as a victim," she turned back, her eyes still watery, "and blame me or others your fucking choices. We all lost someone, but your integrity, humanity and you yourself, fucking died with James."

Charlus Oak pondered on her words long after she'd left the room. His choices and the people he'd hurt. Of course, Grace was right, she always was. And Charlus, well, he was a monster, not by making but by choice, he was the first man who made Grace Van Black cry.

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