Smile (P5/Royal Story x OC/Ma...

By zer0420

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(Note, there's a few changes in the Persona Timeline for the sake of this story) The prettiest smile hides th... More

Chapter 1 Royal Beginnings
Chapter 2 Arriving At Shibuya
Chapter 3 Awakening
Chapter 4 First Day At Shujin
Chapter 5 Rumors Of Abuse
Chapter 6 The Straw That Breaks The Camel's Back
Chapter 7 Calling Card
Chapter 8 Change Of Heart
Chariot Confidant Rank 2 And 3
Lovers Confidant Rank 2 and 3
Chapter 9 The Phantoms
Chapter 10 Mementos
Chapter 11 The Councillor and The Artist
Chapter 12 Enlightening Conversation
Chapter 13 Rumors Of Plagiarism
Chapter 14 Artistic Betrayal
Chapter 15 Artistic victory
Chariot Confidant Rank 4 and 5
Lovers Confidant Rank 4 and 5
Emperor Confidant Rank 1 and 2
Chapter 16 Operation: Maid Watch
Chapter 17 A Faithful Meeting
Chapter 18 Busted
Chapter 19 Rumors Of Extortion
Chapter 20 Full Throttle
Chapter 21 Breaking The Piggy Bank
Chapter 22 Gaining Trust
Chariot Confidant Rank 6 and 7
Lovers Confidant Rank 6 and 7
Emperor Confidant Rank 3 and 4
Priestess Confidant Rank 1 and 2
Faith Confidant Rank 2 and 3
Justice Confidant Rank 2 and 3
Councillor Confidant Rank 3 and 4
Chapter 23 Differing Stances
Chapter 24 Alibaba
Chapter 25 Tales Of Deception
Chapter 26 X-Day
Chapter 27 I'll Guide You To Victory
Chariot Confidant Rank 8 and 9
Lovers Confidant Rank 8 and 9
Emperor Confidant Rank 5 and 6
Priestess Confidant Rank 3 and 4
Faith Confidant Rank 4 and 5
Hermit Confidant Rank 2 and 3
Justice Confidant Rank 4 and 5
Councillor Confidant Rank 5
Chapter 28 Hunting For Clues
#1 in Persona
Chapter 29 Aloha
Chapter 30 Falling Out
Chapter 31 Apologizes
Chapter 32 Tales of Forced Marriage
Chapter 33 A Miscalculation?
Chapter 34 Our Fault?
Chapter 35 Never Again
Chapter 36 No More Pain
Chapter 37 Tales Of Desired Death
Chapter 38 True Family
Chapter 39 An Unexpected Awakening
Emperor Confidant Rank 7 to 9
Priestess Confidant Rank 5 to 9
Hermit Confidant Rank 4 to 9
Empress Confidant Rank 1 to 9
P5/ Royal Smile Thoughts
Justice Confidant Rank 6
Councillor Confidant Rank 6 to 9
Chapter 40 Laying Low
Chapter 41 Set Up
Chapter 42 Post Festival Party
Chapter 43 Alliance
Chapter 44 Coming Clean
Chapter 45 Tales Of False Accusation
Chapter 46 Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 47 Unforeseen Ambush
Chapter 48 Tale Of Betrayal
Chapter 49 Damaged
Chapter 50 Breakdown
Chapter 51 Tales Of Realization
Chapter 52 Promises
Chapter 53 Black Mask
Chapter 54 Best Friends
Chapter 55 Sacrifice
Chapter 56 Changing Society
Chapter 57 True Mastermind
Chapter 58 Recollection
Chapter 59 Day Of Reckoning
Chapter 60 Christmas Eve Surprises
Chapter 61 Christmas and New Year's Eve
Chapter 62 Not Right
Chapter 63 3 Man Squad
Chapter 64 True Ruler
Chapter 65 True Identity
Chapter 66 True Wishes
Chapter 67 Rejected
Chapter 68 Final Goodbyes
Chapter 69 Aftermath
Chapter 70 Explanations
Chapter 71 Reawakening
Faith Confidant Rank 5 to 10
Chapter 72 Apologetic Part 1
Chaptet 73 Apologetic Part 2
Chapter 75 Apologetic Part 4
Chapter 76 Final Exploration
Chapter 77 Final Negotiations
Chapter 78 The Final Battle Part 1
Chapter 79 The Final Battle Part 2
Chapter 80 One Choice...
Chapter 81 One Night...
Chapter 82 Unlikely Help
Chapter 83 Unlikely Meeting
Chapter 84 Valentine's Day
Chapter 85 Separated Ways
Chapter 86 White Day
(Final Chapter) Chapter 87 Royal Endings

Chapter 74 Apologetic Part 3

2.5K 67 8
By zer0420

No one's POV

Currently, Nhazul is in what can only assume to be Yusuke's room given all the paintings, paint and sketch books all around and Yusuke was turned away from Nhazul.

Nhazul: So what did you want to talk about?

Yusuke: I know my call was rather sudden. I can only apologize. But on to the matter at hand. We've already decided we're going to oppose Dr. Maruki, so I know it's far too late to say anything, but...

Nhazul: You can't look at me and say it?

Yusuke: ...

Yusuke then turned back to Nhazul.

Yusuke: I just can't keep averting my eyes from the truth...! I betrayed you, and all we stand for! How can I pretend I'm still worthy of our lofty ideals? Or your support?! I'm...I'm an utterly hopeless fool!

Nhazul: Nah, you're just weird.

Yusuke: Please, I don't deserve consoling...! You gave me strength. You taught me to face the truth without fear...That strength...That anger is how I rose up against Madarame. I saw him for the fraud he was, I freed myself from his lies...And just look at what I've become...Dr. Maruki gave me a false security. He showed me a life spun from my deepest desires and fool that I am , I welcomed it! What indescribable humiliation...! How could I be such a detestable, narrow minded sheep of a man?!

Nhazul: Levi, calm down, it's fine.

Yusuke: I cannot! This is no time for calm! And you! You of all people deserve to shame me, but still you say nothing?! I betrayed you...! I have spat on the very principles of art! And more than that, I have spat on all you did to help me find my answers! I'm nothing...Not even worth the empty words I spoke... I can't even bring myself to look you in the eyes, Nhazul....Forgive me...

Nhazul: Such is the human heart. Isn't there beauty in it?

Yusuke: Are our hearts truly deluded? Are we foolish enough to cling to these misguided fantasies?! You offer me mercy I do not deserve! There is no beauty in this! I was a slave to my hubris all along. How did I even believe the meaning of true beauty was within my grasp...? I was just a fool, lost in dreams.

Nhazul: It's the beginning Yusuke. Not the end. 

Yusuke: I see...Perhaps there is truth in that. But I can only apologize. You've saved me from repeating my mistakes once more. Compared to the grand legacy of my mother's art... I am stroll but a chick toddling in her shadow as she soars. I dreamed of flying at her side. Yet for all my leaps of faith, I only plummeted from my nest , again and again...What I needed was a teacher...To grasp the beauty in my mother's work... I needed a guiding hand to offer criticism and validation as I earned it. But why was I so convinced that my teacher must be someone in the art world?

Yusuke then grabbed Nhazul by the shoulders very tightly.

Yusuke: After all, I have a friend like you...And out talks together have already led me to so many beautiful revolutions.

Nhazul: ...-_-... Yusuke, we've had this talk before...What did I say about personal space...?

Yusuke: Oh, my apologies. I got ahead of myself. But my point stands. I believe there is still a great deal I can learn from you. And if that's true...Then I've found my teacher. And with him, the path to truly grasping my mother's art. I will not lose my way again...Let is walk this path together!

Nhazul: Well, I'm glad to see you're back to normal, or your normal I guess...Also, Yusuke...

Yusuke: Yes?

Nhazul: What's that?

Nhazul pointed at the very large and abstract painting and it look like it was of Ann.

Yusuke: Oh that...That is um...nothing!

Nhazul: ...-_-...Is that a nude painting of Ann...?

Yusuke: No! Of course not...!

Nhazul: What did we say about nude paintings....?

Yusuke: I remember no such conversation!

Nhazul just sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Nhazul: ...-_-....You better pray Ann never sees that...


Currently, Nhazul is in Makoto's room after she had invited him over after school to talk and Nhazul looked around and saw how neat it was.

Nhazul: Oh my God, it's so neat in here.

Makoto: Thank you, but I'm sorry for calling you over here so suddenly. There's something I just had to tell you...

Nhazul : Which is?

Makoto then looked down saddened.

Makoto: I-I honestly wanted to apologize to you...

Nhazul: For all the times you've possibly given me brain damage from hitting me in the head?

Makoto: No, you idiot! Just listen this is really important! I'm sorry I couldn't back you up when you needed me the most...

Nhazul: What are you talking about? That isn't true.

Makoto: But it IS true...Ever since the new year, I was stuck in Dr. Maruki's false reality...Do you remember the time before I joined the Phantom Thieves, when I called you to the student council room?

Nhazul: That I do.

Makoto: I challenged your ideals, threatened to expose you if I knew anything about what was going on..But despite all of that you were still so kind to me...even protected me...And since joining you all, I've learned so much. You have saved me more times then I can possibly count... I consider you the first real friend I made there and I promised myself that if you were ever in trouble, I would leap in to save you...But I forgot that vow... I just threw it away so I could cling to my father and sister...Compared to you, who gave up the opportunity to spend time with your sister, someone who meant the world to you, you chose to fight...Compared to that I'm just self centered and weak...

Nhazul: I wouldn't say that. It wasn't your fault.

Makoto: Even if it isn't, does that really make it okay? Considering all the ways I made your struggle harder,even unknowns, I can't just let that go... You know, I think I was more lonely then I was willing to admit...Father never spent much time at home. When he was there, he always had his mind on some case. And sis put all her time into her work. For both our sakes. I respected them both so much. And I still do, of course...But I can't just let them take care of me forever...

Nhazul: That's you decision, right?

Makoto: It's what I think, at least. Though it's a a fairly new idea for me. If I hadn't been in this situation, I'm not sure it would even have occurred to me. In any case, I've made my decision. I'm done just sitting quietly and doing as I'm told. If I'm weak or self centered or lonely...or too dependent on my family...then that's my problem to fix. But my pain's still apart is me. All the struggles, your support, it's helped me stand up for myself. I can't lose that. I'm not exactly abandoning the person I was. But I figure trying to bottle it up will only make my life harder. I want to be able to look at the most awful, disgraceful parts of myself, and still be able to say "So what"?

Nhazul just smiled at Makoto.

Nhazul: Good. That's what I like to hear.

Makoto: It's a relief to know your supporting me. If I can get everyone to understand me, and really see who I am...Then think that'll give me strength. If I'm ever tempted like this again, I'll remember to stay true to myself. Even if it's not a conscious decision. That's why I wanted to apologize. I guess I can't completely stand on my own two feet just yet, but I'll keep trying and won't run away.

Nhazul: I'll help you anyway I can.

Makoto: Thank you. It makes me feel better hearing you say that.

Nhazul then looked over at Makoto's night stand and saw to pictures, one of her family and the other of him and her at Destiny land with the mascots.

Nhazul: Oh, hey. The pictures from Destiny land.

Makoto: Yes, That day was really fun. We should go back one day...

Nhazul then picked up the picture and saw red marks on it.

Nhazul: Hey, what are these red marks?

Makoto then started blushing like crazy and she threw a text book at his face.

Makoto: Don't look at that! It's nothing!

Nhazul: ...

Makoto: Nhazul?

Nhazul: Ow.....

Makoto then saw Nhazul laying out on her bed with a large red mark from the text book on his face.

Makoto: Oh my God! I'm so sorry!

Nhazul: Ow.....

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