By Bel_la_la

507K 13.9K 2.5K

An evil smirk appeared on his lips as he walked closer and closer. "You can't escape from me baby girl." My... More

Chapter 1 ~ Suicide
Chapter 2 ~ It isn't over
Chapter 3 ~ Escaping
Chapter 4 ~ Who is he?
Chapter 5 ~ The dark room
Chapter 6 ~ Fear
Chapter 7 ~ Torture
Chapter 8 ~ Painful
Chapter 9 ~ His anger
Chapter 10 ~ Punishment
Chapter 11 ~ I will fix you
Chapter 12 ~ Don't be so daring
Chapter 13 ~ Shoot
Chapter 14 ~ Tricked
Chapter 15 ~ His warning
Chapter 16 ~ Don't play with fire
Chapter 17 ~ Like a prey
Chapter 18 ~ Betrayer
Chapter 19 ~ The truth
~ Update ~
Chapter 20 ~ Can it be?
~ New Chapter ~
Chapter 21 ~ Broken Soul
Chapter 22 ~ Ooh Shiteu
Chapter 23 ~ Regret
~ Authors Note ~
Chapter 24 ~ Revenge
Chapter 25 ~ Love me back
Chapter 26 ~ Forgive me
Chapter 27 ~ I Love You
Chapter 28 ~ Making love to you
Quitting the story??
Chapter 29 ~ Don't mess...
Chapter 30 ~ Lipstick stain
Chapter 31 ~ Nauseous
Chapter 32 ~ The Devil
Chapter 33 ~ Execution
Chapter 34 ~ Too late
New Story
Chapter 36 ~ Valentino
Chapter 37 ~ Childish
Chapter 38 ~ Training
!!Chapter 39 is coming!!
Chapter 39 ~ Elenoor
Authors Note about Mr. Zayn
Chapter 40 ~ Without you
Note ~ Chapter 41
Chapter 41 ~ Only Mine
! ~ Chapter 42 ~ !
Chapter 42 ~ My wish
Chapter 43 ~ Came true
Chapter 44 ~ Valeria
Where have I been...
Chapter 45 today!
Chapter 45 ~ Nightmare
Chapter 46 ~ Who?
Chapter 47 ~ Delmar Ramirez
Chapter 48 ~ Untold feelings
Chapter 49 ~ Heartache
Chapter 50 ~ Missing you

Chapter 35 ~ Deserved

4K 181 42
By Bel_la_la

I heard my name a few times.

But it was too late, it was too late. The darkness surrounded me. It consumed me slowly until I felt nothing...

~~Zayns POV~~~

"I mean.."

The sound of a hard thud got my attention.

I saw Jasmine falling from the stairs. There was blood everywhere.

I ran towards her, touching her face. There was blood on her face.

"No! Jasmine no! Open your eyes Jasmine!"
"Jasmine my daughter open your eyes!" Grandma cried.

"Aah fucking hell!" I saw her stomach, there was blood dripping out of it. She has been stabbed. Not once not twice but four times.

"James call the doctor! The one that is in our team and prepare the helicopter to the hospital! Now!" I pressed on her wounds to stop the bleeding.

I was getting crazy. I couldn't think properly.

"Quick James fucking hell!"

My child damn it, my child. Is he going to be okay? I felt a lump in my throat.

I carried her quickly upstairs towards the elevator. The doctor arrived at that point as well.

The elevator went up towards the roof.
"Quick open the damn door!"
"Yes boss."
The doctor went into the helicopter with us. And he started to put all kind of needles in her hand.

"Damn it damn it! What the actual fuck are you giving her?!"
"Through this needle she'll get the anesthetic."

"Zayn sit down, now!" James yelled at me.
"Aahh!" I said in frustration.

Is she going to be fine? Will she make it? I looked at her. Her beautiful face it was all pale except for the blood.

"Doctor, if she doesn't make it then you won't make it as well. Got me you.."
"Shut up Zayn!" James pulled me back in my seat.

"Fly quiker you piece of shit now! Quicker or should I do it?!"

I was loosing it completely.

We arrived at the hospital in 10 minutes. 10 minutes that seemed like hours. Painful hours. Hours I wish I'd never ever see in my life.

The helicopter landed on the roof of the hospital. Surgeons were all ready to take Jasmine inside.

"Quick quick! She is loosing blood! Quick!"
The surgeons told each other.

Jasmine was put on a brandcard. They carried her away, to the emergency room to start her surgery. As I wanted to go inside with them they hold me back.

"You can't come in mr. Matteo."
"What do you mean I can't come in?!"
"That's a rule here in the hospital."

I grabbed the surgeon by his collar.
"This hospital is fucking mine. I make the rules here not you!"

"Mr. Matteo, please let us do our work. Jasmine's life is in danger."

"Zayn let him go!" James yelled at me as he pulled me away from him.

The surgeon went in. The doors behind him closed.

I hit the wall several times with my fist, causing blood to appear on the wall.

Someone clapped in their hands.
"Yes Zayn, go for it. Do it! Ruin yourself!" It was James.

"Do you think that Jasmine would be happy to see you like this?! Are you fucking out of your mind? Think about it for a moment. Jasmine always choose love over violence. And look at you, doing exact the opposite to yourself. Look at your fist. Do you remember when you were shot, just before Jasmine left the mansion? She cried because she wasn't able to see you in pain. Even though you don't feel the pain, but she does. She does feel your pain."

I sighed. I couldn't take this anymore. The tears made their way out.
I shook my head as I took place on the chair. My hands in my hair as I bended forward. Why did this all of sudden happen to us? Why? What have we done to deserve this pain. Jasmine was six months pregnant, she had only 3 months left. Life is extremely unfair.

We were waiting for more than three hours. The nurse had treated my wound in the meantime. It was only for Jasmine that I let her treat my wound. Else I wouldn't have cared about it at all.

The surgeon came outside.

"How is she?"
"Mr Matteo, we can't tell you anything now.
There's blood on it's way from another hospital. But she needs blood now! Your blood types matches with her."

"Then fucking take it! Quick!"
We went inside a room and the surgeon inserted the needle in my arm.

I saw how one bag of blood was filled. He wanted to take the needle out.

"Why did you stop?"
"Because you'll become weak when we take more."
I grabbed him by his collar.
"Zayn don't!"
"Shut up James!" James sighed in frustration.

"Doctor, would you like to stay alive?"
He nodded.
"Then take as much blood as she needs. I want  my child and my wife to stay alive. Suck that damn blood out of my body. I don't care, even if it means that I have to die. Do it, quick!"

He nodded as he filled another bag.

I felt dizzy but I shook my head.

"We've got enough blood."
He took the needle out and ran quickly away to the surgery room.

As I got up I stumbled.
"You okay mate, come sit down for a moment."
"I can't James. I have to take care of some people."

"You can't go anywhere right now."
"Are you my boss or am I yours?" I hissed back.
"I know Zayn, but look at your condition. If someone finds you like this they'll kill you at the spot."

"I won't be killed until I kill the person who did this to my wife and child." I marched away.
"Zayn dude come on! For once listen to me!"
"Stay out of this James!"

I grabbed him by his shoulders. "Listen to me mate, take care of Jasmine. Let no one enter her room besides you and the surgeons. If someone behaves weird, just point the gun between their eyes and kill. Am I clear?"

"Yes boss!"
I nodded and gave him a hug.
"I'll be back by tonight."
"Yes boss!"

I walked away. Damn it this dizzyness is fucked up.
"You two make the helicopter ready. We're heading back to the mansion."
"Yes boss."

~~~ 10 minutes later Zayns POV ~~~

As I went inside the mansion I punched the security guard in his face.

"How the hell did you mess up like this?! Who the fuck do you think that you are? Did I train you to be like this? You fucking failure, even hell is a too good place for you. How did all of this happen?!"

"Cas-Cassy it was Cassy boss. She came inside in the car in which we bring the groceries. She was wearing this black thing, almost like a grimreaper. As I wanted to turn around she hit me with a brick on my head. That's when I passed out."

"Where are the security videos?!"
They brought a laptop in which Cassy was clearly visisble. You whore, you witch! I saw how Jasmine entered the bathroom. That was when Cassy entered our room through the window.

I hit the table with my fist.
"Fucking hell!"
Jasmine came outisde and Cassy grabbed her by her hair. I was loosing it completely.

I felt dizzy and miserable to see my wife being stabbed. I felt so weak so damn weak. She crawled towards the corridor a long blood line following her. At the stairs she fell down.

I threw the laptop away and it shattered into pieces on the ground. As ran upstairs there was a blood trail that led to our bedroom.

"I'm sorry my princes. I'm so sorry. I failed. I failed. I promised to protect you but look at me, I failed miserably."

Zayn get yourself together. Let the devil take control for now. Let him have control, now!

I felt how the darkness in me appeared in one go. I felt his presence. I smirked. Good boy, I need you. I can't be weak now.

I ran towards the security room.
"So this is where you went. You can't be far from here since there is a deep lake you have to pass. No one can swim in that lake. I'm coming Cassy, I'll shoot your brain out of your fucking head."

I ran downstairs.

"Get my horse ready and bring two dogs as well! You two, you are coming with me."
"Yes boss."

I went outside the mansion, and I walked towards our window. There was a small piece of cloth. I bended down to pick it up.

"You are finished Cassy."
"Boss everything is ready!"

I walked towards the dogs as I let them smell the cloth. Their ears went up, they know where she is.

I got on my horse.

We were in the woods for a few minutes. The dogs were running like their lives depended on it.

They came to a halt. I jumped from my horse and so did my men.

"Boss I think she's near."
"I know."

I tied my horse to a tree and I walked further.
There were all kind of sounds in the woods. It was already dark by now, so seeing clearly was tough.

"Give me the flashlight."

I turned it on and I saw exactly what I wanted to see.

"Here you are, old witch." I hissed.
She was sleeping while leaning against a tree. The knife was still in her hand.

"Take this and shine it on her."
"Yes boss." He whispered.

I walked towards Cassy as I bended down to be on her level. I had to hold myself in from not killing her directly.

"Wake up, old witch."
"Wake up!" I yelled this time as I slapped her across the face.

She held her cheeck in shock as she looked at me.

"Missed me aunty?"
No respond.
"Missed me aunty? I mean I was your lovely nephew, right?"
"Go away from me!" She yelled back.

"I'll make you go away. You know where you'll go? There." I pointed towards the sky.

The devil took over. I grabbed her by her throat as I got up. She tried to push my arms away. It was of course of no use. She was just and old thing. Her feet were dangling, while I held her in the air by her throat. Just as she was to loose it I dropped her.

"I won't let you die this quick, aunty. You'll suffer. Just like you made my Jasmine suffer."

"Don't say her name! I hate her!" She screamed.
I slapped her across her face.

"You have no right to hate anybody but yourself." I spat pack.

"Yes boss!"

I tied her up against the tree.
"Stop! Let me go! Let me go you moron!"
"Shut up!" I slapped her again.

She was all tied up by now. She couldn't even move her neck properly. Blood was dripping from her nose and mouth.

I cracked my neck, while I took the knife with which she had stabbed Jasmine.

"Let's see. Where did you stab Jasmine." I said as I trailed the knife on her face.

"Let me go!"
The old witch was still talking.

I stabbed her in her arm making her scream in horror.

"You like it Cassy?"
"Stooop!" She whined. But that only made me angrier. Seeing Jasmine's body and blood around here made me loose control.

I stabbed her again in her other arm.
"Ooh oeps, those weren't the places where you stabbed Jasmine, my fault." I smirked.

I trailed the knife on her face. I looked in her eyes seeing so much hate. I turned the knife around, making a deep cut in her cheeck.

"Stop Zayn stop!" She screamed in pain.
"Did you have mercy on Jasmine when she begged you? No right. Then don't expect it from me."

With that said I stabbed her in her stomach. I knew exactly where she's tabbed Jasmine. Those places were engraved in my mind.

She pucked blood.
I stabbed her three more times, just as she did to Jasmine.

"How does it feel aunty to be stabbed? Can you tell me?"

She was shaking.
"How does it feel?!"
I twisted the knife inside of her.

"Aaah! Help me, stop please."

"Yeah sure, I'll give you your ticket to heaven. It'll cost you only a bullet. But I'll give it to you for free."

I pointed the gun between her eyes.

"Bye aunty. Burn in hell, witch."

The birds flew away as the sound of the gun echoid in the woods. Her head fell to one side. I checked her pulse. She was dead. She was finally dead.

"Clean the mess. I'm going back to the hospital."
"Yes boss. Boss you want us to come with you?"

"But boss your condition isn't good. You stumble every now and then."

"Mind your own business or do you want me to use these bullets on you?"

"I'm sorry boss."
I nodded as I walked away towards my horse.

I felt dizzy again. Damn it.
"Go!" The horse ran towards the mansion.

As I arrived I went directly to the helicopter.

"Grandma what are you doing here?"
She was in the helicopter.
"I want to see my daughter!"
"Grandma no, get down please."
"No! I want to see my daughter!"
"Jeez grandma. Okay okay."

"What are you waiting for, start the engine already!" Grandma yelled at the pilot.

"What did you do to Cassy?" She asked.
"I finshed her."
"Good. If you didn't do it then I would have done it."

~~~10 minutes later / Zayns POV~~~

I ran outside the helicopter as soon as we landed. The dizzyness made me stop for a second. I caressed my temple.
"Not now fucking hell!"

"Zayn my son are you okay?" Grandma asked worried.

"I am, I am."
"You seem dizzy my boy."
"I'll tell you later on grandma, I have to see Jasmine now." She nodded.

I held her by her hand as we walked towards the emergency room. There was James, sitting on the chair.

As soon as he saw us he got up.

"How is she?" I asked. I felt the lump in my throat, but I managed to swallow it. Don't be fucking emotional now. Use your brain.

"They finished the surgery. They told us that the next two hours are extremely crucial. One hour already passed away. If she survives the next hour, she'll make it. If not she.."
"Shut up! Fucking shut up!"

"Zayn calm down!" Grandma yelled at me.
"How am I supposed to calm down when my wife's life is in danger? Tell me how?!"

"Listen my boy. You'll ruin yourself only when you behave like this. You'll loose yourself."
"Jeez!" I said in frustration.

All of sudden surgeons ran towards the emergency room. All kind of computer sounds could be heard.

"What is happening?! What is happening?!"
"Mr. Matteo let us do our work! You can't come inside."

I pushed the gun on his head.
"Don't make me do this surgeon. I'll go inside!"
He nodded. "But don't stay in our way."

"I won't."

My eyes filled up with tears as soon as I entered. Her body. So weak, so fragile. Her belly? Where did her belly go?!

"Where's my child?!"
"Calm down mr. Matteo. Your son is in another room, he's doing well. But because he's born too early he'll have to stay in the incubater for the next three months."

I felt a bit of relieve. At least he was safe now. But my wife, I can't breath without her. She has to make it.

(Skip to 1:33)

"Her pulse is going slower!"
"Check her eyes!"
"Give me that!"

They were all yelling at each other.

I heard how her heartbeat went slower on the monitor. There was a little line that went up and down.

Jasmine's chest went up and down. As if she had no breath left.

"You all better save her, or none of you will make it out of here alive!"
"Stop it mr. Matteo and let us do our work, please!"

I caressed my face in frustration. Fucking hell!

"We need to start the reanimation! Now give me the defibrillator!"

Jasmine's body went up and down.
"Keep your hands away! One two three!"

It seemed endless.
Suddenly the surgeon stopped.

Her body fell down as her arms dangled next to her.

The monitor showed no heartbeat.
There was only this piep sound. A sound that went through my heart and soul. Was this it?

"Noooo! Jasmine! Jasmine!"


Heyy everyone!

Here's chapter 35. Hope you guys enjoyed this one!
I'll update again on tuesday or wednesday.

Until then, take care!

Xx Bella

I'll correct the grammer mistakes later on.

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