The Deeper The Hate The Deepe...

By myangelicstar

44.5K 1.7K 239

"How you !! I..I don't believe these bullshits. Parth ...Parth!!!,I know this this is... More

1- Mr. Red Shirt
2 - The person behind Krystle's heartbreak
3 -Parth deciding to help
4 - Project With Parth?
5 - A Silly Leaf
6 - Parth's favorite hobby
7 - Thoughts on Love
8 - Commotion in locker room
9 - Sneaking into his bedroom
10 - Slipped again
11 - Sad flashback
12 - Winning Akansha's support
13 - Parth's fear
14 - Akansha's wicked plan
15 - Partners?
16 - Surprise Visit At Green World
17 - Akansha's Panic Attack
18 - Unplanned night of being close
19 - Finding a beautiful spot
20 - Parth to apologize
21 - Caught Red-handed
22 -Truth or Dare
23 - I need you
24 - My savior
25 - Duty of Waking Parth
26 - Need For Money
27 - The Real Fun
28 - Winston Diner
29 - Enlighten Me
30 - A Walk Together
32 - To Dance?
33 - My Childhood
34 - I Love You
35 - Hated Nature
36 - Parth With Jacqueline?
37 - Dare Completed
38 - My Girlfriend
39 - The Prom
40 - Heartbroken
41 - Did I Make A Mistake?
42 - I Hate You
43 - I Am Sorry! I Can't!
44 - Surprise!!!
45 - I Feel Jealous
46 - Trip to U.A.E.
47- In Same Room
48 - The Exhibition
49 - Be Mine
50 - Just Like Those Old Days!!
51 - A Final Conclusion?!!
52 - To Explore
53 - Unexpected Surprise!!
54 - Sweet Revenge
55 - Shock For Whom?
56 - Unexpected Reunion
57 - Is she...??!!
Author's Note
New Book!

31 - A Tragic Accident

414 26 4
By myangelicstar


I took a deep breath trying to calm myself. Those days still haunt me but I am still trying my best to forget it.


"Grandpa ",I squealed cheerfully when he threw me in the air and then caught me again.

"Be careful Stan. Your hands have become weak too ",Grandma said walking in with my favorite candy bar milkshake.

"Candy bar Milkshake ",I squealed happily and ran towards Grandma and took it from her hand, drinking it heartily.

"Kanz! Are you ready to go? ",Mom asked, coming into the garden.

"Yes Mom. I will go and play with nature ",I said excitedly.

"Kanz! You should be a good girl.

You should not disturb your grandparents unnecessarily.

You should behave well.

You should not break any things.

You should never forget to video call us daily ",she said the same words again.

"Dad wishes to send you off but he is caught up with his important meeting at the last minute. He apologized to you for that, right?"

"Yes. Dad was so sweet. So, I accepted his apology. And I spoke to Sam too. He is enjoying his school tour ",I pouted.

"And you are going to enjoy your day with your grandparents. Isn't it cool?", Mom said, changing my mind.

"Yes ",I exclaimed happily and hugged her.

"Is it okay to go now? I saw in the news that it may rain heavily on the way", Mom said to Grandpa Stanley.

"I can manage ", Grandpa smiled at Mom. A very wrong decision!!

"Take care dear. Mom loves you so much ", Grandma said tear-eyed hugging mom.

"I love you too Mom ", Mom hugged Grandma tight.

"It's my turn Shana. So move ",Grandpa said, separating Grandma from Mom making them laugh and he then hugged mom.

"I love you Dad ",Mom said tear-eyed.

"Love you dear. Now stop this stupid tears", he said making Mom and Grandma laugh.

Little did anyone know that this was their final meet.

"I miss you Akansha ",Mom said, hugging me.

"I will speak with you daily Mom. Don't worry ",I smiled at her.

"We will take care of her with our lives", Grandpa said with a smile on his face.

Soon, Grandpa started the car and we were on the way to Ooty, an amazingly cool place, my mom's native.


"Grandpa! When are we going to reach? ",I asked him, eating my chips.

"It will take four to five hours to reach as it's raining heavily ", Grandpa explained.

"Don't drive fast Stan. It's raining heavily with thunder and lightning. We should have stayed back for a few days ",Grandma said in a worried tone.

"Don't worry Shana. We will reach home soon ",Grandpa comforted her.

It poured heavily. The roads were slippery. Unknown to the danger, I slept peacefully on my Grandma's lap.

"Stan! What happened? ",I heard Grandma's voice.

"There is a problem. I think we are caught in the middle of a storm", Grandpa stuttered.

I rubbed my eyes and tried to get up to see what's happening but Grandma pressed me to her lap, "Just sleep baby. We will go home soon. "

"Okay Grandma ",I obeyed, lying on her lap, closing my eyes.

I felt Grandma kissing my head and caressing me.

Then there was a huge roar making me so scared. I yelped but Grandma hugged me tight soothing me.

"What happened Grandma? ",I asked her, frightened.

"Nothing baby. Don't worry. I will surely save you ",she whispered. But I could feel the negative vibes and fear around me. What's happening?

"I love you Stanley", I heard Grandpa saying to Grandpa.

"I love you Shana", Grandpa said to Grandma. Why are they confessing their love now? "Hold Akansha tight ",I heard Grandpa say.

Then a bright, gleaming light shone at the dark, petrifying night making the vehicle collapse suddenly. It was followed by a huge uproar.

I felt like I was flying in the air. And then I heard a gigantic sound of a vehicle crashing on something.

I heard screaming sounds all around me. I felt horrified. My whole body was in pain. I couldn't move a limb. I was terrified very much.

"Grandma.... grandpa ",I called them. But there was no response.

'When you feel like you are in danger, what should you do? You should shout for help. And the angel will come to help you' ,Mom's words came to my mind.

"Help! Help ",I shouted but I could only hear the heavy droplets of water pouring down.

"Help! Please help ",I wailed helplessly. But no angel came. I was all... alone.

"Grandpa.... Grandma ",I called them again but no response.

I stretched my hand to feel Grandma or Grandpa. I felt something solid. At that time, lightning flashed, making me see the surroundings. I was horror-struck. An hysterical shout escaped my lips.

"Grandma.... Grandpa ",I shouted hysterically.The thing I touched was Grandma's hand. The place was covered with blood. Both Grandpa and Grandma looked lifeless.

"Help!! Someone please help!! ",I shouted frantically. But no one came.

"Help! Help! ",I sobbed in a feeble voice. My head started to spin!! The pain was unbearable!! I couldn't breathe anymore. I touched my neck to try to breathe. But nothing could stop me from not breathing.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH ",I bawled in pain.


"Akansha!! Akansha!! Breath!! Breath Dammit!! You are safe! Look at me. Open your eyes. I am here with you ",I heard Parth's voice.

I blinked my eyes and slowly opened to see the dark eyes of Parth staring at me with anxiety, fear and sadness.

"Take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale ",Parth instructed me.

I followed his instructions and took a deep breath. I looked at the surroundings to see me in the hospital. Did I lose myself when I was narrating it to him?

"You went deep into it ",Parth said, sensing my thoughts.

Parth then hugged me. "You know all the ways of making me crazy and mad ",Parth said irritatedly.


I then woke up in an unfamiliar surroundings, with so many wires attached to my hand. My head was bandaged completely. I am alive!

"Akansha ",I heard Mom's voice nearby. I saw her with tear-filled eyes and a smile on her face.

"Wa-- water ",I asked. Mom poured water in a cup and extended it to me to sip the water.

"I called for help. But no angel came ",I whispered in my sore tone after I gulped the water.

"Shh... Everything is alright. You are fine ", Mom hugged me happily.

"Where is Grandpa and Grandma? ",I asked in a feeble voice.

"They-- they are with God ",Mom said with a tight, fake smile.

"Sleep baby. You need to get well soon ",Mom caressed my head, placing a kiss on my forehead. My eyes closed due to tiredness.


"I will be terrified and scared whenever those haunting scenes come to my mind. I hated the thunder and lightning. That was the reason why my grandparents were not with me now. I used to have many panic attacks. I went to numerous psychologists to cure me but none was effective to make my fear go away. So, they advised me not to go out while it was raining. And those panic attacks gradually stopped. But I guess I am not completely recovered as you had seen me how I reacted that day in the rain. "

"I was fighting for my life like this little boy that day. My grandparents died saving me like they had promised my parents to take care of me. I saw myself in him today. The scared, petrified little child didn't know what was happening around him. If I had asked my grandparents to stay at home, then we would have not been there that night. It was all because of me why Grandpa and Grandma died", I sobbed thinking of all the possible ways of saving my grandparents.

"Shh...shh... It's not your fault Akansha. It was an accident. You have nothing to do with that", Parth whispered, holding me staring at my eyes.

"You can never hurt someone intentionally", Parth said and then kissed my forehead so softly; a small touch but it held so many emotions warming my heart.

"Let's wait for someone to come ",Parth agreed, looking at the little boy, Colton.


"Kryz", I whispered, shocked to see her at the hospital.

"Kanz! Are you okay?", she asked me when she came near me.

"I am fine ",I replied.

"I called you numerous times. But there was no reply. But, then all of a sudden Parth called me and I came to know what had happened", Kryz answered sensing my thoughts.

That's so thoughtful of Parth! "Here, filter coffee ",Parth came, extending the coffee to me.

"Thanks ",I said, taking it from him, sipping it. It is so refreshing to drink something hot.

"Kryz! Can you drop Parth to his house? ",I requested Krystle.

"That's not necessary. I called Andy and Theo to pick my car at the Green World and they may come here anytime soon ",Parth said.

"Is this Wyatt hospital? ",I asked, taking in the surroundings.

"Yes Miss. Observer ",Parth answered me.

"Hey guys! ",Andy walked to us.

"I shall speak to the doctor and come",Theo said, going with Parth.

"Let's go and see Colton", I said. Both Andy and Kryz followed me to the room.

There he was staring at the ceiling silently.

"Cole ",I called him. "Akansha sis ",he cheered when he saw me.

"I thought you left me like Mom ",he whispered.

Now how am I going to tell him about his mother's death?

"These are my friends Andrew and Krystle ",I introduced them to Cole.

"Hi ", he shied.

"Hey buddy ",Andy cooed to him.

"Hello Cole", Kryz smiled at him.

"Can I call you Angel sis? ",Cole pouted.

Angel? What am I supposed to say? "If you wish, then you can call me like that", I smiled at him.

"Thank you Angel sis", he said beaming at me.

"Are you hungry Cole? "

He nodded his head in return.

"I and Andy can go and get something from the canteen", Kryz offered and walked out with Andy.

"Where is Mom?", Cole asked me.

"Um.. She is with God watching you. "

He looked at me in confusion and then blinked his eyes.

"Why did she go so far without me? Why can't she be with me? "

"Your mother wants to be with you. But, God called your mother so soon. And she had no choice but to go. But she will always see you ",I explained to him.

"You will be a good, brave, bold boy, right? "

"Yes ",he nodded his head.

"Great ",I smiled at him.

At that time, the doctor entered the room with Theo and Parth following behind.

"He is fine. He needs two to three days of rest. And then he can go home", the doctor said after checking Cole.

"Have you called his family? ",the doctor asked.

"No. "

"Who is your father Cole? Do you know his number? "

"Yes. Mom taught me. "

She must have been a great Mom to him.

It seems Cole's father is a great businessman. Barak Companies is known all over the country. Hearing the news of his son, Mr. Barak came as fast as he could.

He hugged his son when he saw him. When he came to know about his wife, he was dumbfounded. He just numbly nodded his head and walked out to calm himself.

It seems like Mr. Barak and Mrs. Barak had a fight. Mrs. Barak got angry and took her son with her while driving to her mother's home. It seems she was drunk too. And due to excess speed driving, the brakes failed and crashed on a tree.

"This is my number. You can speak with me anytime you want ",I said, giving the number to Cole after he ate the food brought by Andy and Kryz.

And he took it with his soft hands. "I will surely call you Angel sis ",he said in his cute voice.

"Take a rest. Sleep well ",I said, caressing his hair. Soon, he drifted to sleep.

"Thank you so much Parth. If you were not with me, I don't know what I would have done", I said, thanking him for his physical and emotional support.

"Take care of yourself Akansha ",Parth said in his husky voice and slowly kissed my forehead with love and warmth. I smiled at him.

Then Kryz took me with her to home.

"You are okay? ",Kryz asked once we reached home.

"Yeah. Parth was with me ", I said. Kryz smiled hearing me.

"Parth surely took care of you. He looked so different to me, in a good way. I am glad that you are happy. "


The days passed smoothly with no much drama. I came to know more about Parth, his likes, his dislikes, his small gestures. We had submitted our project successfully. Gwen's mom is being treated fine and she is back to her happy self. But, she says almost everyday about returning my money as soon as possible. But I asked her to concentrate on her mother's health now and to return the money when she can. My work in the Green World is good too. Parth visits me everyday there and he drops me home. It's been a natural routine for us.

Andy and Kryz are a happy couple living their own life. Andy, Kryz, Harry and Chloe even went for a double date. Theo's girlfriend, Farina, is perfectly fine now. I hang out with Parth quite a lot at the college, restaurant, beach and other beautiful places. The whole college noticed me and Parth being close. Parth even stopped his flirty ways and kept his distance from the girls who tried to throw themselves at him. But Parth politely declined them and was loyal to me as promised. I got the angry, jealous stares from his fandom girls which I am used to, by now. But Jacqueline and her group always wear a smug face when they notice me with Parth. Whenever Jacqueline speaks, Parth becomes totally disappointed and moods off. I don't know why Parth is acting this way. When I ask him about it, he just makes up some excuse. So, I decided to wait for him to speak about it on his own.

And how can I forget my duty of waking him up. I thought he simply asked me to wake him up. So, I didn't call him. That day, he came late to college. When I asked him the reason, he sulked at me. The next day, I went to his house and woke him up personally with a cup of his favorite filter coffee in my hand. And he was elated to see me. And the routine of calling him every morning to wake him up became a habit to me. His early morning voice is so hoarse and gruff but I like the sound of it!! And because of him, surprisingly, I started to get up early too.

Cole is well now. He was discharged a few days back. He is back at his school. And he calls me whenever he gets time. And speaking with him feels nice too; I hope he leads a happy life.

Even Neil asked me about Parth. And I told him that I like Parth. He asked me to be careful. I nodded with a smile on my face. Parth was jealous when I spoke to Neil. But only when I explained to him that Neil is committed, he calmed down.

But Parth has still not asked me whether I would be his girlfriend. I can feel that he likes me too seeing all his efforts. We kiss everyday. We cherish each other everyday. We speak a lot about ourselves. He is so cool! Sometimes I wonder whether this was the Parth I spoke to on my first day of college.

"Kanz!! Mom called me to visit them this weekend since it's been so long", Kryz said, coming to my room.

"Yeah, you haven't visited them since college started. You just go and enjoy", I smiled at her.

"Sure ",she winked and walked outside; I guess she is going to say that she is coming home this weekend.

My thoughts were disturbed when my phone rang. Seeing the caller id, my lips naturally curved into a smile.

"Hello Parthu ",I answered the call. I have been calling him Parthu now!!

"Akansha ",he responded back but something felt a miss in his voice.

"Are you okay Parthu? ",I asked, concerned.

There was a moment of silence.

Then he cleared his voice. "I am just tired due to the continuous practice", Parth said. But his voice still remained distant. He must be very tired!!

Chloe keeps complaining about this new dance master. It seems that the old dance master has taken a leave due to a few personal reasons. Even though this new dance master is temporary, he seems to be a very strict person. He is pushing everyone to bring out their best. And I hate that Jacqueline is the dance partner for Parth. And everyone says that the combination of Parth and Jacqueline is the best!! When someone speaks about that, I literally get jealous. But I can't do anything about that!! I am glad Parth likes me and not her. And I believe him. So, I need not worry about Jacqueline.

"Oh! You must be very tired! So, I guess you missed this beautiful voice. That's the reason why you called me, right? ",I teased him trying to lighten his mood.

"I just called you to ask you whether you are free this weekend ",Parth said coldly.

What happened to him? He doesn't usually speak with me like this. He likes very much when I tease him. But what happened now?

"Are you alright, Parthu? ",I asked him again worriedly.

"Dammit!! I just asked you something. Reply to me fast. I have only a few minutes left for the break to be over", Parth stated. I guess he is very much stressed due to those dance practices.

"I am free. Are we going somewhere? "

"Yes. I shall talk about later. Bye ",he said and cut the call.

Um.. What just happened now? It was so strange! It's better to go to the dance studio and check up on him.

"Kryz... I shall come back soon ",I shouted and exited the door to go to the dance studio.



"I am going to take her to my house this weekend ", I said to Jacqueline who was giving me a flirty smile.

"And I am going to complete that dare ",I added.

Hearing my words, Jacqueline's face beamed with joy!

I am not helping her! I am not a person who backs up from challenges!! I am just going to complete my dare! Nothing else.


Oh gosh!!! Why is Parth still accepting to do the dare? Doesn't he know that this is going to cost him a lot? Poor Akansha!! :(

Will she witness Parth and Jaqueline speaking about the dare?

Stay tuned to know what happens next!!!

With love,

S.M. Skyler.

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