Remain Nameless | Bts x reader

By taesty95

59.7K 4.2K 707

The night held them in a loving embraced. They were the darkness and all the life it held. Feared and forgott... More

Prologue (The travellers)
Into shadows
King of the forest
And so it begins
Last breath of her
Sun streams
Compassions of nightmares
A place called hope
Chained arms and cold floors
Keep Looking
Comfort in strangers
New girl
Blood and gold
Faded off-white and overripe peach
The Abbots fall
Choice pt 1
Choice pt2
Mirrorball Moon
Rabbit heart
Secret Ceremonials
Property of a Lord
The need to control
Gift an inch more of night
Lord and soldiers
The Cloud, the Island and the Sea
Remain nameless: As the world falls down
How and owl can cause a tantrum
Bigger than us
Blue pulled over
No Now, All future
Brambles grow
Half shadows
Small pleasures
No more wrong words
Glass beading on skin
Inked the words away
Great and holy plans
Perfect storm
Grassland birds
Come down
Does it glisten, the blood?
Belly of the beast
Fruit of all mankind
What am I without you?
Hares on the mountain


1.3K 102 7
By taesty95

The three boys and the one girl arrived back to the hut. Shiro was sat on the front step waiting for them, more specifically (y/n). A sheepish smile spread across her face as she hid behind Namjoon's back.

"I expect the mess gone when I return."

"Ow!" (Y/n) shouted as Yoongi clipped the side of her head in irritation, ready and expecting to find their home a pigsty.

Shiro stood up from the step. He swung a small bag on to his back that was previously lying next to him. He began to strap his knives to the inside of his leg while he spoke. "I'm going to the first kingdom there has been more unusual troop movement I want to check. Also boys, please take (y/n) down on a trip to Myrrka while I'm gone. There's something me and her have spoken about that's integral for her to do. It will do good to get her out of this hut I believe she hasn't left since she came. I would send her alone, but I don't want her lost as she isn't well known to the landscapes outside of here."

"Alright," Namjoon replied a little confused, but he trusted both Shiro and (y/n) to know there must be a good reason "when do we go?"

"I suggest you leave at dawn tomorrow. It will take a week to get there and another to get back. Sorry, I can't discuss this properly with you, I'm behind as it is." With that said, Shiro was ready to leave.

"How long will you be gone?" It was (y/n) this time. Ever curious about Shiro's travel as she always was. She liked to know each little detail about what he did and who he met. She was fascinated by the world and often asked Shiro many questions. He would gladly answer the best he could, glad that one of his students was willing to learn more.

"Around two months." His smile faded ever so slightly, " Like you, there is something I need to do while I'm there."

They said their farewell to the older man and headed inside. Namjoon was the first in and the first to witness the wreckage. "(y/n) what did you do to the place." He exclaimed piles of maps and cooking utensils littered the floor surrounding the masterpiece of the fort. She had managed to make a huge mess with the little nothing they owned. It was an impressive feat.(Y/n) replied nonchalant, as if it was nothing to be shocked. " I got bored."

"I'll start dinner. You guys clean up." Yoongi dismissed himself into the vegetable patch not wanting to be part of the grand clean up.

" Wait! That's not fair! " The two youngest winged at that the oldest.

"Life's not fair," Yoongi shouted to them from outside the door, and so the tidying process began.


"Wake up."

(Y/n) dreams ended abruptly, as she was shaken back into reality. Her eyes struggled opened, her eyelashes faintly battered against her lids. She laid still on the dirt ground, unwilling to move an inch. She let out an exasperated sigh, rolling over on to her back. The others were already up, even Yoongi. They were tidying up the camp from last night. The fire was out, all. Their things packed neatly into their bags. They had removed all evidence of their existence.

The four of them had been travelling for six days. Fortunately, today was the day they reached Myrrka. Unfortunately, this meant she was almost home. She hates herself for wanting to go back but knew she had to no matter what. (Y/n) was going to find out if she had been well and truly, forgotten.

Being close also meant she had to change from her training clothes into her old bulky dress. Namjoon handed over her bag to change. She strolled for a couple of moments into the woods till she was satisfied no one was around.

(Y/n) peeled off the training wear.

The cold air nipped at her exposed skin, leaving goosebumps all over her body.

She loved the dark grey robes more than she wanted to admit, it allowed her to move freely, to climb trees, to fight. She hadn't see clothes like this before, so she knew they were special, they most likely from where Shiro came. Not that she knew where that was. She put on her white robes she came in, the much stiffer fabric replacing the soft worn-in cotton.

When she returned, all the boys had lost there jet black robes and where dressed in everyday people clothes. They looked so different. So ordinary. It was strange to say the least. The sun had started the climb higher and higher if they wanted to reach Myrrka by the end of the day, they needed to make a move.

The uneven ground moved under their light step, ready and waiting for the next. A trail started to emerge in the distance. A small trodden strip fueled out into a wider path suitable to carry horses and wagons. The flat ground made a nice change to there feet and a much easy walk.The four walked in comfortable silence. There was a need to speak in every minute. It wasn't awkward, it felt natural, (y/n) had fitted into the little group so beautifully, there was hardly a moment of discomfort.

"Namjoon." (y/n) broke the calm, catching the attention of the tall male next to her. He hummed a response to his mind still far away. "How much longer do you think we're going to be?" He let the question sit in his mind for a short while.

"Maybe half an hour, fifteen minutes at a push, "Namjoon replied, his voice gentle. "Why do you need to go to Myrrka?"

"Oh, I need to check something."

To Namjoon she sounded wary, she defiantly was trying to hide something. He thought about pushing it further, but he trusted (y/n) and Shiro. So he would have to wait.

"Any elaboration to that or..." Yet it seems like someone had other plans. He heard Yoongi butt in he had been grumpy and quite snappy the whole journey. A sign escaped his body. The older friend never knew how to hold his tongue.

"I need to find out if I forgotten"

Guess he didn't have to wait. It puzzled him still (y/n) voice was monotone and held a lack of emotion that he couldn't break in too."Why should that matter anymore, you have us. we're not met to exist its best if your people do anyway," Yoongi had raised his voice this time, only slightly and untrained ear would never be able to pick it up, but Namjoon heard it.

He was getting very agitated. His eyes drifted from Yoongi to the timid looking girl beside him.

"Because." it was all the reasoning she could muster. She didn't want them to know who she was. If they knew god know how they would see her - a bratty little rich girl who fell out with her dad and ran away.

The one-word reply seemed to enrage Yoongi evermore, why did he care so much about this.

"why, though?!" his voice had gone quiet. There was something in this voice, a pain behind it. Namjoon continued to watch. He watched Yoongi's eyes. Then he knew. The anger was nothing but a shield for pain, like a cornered soldier randomly throwing out weapons, scared for his life, lonely, desperate. He breathed in really slow. He remembered why Yoongi hated this place. The monk that took him from his parents brought him through this town.It didn't bring good memories. He hated that monk more than he hated this city.

That still didn't give him an excuse to take it out on the poor girl.

"I just do. OK!" It was her turn to shout, it was a short burst of anger, but it shut everything up. And for the first time, an awkward silence spread across them.

In the void of sound, the echoes of their conversation were laid bare. The relaxed atmosphere vanished, replaced by an uncomfortable one. They continue to walk down the gravel path till they reached Myrrka.

The four of them walked in silence through the colourful streets. They passed countless mounts of stalls. Farmers with there stand full of different fruits and veg and the butcher with his bloody lumps of meat on display and naked chickens and other birds hanging up. A jewellery stand selling different coloured hairpins and necklaces. They came out at the other side of the street to the square. The large open space full of people bustling around ready to go to work or to see a friend. It looked so peaceful and calm despite that there was an odd number of soldiers walking around ready to draw at any sign of danger.

Everything was peaceful, except for the looks one the oldest and the youngest face looked far from peaceful. (y/n) looked nervous as she helped Jungkook strap his blade to his back. She rearranges the fabric of his clothes to hide it. Swords weren't allowed to the public he was surprised they had got so far in without hiding them.

"I'll see you in a bit I need to do something." she quietly spoke out for the first time since the argument.

"Shiro told use to come with you so we will." Namjoon was a man of his word, and Shiro asked the to do this so he would.

"No." Her voice surprisingly held a lot of authority. It wasn't loud or angry. It was just strong. With that, she walks away, before nether he or the others could protest.

She watched her feet take action across the cobblestone away from the crowd and away from the boys. (y/n) trudged along at a sedate pace. Her mind focused on the gentle footsteps that seemed to echo throughout the empty street. Her feet led her up to the small privet graveyard where her mother lay.

The pile of stones stood next to a newly placed pile.

Her mothers grave was covered; in moss and cobwebs, nothing like when she had left it. The new pile was almost as abandoned. Although there were a few flowers placed on top, she could only assume it was her grave, and the flowers were from the gardener. She was proven right when she read the small plaque. ' (y/n) (l/n) aged 16 ' great she thought not even rest in peace.

(y/n) rested her head in her hands as she crouched down.

What a day.

Either someone was having a go at her, or she was looking at her own grave. Love that. She had just needed an ounce of proof she was worth more in her clan than she was.

The air was droning on, the happy chattering from the square reached her ears. She raised her eyeballs from the stones on the ground to look at the sky.

The sadness she ad felt early was no longer there., something else began to corn up her stomach. it had been building longer than she was aware. There was no one there to comfort her, to calm her down. The hazy grey clouds covered the blue. Her fingers curled tightly around the fabric of her dress, she could see random men's neck-snapping in her mind, and it felt good. God, she was angry. She could feel her fist smashing into a nose, splattering red blood on the walls. What an improvement that would be from the colour. But instead, she closed her eyes if they were wired shut. 

She quickly got up and ran to her old home.

The house was the result of years of hard labour on the back of workers. It was the jewel of the clan, the home of an important government official. Even now, nearly six decades later from being built its pertinence and grandeur endured. She silently walked the halls hiding in shadows whenever the staff walked by. She found her old room.

(y/n) decided to pass on going in encase it would anger her more. She carried on till she came to her father's room. Even with such a good army - she forgot how bad the security was. The bedroom was a luxury like no other. On the back wall was a mural, a tree with every colour of leafs imaginable and a few more besides. The bed was a hand-embroidered with silk purple cover. On the wall, mounted up was (y/n) father's prized possessions. She picked up the sword. He didn't deserve it.

(y/n) tested the weighed the sword in her right hand, slashing it delicately at the air, and as she did so, the reflection of her face past within the cool steel. The handle of the sword, bound with black leather. Now it belonged to her. She would have something better than a battered old stick, a piece of her past which she was meet to leave behind.

The thief swiftly left the house. She wandered around the streets, not ready to find her friends. She was still too agitated to go back. It didn't help that she felt like punching anyone past oblivion. At least she now knew that she had suffered the same fate as her mother. Dead and forgotten to her people. (y/n) let her feet lead her to the edge of the city, to a small hill hidden by trees.

A silhouette of a man stood at the top of the hill.

It was him.

The man she hated so much was standing there. Before her mind could compute, she was already approaching him. (y/n) stopped a few meters behind him. He hadn't moved an inch, his back facing the girl.

Her lungs forced out a shaky breath. It seemed to get the mans attention.

"Your back." He questioned in a calming voice. How could he be calm?

That was the breaking point of her patience. At that moment, (y/n) was blinded by a five-course serving of rage that tasted bitter, yet surprisingly satisfying.

She reached behind to the hilt of her father's sword. Her fingers laced around it, gripping it tightly as she charged forward. She went to cut him. The blade came in contact with his own. The sound of metal against metal rang out. She knew every move he was going to make. She was there to block it every time, and he always knew hers. It was impossible.

She had the sense she's meant to be stronger. Yet here she was sweating while she fought her enemy.

Then it suddenly dawned on her. Hoseok was a night blade too. It all made sense, being silent, his swordsmanship, everything. It all fell into place, not only had he stole all she had, but he was a born killer.

White anger started to fill her head. Her heartbeat hammered at her rib cage. Her white-knuckled grip tightens on the blade. And her heart was pounding, and her eyes were burning, and everything felt hot, and then suddenly everything was not. It was crashing down, and for a brief moment, everything slowed, everything but her. It was like she had clicked inside. Her blooded stopped flowing and laid stagnant in her veins. The anger had dissipated, replaced by a weird clam. Like she had sailed into the eye of a hurricane where nothing could toucher her. Very move came into her mind unbidden.

In an instant, she was in Hoseoks defence. She had him on the run. (Y/n) knocked his sword out of his hand, he was defenceless. Her sword moved up to his neck.

He fell to the ground wailing in pain. She tried to shake the aching away after taste of going so fast. It was stuck, upon her hands. Its bitterness drew her in to take another sip. She tried to click again, but it was to no use. However much she focused her mind, it wouldn't come back. A new foggy rage clouded her head. It was different from the other anger she was confused and scared of herself. It overcame the white blinding anger from before.

Her fingers loosened its hold till the sword fell on to the worn-out ground. She tackled him, held him down so he couldn't fight back. (Y/n) fists moved to hit Hoseok's face, neck and anywhere else. She couldn't stop. So many years she had spent forgotten and all alone, because of him. It sunk deep into her mind and added a divine pain. The fog was thickening in her mind.

Her hand made its way to her knife. He should have to pay he would pay. Her muscles clenched - her arms raised the small blade to the heavens. She took a deep inhale.

Maybe it was the thick stench of blood or the salty water on her checks that had managed to gather and pool at her eyes, or perhaps it was the sun reflecting off the knife and burning into her eyes, but the haze started to clear.

(y/n) looked down.

He was bloodied and beaten to nothing. Yet he still held a small smile of pity. His eyes were still bright and kind. (y/n) had envied him so much throughout her life, and now when it came to it, she couldn't finish him. What would it count for?

Nothing. There was no gain to be had. It would change anything.

As much as she tried to hold it in, the pain came out like an uproar from her throat in the form of a silent scream. Her small knife slipped out of her hand and into the grass. The beads of water started falling one after another, without a sign of stopping. Her head fell onto his propped up chest. She tried to speak, but her voice melted by the sound of her cries. The muffled sobs wracked against her chest. The world turned into a blur, and so did all the sounds. Everything felt too much.

Hoseok shuffled up he tree trunk to sit up properly. He let the girl stay on his chest, rubbing her back. A concoction of fear, relief and confusion mixed around within him. He didn't know what to do. He has so many questions he wanted to ask (y/n), but they would have to wait till she was in a calmer state.

God, what had just happed? It was all so sudden. Now he sat with his the girl on his chest, unsure of what to do.

(sorry this was so late I had a lot of deadlines and I was focusing in them thank you for reading, It a bit cringe but we move. XX)

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