Blue Skies | Bright Vachirawit

By berrym1lkeu

17.5K 591 34

Blue migrated to Thailand when she was 5 years old. Her parents got separated and she was left in custody wit... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Blue Skies Sequel (Oneshot)

Chapter 5

742 26 1
By berrym1lkeu

Blue was walking on her way to school when Shan messaged her that something came up in her house so she needed to skip classes today. Blue got worried when Shan didn't disclose what happened in their household. "Blue! Wait up, didn't you hear me?" Blue was surprised when Bright tugged her uniform to stop her. It seems that she really didn't notice him. "Oh, sorry. I was distracted, I didn't hear you." She responded. Bright tried to catch his breath while Blue stared at her phone, still waiting for Shan's update.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He got worried immediately as soon as he noticed that Blue was anxious. "Shan told me she'll skip school today, something came up in their house but she didn't tell me what it was." The two of them walked slowly. "Do you want to check on her or something? We still have time before the morning ceremony." Bright suggested to ease Blue's mind. She nodded in response.

They went to Shan's house and peeked if something's wrong inside. It didn't look suspicious at all so Blue rang the doorbell. A few minutes later, Shan's mother came out of the house. "Blue, dear, why are you here? Don't you have class?" She asked. "Yes, auntie, but I got worried because she didn't tell me the reason why she's skipping class. I came here to check if everything's fine." Shan's mother smiled.

"Yes, dear. Everything's fine, it's just that her dog is gonna give birth. She doesn't wanna miss out the moment. She's busy upstairs, I guess that explains why she couldn't respond to you. Don't worry about it." Blue sighed in relief. Jeez, Shan really scared me. "Thank goodness, auntie. I got scared for a bit, well then, I wish for your dog a successful delivery. I'm going now, bye!" Blue bid her goodbye and ran to Bright who's waiting for her at the sidewalk.

"Jeez, I really thought something bad happened. It's just about their dog giving birth." Bright burst out laughing. "I'm sorry for laughing but I didn't expect that." Blue couldn't help but to laugh with him when she realized that it's kinda funny too. "Kidding aside, what made you think that something bad happened?" Blue sighed deeply before kicking some small rocks. "I'm just scared, maybe the childhood trauma that we've been through is still affecting me somehow. I couldn't help but to worry about parents getting a divorce and leaving their family torn apart." Having a broken family also means there will always be a part of you that's empty. And that space will forever be empty because it will always belong to the other parent.

Bright noticed the gloominess on her face. "Hang on in there, Blue. A long way to go doesn't mean you wouldn't reach your destination. You can recover from it, I believe in you. I realized that we shouldn't look for what's gone anymore. It's more important that somebody still stayed with us. Also, remember that we can be your family too." After hearing Bright's reassurance, Blue felt comfort in her chest. He surely knows how to make me feel at ease. "Likewise." She responded.

Bright smiled and glanced at his wristwatch. "Oh, shit! We're gonna be late. Come on, let's run!" He extended his hand and Blue took it in panic. They started dashing to make it before the morning ceremony, since Bright is tall and more athletic, running wasn't hard for him but Blue seemed to have a problem matching her pace with Bright. "Bright, my legs hurt because you run so fast! I think I'm going to scrape my knee!" Blue said in between huffs. "You won't Blue, just don't let go of my hand! Maintain your balance, alright? We're already near the school."

Blue held Bright's hand tightly because of her fear of scraping her knee. Her lower body hurts so much but she doesn't have the time to rest. After a few steps, they have reached the school lobby. Damn it, we made it. We still have 5 minutes before the ceremony. Gosh, I'm exhausted. "I'm freaking tired. Ugh, my lower body is giving up." She complained. Both of them were trying to regain their breaths. "H-hey, you can let go of my hand now." Blue's eyes widened when she noticed that she's still holding his hand. She let go of it in an instant and looked away because of embarrassment.

"Your face suddenly became red." He stated the obvious. I'm ashamed of myself, why didn't I let go? Why didn't I notice it?! "Ugh, it's because we ran, I'm exhausted." Blue tried to escape the moment but when she stood up, her knees became weak in an instant. Luckily, Bright's reflexes kicked in immediately and he caught her before she could fall. "I told you to sit down first, why are you trying to escape from me?" He carefully assisted her while she sat down.

"You're teasing me, that's why." Blue rolled her eyes. Bright couldn't help but smile at her reaction. He took out his handkerchief and wiped her sweat. "Wha- what are you doing?" Blue tried to stop him but Bright grabbed her both hands to prevent her from moving. "I'm wiping your sweat, don't move." Blue didn't have a choice but to remain still. Why is he always doing nice things to me? "It's embarrassing." Bright furrowed his brows when he heard what she said.

"What is?" He asked. "People are looking at us, especially the girls. They'll think that I'm their love rival or I'm a pathetic girl who's trying to seduce you." She said quickly without stuttering. When she realized what she said, she immediately covered her mouth. "Forget about what I said. You heard nothing." Bright giggled. "How cute." Blue felt her face went hot so she decided to escape once again. She successfully did it before Bright could see her red face.

"Jeez, you left me again!" Blue couldn't help but to laugh as she walked upstairs. She knew that Bright could pick up with her pace but she's still satisfied that escaped from him. "Yeah, but who left for 8 years, huh?" She rebutted, causing him to become silent. She already knew that Bright was pouting again behind her back. "I'm sorry, Blue. I really mean it, and I won't leave this time." Bright wrapped his arm around her shoulder and weighed her down.

"Aw, you're heavy! You're like an elephant." Blue poked Bright's stomach with her elbow. The two of them were confused when they entered their room because it didn't seem like everybody was preparing for the morning ceremony. "What about the morning ceremony? Isn't it time already?" Blue asked their classmate. "They announced earlier that we'll have it in the afternoon instead."

The two of them went to their seats and put their bags down. "Gosh, we ran for nothing! My lower body was tortured for nothing. I can't believe it." Blue complained once again. "Let's go to the cafeteria. I bet you're hungry." She agreed in an instant. After Blue got her wallet, the two of them went outside. "Oh, P'Moon. You surprised me, why are you here?" They saw P'Moon waiting outside the hallway. Bright's eyes squinted immediately.

"Ah, I heard the morning ceremony got called off so I was wondering if you want to have breakfast?" Bright clicked his tongue. "Ah, really? Uh.." Blue glanced at Bright which was rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. "Well, Bright and I were planning to go to the cafeteria.." She responded awkwardly. Bright on the other hand raised his eyebrows at P'Moon. "If you want.. you can come with us?" She added.

P'Moon smirked at Bright whose expression couldn't be painted. "Why did you let him tag along?" Bright whispered. "It's rude to leave him behind. Why are you opposing, by the way? He just wants to eat." She whispered back. Bright couldn't do anything but to place his hands on his waist. "You're Bright, correct?" P'Moon blurted out. "Yeah, you're Moon, I know.. Blue told me that." Bright answered grumpily.

"Hey, he's older than you." Blue corrected him. "Sorry, P'Moon." He apologized right away. "It's alright, you're her childhood friend, right?" Bright was surprised that he also knew about him. "Yeah, how did you know?" P'Moon laughed. "Of course, I'm her best friend too. She's been talking about you nonstop." Blue punched P'Moon's arm repeatedly. "Gosh, such a big mouth! You're just like Shan! She didn't hesitate to tell that in front of him. Jeez, the both of you always like to embarrass me."

P'Moon pinched her cheek. "I'm not embarrassing you, I'm just being honest." Bright didn't like that P'Moon is touchy-feely towards Blue. He understood that he's her best friend but he feels uncomfortable watching them. "What did she say about me?" He spoke to cut their moment off. "She said you're an ass for leaving her." He jokingly responded. Blue punched him again. "I never told you that. You really like to pick a fight, P'Moon. I won't back down, just so you know." P'Moon laughed.

"Just kidding, she never said that. She told me before that she's still hoping to see you again even after everything that has happened." Bright's heart fluttered. He realized that Blue's been telling her friends how she feels about him even if she's uncertain if she'll be going to see him again. "Why'd you expose me, P'Moon? He's going to boast around me now." She pouted.

"You're going to use the pout card again, Blue. You know that's my weakness, alright I'll stop now. Sorry, Bright. Can't talk about it anymore." Bright looked straight to hide his frustration. Are they really this close? Blue doesn't like it when I'm being touchy-feely towards her. Maybe, it's because we've been away from each other for too long? They arrived at the cafeteria in no time.

"What do you want to eat for breakfast?" Bright asked her. "She always eats stir-fried noodles with dumplings." P'Moon answered. Bright hid his face to roll his eyes. I'm getting annoyed at him. I didn't ask him yet he responded. "Sit down, Blue. I'll buy one for you." P'Moon suggested. Blue nodded and handed him the payment. After Blue left the two guys, Bright sighed deeply. "What's with the sigh?" Seriously? He's asking me that? Isn't it obvious or he's just playing dumb? "Are you showing off?" Bright asked blatantly. "Huh? What are you talking about? I'm not doing anything. Why are you so pressed? Jealous?"

Bright felt his heartbeat go faster. Jealous? Who? Me? Gosh, why would I be? "I'm not." He replied before he left to buy mixed fried rice. P'Moon followed him. "I'm going straight to the point, Nong. Do you like her?" What the hell is up with this guy? Why is he suddenly asking me if I like Blue? "You're creepy, P'Moon." Bright tried to avoid the question. Blue stared at the two guys who looked like they were talking about something controversial. What's with them? And why do I feel tension between them? "Answer me, it looks like you like her." P'Moon tried to ask him again.

"Jeez, P'Moon. Why are you so nosy? Maybe you're the one who likes her." Bright shook his head. "Yes, I do like her, that's why I'm asking you because if you like her too then I'm telling you I'm not the one who backs down easily." At that moment, Bright felt like time had stopped. What am I going to do? I'm not sure of what I feel but I'm really pissed at him right now. Even before Bright could utter a word, P'Moon left to approach Blue.

He stared at them and felt an ache in his chest but he shrugged it off. The three of them started eating their breakfast quickly so they won't be late for their first class. After they ate, they parted ways because P'Moon's classroom is located in the other building. "What were you talking about with P'Moon earlier? You two looked serious." Blue blurted out while they were walking upstairs.

"Oh, that.. That's nothing, he's just asking me not to leave you again and I said I won't." He lied and Blue believed it. "Hey, Blue.. how did you two meet and how many years have you been best friends with P'Moon?" Bright asked curiously. "Hmm, since my freshman year. Back then I was being bullied because I was a loner and I didn't like to socialize. P'Moon was a sophomore that time so he was considered as our upperclass man, he saved me from my perpetrators when they were trying to lock me up in a room. Ever since that day, P'Moon never left my side. But since he couldn't be with me all the time, he introduced me to his cousin, which turned out to be Shan, she was my classmate too that time but like me, she didn't like to socialize but we got along in the end." Damn it, so he's really important to her. He's her savior. Bright started to think deeply.

"Without them, I think I won't be able to recover so I'm grateful for them." She added. Bright felt guilty because he knew that he'd been a part of her painful past. "Sorry, I wasn't there." He said softly. Blue didn't hear it and proceeded to her seat.

The whole day Bright wasn't in his senses. He kept thinking about P'Moon and how close he is to Blue. He also thought about his own feelings, he's still kinda confused whether what others were saying is true that he likes Blue. He remembered his brother as well, he seems to like Blue too. My head is hurting because of this. Why does it seem like almost every guy that I encounter likes Blue? I, myself, am confused if I like her too but I'm getting worked up when somebody tells me that they like her.

"Bright, what are you thinking about? You seem lost in your thoughts since earlier." Bright didn't notice that the class ended already. "Oh, I'm just practicing our piece in my head. I tend to do that most of the time." He lied again. "Really? That's brilliant. I'll try to do that next time but for now, let's go the music room before P'Fun marks us late."

They both carried their guitar and proceeded to the music room. P'Fun smiled at them immediately as they entered inside. "My favorite couple is early." He welcomed them with a hug. "We're not a couple, P'Fun." Blue opposed. "Jeez, what a temper."

In a few minutes, the practice started. P'Fun chose the song Still Into You by Paramore to match the liveliness of the event while having a duet at the same time.

"I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you, I'm into you
And even baby on our worst nights
I'm into you, I'm into you
Let 'em wonder how we got this far,
'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all
Yeah after all this time
I'm still into you" The two of them both sang the chorus while looking at each other. They said that it's also important to maintain eye contact to enhance the impact. Why is this the song choice again? I feel like there's more to it when we sing it. Blue thought in her mind.

"Some things just, some things just make sense
And one of those is you and I
Some things just, some things just make sense
And even after all this time" Bright sang the last part before the last chorus. He stared at Blue while she's playing the electric guitar. Some things just make sense? You and I? Do we really make sense, Blue? He kept talking to her in his mind.

They looked at each other for the last time. "...'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all
Yeah after all this time
I'm still into you" As they sang the last chorus, their gaze upon each other shows that the song has a deeper meaning in it. "Good work, everyone! All of you did great. A round of applause for yourselves!" P'Fun gave his last reminder before sending everyone home.

It became a routine for the two to go home together. While they were walking side by side, Bright couldn't stop thinking of the song they practiced. I really didn't pay attention to the song lyrics before. Why does it scream so much meaning now? Did I really like you before? And just like the song lyrics, after all this time, am I still into you?

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