One day

By emz1172

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Layli Brennan is just a 16 year old girl trying to get on with her life after her father abandoned her and he... More

Chapter 1 ~ I swear I swooned ~
Chapter 2 ~Why don't we finish what we started?~
Chapter 3 ~The perfect hollywood couple~
Chapter 4 ~Just open it you pussy~
Chapter 5 ~s*x in my mouth~
Chapter 6 ~Just me and those abs~
Chapter 7 ~I'm like an emotional roller coaster~
Chapter 8 ~It looks like you're having a gang bang~
Chapter 9 ~Glare off~
Chapter 10 ~You're so hot when you're angry~
Chapter 11 ~Is she pregnant?~
Chapter 12 ~Like a fricken gymnast~
Chapter 13 ~Left them hot and turned on at home~
Chapter 14 ~I'm just going to become a crazy cat lady~
Chapter 15 ~That's what you get for messing with a kick boxer~
Chapter 16 ~They don't know how to keep it in their pants~
Chapter 17 ~with an enthusiastic smile and thumbs up~
Chapter 18- part 1 ~Whip out a gun and start murdering everyone~
Chapter 18 - Part 2 ~She can go run with scissors, trip and stab herself~
Chapter 19 ~I'm sorry I wet your shirt~
Chapter 20 ~Love, Layli~
Chapter 21 ~Did you really just quote Dora?~
Chapter 22 ~This guy could be Santa Claus~
Chapter 24 Part 1 ~Dress hunting time!~
Chapter 24 Part 2 ~Beauty Salons~
Chapter 25 ~Feel free to bow down to me~
Chapter 26 ~I'm a single pringle~
Chapter 27 ~ A dog hunting it's prey~
Chapter 28 ~Heart palpitations~
Chapter 29 ~Harder than a Where's Wally book~
Chapter 30 ~drugs, alcohol, parties and girls~
Chapter 31 ~This is why I have trust issues~
Chapter 32 ~Way too cliché~

Chapter 23 ~We're going to Hollywood baby~

100 11 3
By emz1172

Dedicated to Rebelist_ for her votes and her lovely book He's Swoon Worthy. I recomend checking it out.

Video is of AFL- skip to 12 minutes to get a feel for the beginning of the game so you understand what's happening on tv if you're not familiar with the sport.


After school finally ends, I go home in my car and get ready to enjoy the weekend. I walk inside my house and head over to the lounge room to lie down on the couch and turn on the tv. I put it to Foxtel and change the channel to fox footy. For some reason there's a game on this afternoon in Melbourne and I see it still hasn't begun yet with the players warming up on the oval. I quickly get up off the couch and run upstairs to my room and throw my bag on the ground before changing into dark blue tracksuit pants and a white crop top. Running back down I scoop some ice cream into a bowl and cover it with chocolate and 100s and 1000s before running back and jumping onto the couch. The siren blares and the umpire bounces the ball in the middle of the ground. The ruckmen tap the ball and the players take the ball down to the forward pocket only for Chad Winguard to kick the ball between the two tallest posts and score a goal. Wow that was extremely quick. Looks like Port Adelaide are in good shape this season. The game is against Port Adelaide and North Melbourne. I don't really barrack for any of those teams but I guess Port has nice colours. The main team I support, much to everyones confusion are the Fremantle Dockers from Western Australia. I have no idea why but when everyone here went for east coast teams I've always stuck with them, even after the Gold Coast finally got their own team. Sometimes Bella would go for them with me but mostly she doesn't really pay attention to footy. I still can't believe Bella's parents are getting a divorce. Whenever I went over there I was always so jealous of how well their family acted together, they were like a proper family with big family meals every Sunday and stuff like that. Being an only child she gets extremely spoilt but I know she doesn't like it as that puts the pressure on her to do well, especially at netball, as they have no one else to look out for. I can see why this is causing her so much stress. If mum and John ever got a divorce and had screaming matches I could find somewhere in this mansion to hide it out and sleep in peace but I know Bella's isn't the richest family in the world so she'd be able to hear every single word spoken about her. And her mum deciding to be an actress, what is up with that? A sick feeling comes into my stomach as I realise something. What if her mum was inspired by mine and it's all my families fault that her mum is leaving? What if Bella is moved to LA because of my mums influence? If Bella moved I'd be devastated I know we only just got our friendship back on track, I think, but it's not like she hasn't been there for me over the past year. Like all the times I had no idea what to do about guys and that creep. More importantly if she moved I have no idea what would happen to Cameron. He's so whipped when it comes to her he might just hop in her bag and move over there with her.

"Ok what's up?"

"Hmm?" I look up and see John standing there looking at me.

"Usually if I turned off the tv when you're in the middle of watching something you'd have a massive rage at me." He states and I turn back to see the tv is indeed black. What? When did that happen?

"So maybe I just didn't want to watch those teams play." I retort turning back to him.

"And would you also let your ice cream melt after not even having one bite?" I look down and see my ice cream is melted with the colourful 100s and 1000s turning the vanilla ice cream rainbow.

"Ok you got me." Should I tell him? I think I can trust him I mean there's not really any reason not to.

"I just found out Bella's parents are getting a divorce and I'm trying to be there for her."

"Bella Cost?" He asks in disbelief

I nod, "Yea I know it shocked me too."

"Well I guess you never know what goes on behind closed doors."

"She hasn't really been getting much sleep lately and she's really stressed over her parents arguing." John furrows his eyebrows.

"Did you tell her yet?" My mum suddenly bursts into the room and asks excitedly. I raise my eyebrow in question.

"No I didn't get that far." John rolls his eyes and my mum stands there still grinning and moving around excitedly.

"Oh ok, I'll come back"

"You may as well stay seeings as you ruined it."

"Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on!" I say breaking up their discussion.

"We're going to the Oscars baby!" Mum yells throwing her hands up in the air and my jaw drops.

"Are you serious?" And she nods. John whips some plane tickets out of his pocket and grins.

"We were nominated for some awards and they've invited you to come." I sit there eyes wide and mouth open is disbelief. Do you know how many famous people are at the Academy Awards shows? Holy freaking shit I am going to the Oscars!

"When is it?"

"Sunday, LA time." John replies and I get up off the couch. "So what do you say? Want to get away from here for the weekend?" John asks and my mind instantly flashes to creep.

"Yes!" I don't even hesitate. One weekend that's all I need, I can get away from everyones drama and not have to worry about creep watching my every move, plus I will get to see some of my idols in person. Oh my I can't believe it, I will get to see them in real freaking life!

"Ok well we leave in a few hours so go pack." My mum grins and I gasp.

"Mum I have nothing to wear! This is the Oscars we're talking about, I can't just rock up in jeans and a shirt."

"Oh Layli always underestimating me, it's all sorted don't worry." She grins at me and winks before heading downstairs to her floor. I look at John before rushing upstairs to my room and packing a bag. I have a quick shower before hand and decide to leave my current outfit on as it's comfortable for sitting on a plane. I quickly open my laptop and have a look at the weather this weekend in Los Angles and to my disappointment the cold weather seems to have carried over to spring over there as the forecast reads cold with chances of rain. I pack a few pairs of underwear, jeans, jumpers, cosy pjs, a variety of tops, some beanies and scarfs as well as some shorts and skirts just in case the weather gets warm randomly. I know it's only for one weekend but I have to be prepared for everything. I shove all my makeup, bathroom and hair necessities into a big black toilet bag and stand there looking at my suitcase trying to remember if I've forgotten anything. I quickly rush to my wardrobe and throw in a bikini and a couple pairs of shoes and boots before pushing down on my black suitcase and zipping up the bulging bag. Next I grab my black backpack which I take to school and tip everything out onto my bed before filling it with my macbook and various chargers. I throw in a magazine, my sunglasses some lollies and earphones. I know it's a bit big for what I have in there but who knows I might need it if we decide to go sight seeing. Oh speaking of that I add a camera to my bag and unzip my suitcase to put in some purses and handbags. At the thought of purse I grab some cash and my card before putting that purse into my backpack. Looking at the clock I see it's 5:30 so I grab my bag and put it on my back before sliding up the handle of my suitcase and taking it out of my room and down the stairs. Maybe we should get an elevator for times like this. I leave my bags at the door to be packed into the car before running upstairs to blow dry my hair. I throw it up into a messy bun leaving a few strands on the sides to hang down the sides of my face. I put on a simple silver chain necklace with a little silver moon on it to add some colour to my white crop top and shove my phone into the side pocket of my blue tracksuit pants before heading downstairs. I notice my mum and John are in hectic mode as they make sure everyone has their bags packed and that all the doors are locked and various appliances are turned off. I lie down on the couch as mum shouts at Kat to hurry up. I log onto Facebook and explain to my friends what's happening but only Hazel is online and replies, telling me she's so excited and she'll look out for me on tv. Tv wow I can't believe this is actually happening. I'll be walking the red carpet with my mum and John. There's that thought again what the hell am I meant to wear? I'm praying my mum has some dresses for me like she said or we're going shopping, because if not I'm going to be the first person to walk the red carpet in jeans and a jumper. I wonder if anyone has actually done that? Suddenly my phone vibrates in my hand and it begins playing Fancy. A horrible picture of Hazel that I took a few months ago of her on Halloweenflashes up on my screen, alerting me of the caller.I slide to answer just as Kat finally comes downstairs dressed in a hoodie and shorts.

"Hello?" I ask her. Now that Kat's finally ready mum ushers us all out the door and we get into a black car that is waiting near the front door.

"Hey!" I hop into the very back with Kat next to me and my mum straps Kate and Alisha into their car seats before sitting next to them. John locks the front door before getting into the passenger seat and the guy driving drives out of the driveway towards the freeway.

"So I don't want to sound rude or anything but did you talk to your mum or John about an agent?" She asks and I gasp covering my mouth.

"Oh my gosh! Hazel I am so sorry! I completely forgot about that!" An instant feeling of guilt flashes in the pit of my stomach as I sit in the car. I can't believe I forgot about that. I am such a horrible friend this is her big break and I've screwed everything up because I'm so selfish.

"Layli! No, no that's good!" She laughs and I frown.

"How is it good that I'm such a selfish person?"

"Because my dad found this chick from his work that knows some managers and he talked to her, who talked to her people and so on. So basically I was calling to tell you not to worry anymore because I've got someone." Instantly a feeling of relief hits me and I sigh.

"That's great." I smile. "I am so sorry though, I shouldn't have forgotten about something like that." I admit and I can imagine her rolling her eyes.

"Seriously Layli It's fine! Anyway if I was going through what you are, I'd probably be focusing on my life a bit more as well." I close my eyes at that as I remember the creep who is actually in my school where I spend the majority of 5 days a week. It can't be a coincidence that out of the 100s of schools in the state he's in mine. Right?

"Anyway have a safe flight and text me all the deets about everything."

"Will do, say hi to everyone for me."

"Sure thing. Love you."

"Love you too." I say making a kiss noise with my mouth and hanging up putting my phone away.

About half an hour later we're at the international airport and the driver stops at one of the drop off bays near the door. We all jump out and I put my sunglasses on before going to the boot and grabbing out my suitcase and backpack. I grab Kate's little hand with my spare one and mum grabs Alisha's as John hurls two big suitcases behind him. We hurry through the doors and check in our bags and scan our tickets. This is the first flight we've all been on together for so long. I wonder if we'll have any time to go to Disney land, Kate and Alisha would love it. We wait around in the check in lounge for a while checking out the stores, buying a few things duty free and keeping Kate and Alisha occupied when just before 7pm our flight is called. We head back over to mum and John who are sitting at a cafe having some food before we get on the plane. I see yet another person taking a photo with them. I smile slightly as I approach with my sisters and he walks away as we all grab our bags and make our way to the door for boarding. I let the lady scan my ticket before walking down the tunnel to the big plane. We aren't flying on a private plane I see but I can't help but grin when I see first class written on the tickets. Taking my seat I have Kat next to me and everyone quickly gets seated. The plane begins to roll along the runway and I pop a lolly in my mouth chewing so my ears don't pop when we take off. I take a deep breath letting the butterflies pass, I've always been slightly nervous when it comes to flying, always paranoid it'll crash. I turn on my tv as a distraction and plug in the earphones provided, selecting a movie to watch. Just as I click play they interrupt by doing all the safety things shortly after take off. To be honest I've heard it enough times I don't think I need to hear it again, I mean there's only so much to remember.

About 2 hours later we land in Sydney to change planes so we can take a direct route to California. Getting on the new plane hurriedly we are briefed with the same safety speech before taking off on the 15 hour flight. After some debate I put on bad neighbours and grin as I see Zac Efron's face appear. A couple of hours later they come around with dinner and I smile when I see what looks like lasagne. I open the water provided and drink some of that before digging in with a fork and eating the mince and creamy cheese while watching another movie.


"Layli, get up." I hear Kat's voice and feel myself being shoved, I open my eyes taking off my face mask. I am hit by light and I squint my eyes waiting for them to adjust. I look out the window next to me and see we have landed in California.

"How long was I asleep?" I ask stretching and pushing the button to put my chair back up.

"A while." She smirks. I remember watching about 3 movies before putting on my eye mask and trying to go to sleep, obviously I succeeded. We get out of our seats and grab our bags from the over head lockers before walking down the aisle to the exit door.

"Have a lovely day." The air hostess smiles and I smile back before walking down the stairs into the tunnel to the airport. Once we're through the doors we all go to the bathroom quickly and I give my hair a quick brush before exiting and waiting for everyone else. Kat comes out next followed by mum, Kate and Alisha.

"Did they sleep at all?" I ask mum as I notice Kate yawning. She shakes her head looking quite tired herself. I guess that's what happens what you have a long flight with 2 three year olds. John is the last one and once we're together we go collect our bags from the conveyer belt thingy. We walk as a family through the doors and into the normal airport only to be hit by hundreds of people behind barriers. When they see my mum and John they start yelling and snapping pictures but they only smile at them and continue walking as we have bags and little children around. I am suddenly conscious I'm only wearing tracksuit pants and a crop top but I don't have any free hands to do anything about it. The flashing lights are quite blinding sometimes and I can feel Kate squeeze my hand tighter, she suddenly stops and I look down only to notice she has begun to cry as she looks around paralysed by all the screaming fans and camera flashes.

"Aww Kate come on baby it's ok." I kneel down and say to her. She looks up at me, her brown eyes sparkling with tears and her lip wobbles as she cries softly, still frightened by the people. I stand up and let go of my suitcase so I can put my hands under her arms and lift her up, placing her on my hip. I hold her with one arm as she wraps her little arms around my neck and buries her face into the crook of my neck. I can feel her little warm tears dripping down as I struggle to carry her and pull my heavy suitcase along. I can hear the awws of the crowd but I'm slightly annoyed as they're the ones who scared her in the first place yet they're making this seem like a cute moment when in reality I'm literally going to fall over unbalanced any second. As we step outside the air brings an instant chill over us as I notice the sun just beginning to set. There is a chilly breeze in the air as night falls and my crop top does nothing to keep the cold away. I know Kate's not having the same problem as she has a cute white jacket on that's fluffy at the touch. Her body heat kind of warms me up a bit as we walk into the carpark. I think my family finally notices my absence as John comes running over from the car and tries to take Kate from my arms. I shake my head slightly and turn around so he can see that she's fallen asleep. Poor girl must be exhausted if she didn't sleep for any of the 15 hours we were on the plane, I know I am tired and I did sleep, plus she's only 3. John grabs my suitcase and I shift Kate so I am holding her with two arms as I follow him to the car. He stops at a big white Escalade and I look at him with a really? look on my face and he simply grins and shrugs before throwing my bag in the boot. An Escalade is such a stereotypical rich guy car, of corse John would choose to hire this for 2 days. I look in and almost gasp at how nice it is. The inside has 7 seats but the back 2 are pushed down so we can fit all out bags in and the 2 middle seats have a car seat each for Kate and Alisha to sit in. There is a gap in the middle of both the seats so that the people in the back 2 can get in without having to push the seats down, which is perfect considering we won't want to take the car seats out and in all the time. I carefully put Kate into her car seat and see Alisha is asleep in the one next to her. As I strap Kate up she stirs a little bit but leans her head on the side of the cushioned seat using it as a pillow before closing her eyes once more. I shut her car door as quietly as I can and see my mum getting into a silver Bentley Continental parked beside us. I shake my head in disbelief at the pair of them as my mum and John are both gushing over their cars.

"Ok honey we'll meet you at the hotel, ok?" My mum says through the open window. John nods and gives her a quick peck before driving away. It's so weird to see the drivers seat on the left hand side, because usually in Australia they'd be driving on the other side of the road. I accompany John in his car to the hotel as Kat didn't want to be left alone in a car with him and the twins. After a few minutes he works out how to use the GPS and we're off. We drive for about another 15 minutes until we reach a huge white building with a massive fountain out the front surrounded by lush gardens all lit for the night by beautiful lights. We drive around until John stops next to the entrance door. A man in a tuxedo with white gloves opens the car door for him before coming around and opening mine. I look around in awe at how expensive it looks. There is a long driveway and it continues going until a few metres past the entrance where there's a roundabout. There's lush gardens with sculpted trees and bushes everywhere. Bright green grass and rose gardens fill in the other spaces and as I approach the fountain I notice all the coins shining in the spotlights. It's a wish fountain. I smile to myself as I look into the blue water, at all the various coins from different countries around the world. All these shiny unique things are peoples wishes, peoples hopes and dreams. I don't realise I'm leaning against the stone ledge around it until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see John with Kate in his arms, cuddled into his jacket asleep and I follow him inside the hotel. When we walk into the front door I see that the Escalade is gone to be replaced by some other car where more guests are getting out. I'm guessing John gave the valet his keys to have it parked somewhere safe. We walk up to the glass door only for it to be opened by a doorman, again dressed in a black tux with white gloves. I thank the man with a smile and walk inside the warm lobby and again I am flabbergasted, it's beautiful. There is quiet classical music playing in the almost silent lobby and there is a big crystal chandelier in the middle of the high ceiling radiating light all over the room as it reflects off of the crystals. The grey walls are lined with pictures and paintings and there's various rooms leading out of the lobby, maybe dinner or function rooms, followed by a set of elevators at the end of the room. We meet my mum and Kat who are waiting inside for us and I see mum has Alisha sleeping in her arms. John hands me Kate and I cuddle her, rubbing her back as we approach the reception desk where a young girl in a black blazer greats us with a smile. She checks us in and hands us our room key not seeming the slightest bit phased by who we are. I guess in a place like this she must meet lots of famous people, lucky girl. We all pile into the elevator and there is a man in there who takes a look at our room key and swipes it before hitting number 12 on the elevator buttons. I gasp when I realise it's the highest number on there. Does that mean we're in the penthouse? We stepping out of the quiet elevator a few seconds later and step into a hallway, into the Penthouse suite, my guess being correct. Our bags are already neatly placed together in the foyer which is just before the large living room and kitchen space. The room has beautiful wooden floor boards and I notice there is a couch and a long dinning table for eight just next to the breakfast bench. The room is extremely silver and looks very grand, there are mirrors everywhere and everything from the chairs to the tables appears to be silver in colour. I walk over with Kate to the various doors leading out of the main living quarters and I walk through a space beside the wall where the tv is mounted. Down here there is a small staircase which comes off the dinning room. First I walk straight into a bedroom with a large queen sized bed and off there I find a small hallway with more bedrooms. I find one with two double beds in the middle of the room next to bedside tables, this should be suitable for Kate and Alisha. With one arm I gently pull back the covers and struggle to take off her fluffy jacket. I drop it on the floor before slipping her still sleeping figure under the covers of the bed. I pick up her jacket and leave it on a chair in the corner of her room before exiting and quietly shutting the door behind me. I walk out of the hallway and back up to the foyer to go grab my bag. Kat passes me on the way wheeling her suitcase behind her and up the stairs where the kids bedrooms are located. Kat and I have our own room and a small ensuite each, although there's a huge main bathroom off the living room featuring a bath filled with jets and even a powder room. There is also a small laundry, bar and outdoor area over looking the magnificent views of the city of LA. Wheeling my suitcase into the hallway I take the first room which I take my suitcase into. This room is going to be kind of annoying as everyone has to walk through it but it's still really nice. I close the door to the hall and turn on the light instantly illuminating the rooms features. There is not much furniture except a round leather chair thing, a large white bed in the middle of the room and a wardrobe covered in mirrors to hang my clothes. Unless we're going away for weeks I never unpack my suitcase, way to much hassle to take everything down and put it away again. Walking over to my bed there's towels in various sizes and I grin when I see 2 little heart chocolates. I open the silver wrapper and pop one into my mouth as I giddily walk over to the ensuite door. I pull it open and reveal something similar to mine at home, with a shower, toilet, basin built into a bench and a mirror just above them. On the bench there's a variety of bottles containing shampoo, conditioner and body wash complimentary to the hotel. Under the bench there's also a hair dryer and shower caps. I take a few pictures and send them with snapchat to my friends and text Hazel some 'deets' about our hotel. After poking around some more I notice robes hanging on the door, this room is defiantly meant for two people. Oh well maybe one day if I can actually find someone who won't try and treat me horrible. My mind flashes to Ashley and I smile, he's probably the one person I can trust in my life right now, his playful manner always finds a way to cheer me up. But he's in year 12 and is mostly known for his hookups. Now that I think about it I don't think I've ever seen him in a serious relationship. I press a button shutting my curtains and change into a big shirt and some shorts before going out of my new room and into the lounge area which is next to the curtains that lead to mum and John's room. I sit down on the silver couch and turn on the built in flatscreen flicking through the multiple channels and reality tv shows. Settling on Keeping up with the Kardashians I begins to watch with my family soon joining. A few hours later and it's 11PM LA time and I'm not even the slightest bit tired, but I know I should at least try and sleep, so I head back to my room and shimmy into my big bed, cuddling into the soft mattress, pillows surrounding me.


I know this chapter is really boring and for that I'm sorry but next chapter, dress time ;)



P.S KAte and Alisha to the side.

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